Who wil win the Culture War? USA, China, Islam or Russia?

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I had't thought of them. I'll make a note of it.

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le based MAGApede xD!

>Culture War
you kids have funny concepts.
america is most savage in culture.

Islam already won in Russia

Putin's a high level player.

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America already won. Islamic countries had to force themselves to go back to the stone age just to regain their identity, but it's too late, the entire world is americanized and there's nothing you can do to stop it

>Who wil win the Culture War?
Currently I'd rank it USA, Japan, Britain as far as modern world wide cultural influence goes. The USA and Japan are much higher because both actively export their culture all over the world, and this culture is then willingly consumed.

Tough as says a lot of what Americans export as Culture is heavily pozzed by the Juice.

None of the above.
>Jew culture
wtf is that?

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>america is most savage in culture.
thats exactly why american culture is so popular right now.

Fucking tribalism lvl shit

I rat american culture like a pig at the troth but I don't like Trump who I see as unamerican.


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Gonna say either Jews or the poos, because it rhymes. Also because poos seem to have subverted Islam in their country.

poos think toilets are for eating out of.

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Opinion discarded

I prefer to keep my origin hidden because I think it might affect the debate.

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So you're a jew?

At this rate, probably China.
USA is internally divided, Russia is too poor, Israel can be deleted with a single rogue nuke.
China? They’re unified and constantly expanding.

Dude just show it no one cares really. Also I always like seeing RARE flag occurrences.

Is not important, sweden

>At this rate
you're watching too much anime, bro-bro.

Correct answer. They're the only winners in all this.

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You forgot the EU


>Dude just show it no one cares really.
nice trolling attempt breh. EVERYONE HERE IS OBSESSED WITH FLAGS

Fuking shiite

the eu is coming apart

China is also not interested in expanding culturally, you're all Yi (foreigners/barbarians) and who cares what are occupied with.

One True Faith type of thing is what Christians expect to happen to them, but which may as well not.

Are you a mid eastern or African? We'd dont care dude. Hell id love it if you're flag was somalia or ghana. Meme flags are gay

Be proud of your heritage buddy. Id rather have a nigerian who is proud of his nationality than a coward who's ashamed to be indian cause of all the poo jokes

The Jews

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It's not every thread I want to show my flag. It can be disruptive at times.

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Israel is dependent on the USA

Just show it man. Im interested in where your from now. I have a feeling it's Israel and your ashamed cause of all the antisemitism

Who would win in a culture war.
Discussion in English.
Whelp, enjoy your debate guys! I’m going to have a cup of tea.

Guess this will just have to be one of those unsolved mysteries in your life, aanon.

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What's that supposed to mean?

Dream on, Israel

Only an Israeli would say that, Mordechai.

How many shit countries can Germany carry?


it's obviously russia / china at this point, you mutts didn't even try

Nah Turks are blatantly proud of who they are. Latinos, Israelis and Indians cower the most on here.

RUS/CHIN isn't one unified block, germany.


look up Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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Europe. No, seriously. Every time Europe has been genuinely threatened they've put aside their rivalries and stood against the enemy. It'll just happen again.

europe doesn't even know its strength yet, lots of forces trying to divide and errode us, including you guys

>The EU

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Any European on this board who actually thinks Americans control anything are completely retarded. The United States doesn't even exist anymore, it's literally just a jewish colony that exports jew culture and defends jews in jew wars. All the decent Americans have no idea what's going on and have no power whatsoever. Whenever America makes a geopolitical move, you should see it as Israel making that move. Really the culture war is Jews vs. Europe vs. Islam. Chinks have no culture because of Mao, and the rest of Asia is going to be all 80 years old by 2100. Europe, Islam, and Jews are the only 3 cultures that are relevant.

>Jews control USA.
You don't seriously believe that shit, do you?

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EU is fed by the central bank buying time for lazy politicians, Draghi already saved the Eurozone once. The construct EU is flawed but with no alternative so it needs to be fixed. Whenever you hear somebody talk about the separation of EU and Europe and tries to shill us into separate nationalistic entities it ususally means that somebody is actively attacking our bloc.

Shut up kike, Europe has fought off the Moors, they've fought off the Caliphate, they've fought off the Mongols, and the Persians, and the Carthaginians, etc. They've fought you off too, and they'll do it again.

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You don't seriously not believe that shit, do you?

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it's probably a russian troll

Read the culture of critique

Also read The International Jew

b-b-but he's secretely /ourguy/

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Also look into this.

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>name another country who has military bases in nearly all first world country’s and still not seem like an intruder

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If the jews wanted, they could have assassinated putin without anyone knowing.



>This is bait but I don't care.
Those moronic collages with pics and wiki quotes make you look retarded.

I can't mate. Don't worry, we're totally not an empire that's exporting feminism and multiculti to decent Europeans.

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Nigger you seriously don't know about the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act? Holy shit how new are you?

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The EU is fully capable of collapsing in on itself without American help.

go fuck yourself

Well if something decent can be fucked up, then the jews who run this country will do their damndest to fuck it up.

I think the real battle is between Japan and Islam.

Lol, stay mad Kike.

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Kek. Look at how he has to resort to pictures of his friend in Washington.

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If jews are such masterminds, how come they got the short stick in the 40s?


Not if you kill America. What the Jew fails to see is that a brown America is not as easily controlled as they would like to think. Look at the anti-semitic freshman House members. All brown. America will become South Africa/Brazil tier but with nukes. Scary to think about. We are the only ones right now who would or could swoop in to rescue them. Once white America loses control you will see violent changes throughout the world.

>South Africa with nukes.

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Ahahaha and this red clown was afraid to meet Putin because Syrian air defenses shot down an Israeli bomber.

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USA. All the other three secretly envy your awesomeness. Please, don't be awful, be more awesome. We like admiring you more than hating for all the shit you also do. For example, legalize weed, you had no business banning this magnificient plant globally.
Any of those three could win many points in the Cultrue War if they legalized weed, but they obey your will and quarrell only to show off before their sheeple.

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They're absolutely fucked in the US. Their own Ashkenazi schizophrenia and hatred of white conservatives will ultimately destroy them. They could have controlled the world if they engineered the JewSA into an evangelical nation but they've horrendously fucked it up. US Jews have massive intermarriage rates, low birth rates and rely on their boomer generation to maintain power. Just look at Soros' heirs and how fucking stupid they are.Zionism will still persist in Israel for a long time though until a true Caliph emerges.

What are you talking about? Jews won the world in the 1940's. They now control every facet of western civilization, and they actually got a nation a la Israel. Sure, some Jews died, but overall they got themselves a nation and the mythos of white guilt began. Again, if you're really this new then read The Culture of Critique. Seriously. If you're a subversive then fuck off.

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Also look into the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. The Frankfurt School never would've happened had Germany not persecuted the Marxist Jews. The only reason they were even able to come here is because our government let them in once they started dying in Germany, and they all came to the University of Columbia in New York and that's where the anti-white parade began.

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This is all still public information.

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For now at least.

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But probably not for much longer.

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>culture war
jewish play on words, there is no culture war, culture is malleable and subversive. you can never win playing their games

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Depends on the country. Most of central and west Europe is pretty Americanized sadly. East Europe will split between the west and Russian influence. Australia will be pretty split between Asia (China and Japan) and America, like a hapa culture.
America will always stay America, for better or worse.


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