Medical advice

I stretched wrong and felt a sharp pain in my belly button, later that night i noticed some blood around the outside of mr belly button, now about a day later i notice this pink thing that stings if i touch it. Am i dying and what could it be?

Attached: Screenshot_20180426-195016.jpg (1080x1232, 687K)

Other urls found in this thread:,UmbilicalHernia?source=images


So what would need to be done?

If it helps at all it always looks wet and smells pretty gross

You have a parasite, that's its breathing appendage. Put duct tape over your belly button for the next few days to suffocate it. Then you need to drink a cup of vinegar every night before bed for at least 3 weeks. The acetic acid will break down its body and soon the pain will stop.

What is it called?,UmbilicalHernia?source=images

You may have an umbilical hernia. Go to the er

I just did some surfing and i am not quite sure that it is the same thing. It is like a perfect cone

go to a doctor is the only thing that comes to mind unless you live in america were healthcare is expensive

At this stage of growth, it can be hard to discern among members of the genus Mentula, but if you're in the United States, especially the southeastern US, the most likely candidate is Mentula nigrum. Have you been wading in any brackish water recently?

Looks at the very least like you have a fungal infection, consistent with the area being wet and smelling bad. At worst it's probably an infection and of course an infection can kill you if your body hasn't been able to keep it down.

So go to a doctor asap.

Man up and dig that shit out with a knife. Douse it in rubbing alcohol and go to town on it. If its a critter then it's fucking dead and it its a fungal infection then you've done your own surgery.

Time to man up.

I am in the waiting room now. I live in canada, so i am set

dear god where because I thought the only bonus to my 8 month winters was no parasites

True that. We are just now finnally getting spring near the border

Thank god you aren't the typical retard on here who won't go and see about a problem.

Let us know what the doctor thinks, I'm interested to know what this is too.

Same desu

Any updates OP?

Not yet. Just sitting in a bed in the er waiting. We have a shortage on doctors here so it might be a while. My belly button stinks like shit though. Like my eyes are watering

Op better deliver

just got back from hospital. Doctor says he has never seen anything like it. He took some pictures told me it didnt look loke an infection, it isint part of my innards and wont go back inside me no matter how many times he tried. He sent my sheet to a surgeon and told me to keep it clean and put pollysporin on it and they would get back to me

Attached: 20180426_230355.jpg (4608x3456, 3.64M)

yikes. i hope it's nothing too serious. hope you can keep us updated

It is part of skin so this thing was inside me all along i guess

Its wet, smells like shit, hurts, and they're just going to shrug their shoulders? What the fuck?

They said it could take about a week to get back to me so i probably will have to make a new thread. I will use a picture of my deformed belly button so you guys know its me when the time comes

Socialized medicine, it never works. Here in America we actually have trained doctors who know how to diagnose and treat issues.

I personally know the doctor i had, as i live in a small town, and he is really good. He has helped a number of people in my life

Did they take bloods to check for infection?

Shit I guess so. Get what you pay for?

No but he said it didnt look infected, but he has me using pollysporin just incase

Could it have been a bite of some sort?

Definetly not. I scratched my stomach while stretching and felt a sharp pain. I put my finger in my belly button te check the damage and it felt like something was out of place under the skin on the side just near the enerance that kinda moved when i bumped it. Later the next day that pink thing showed up

Sounds like a yeast infection.

Check, slight hernia which lead to yeast infection because of the increase in moisture.

Thats what my mom thinks it might be

Reminder about the American health system

I've been scrolling over this thread like 3 times an just now realized it's not an asshole in the op. Thought he broke his boypussy

>lol im an canada so I dont have to pay
>not enough doctors to see him today

nope its his insides poking out. not a result of fungus or parasites, it's a result of tearing skin that already had a fairly weak hold