NASA releases photos of Mars

What do you guys think? Some of these are gorgeous.

Attached: 6a00d8341bf7f753ef01bb08adae7b970d.jpg (600x317, 13K)

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now THAT'S what I call politics


Why does it look like computer graphics?

Devon Island looks great this time of year

Anybody that's believes anything from NASA is a retarded faggot

The Earth is flat
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

Please notice the blonde girl on the President's right side. When he says the word "cheat" her eyes light up and betray her inner emotions.

Attached: 1533047666666.jpg (2352x3081, 2.17M)

Because that's what it is.

thanks for including the fbclid parameter

Why does every picture of planets look fake? Is it just a meme that we are spending billions on space industry that is just a really big money laundering scheme for corrupted politicians I mean you can constantly ask money for the program saying it's for a good cause

Attached: [email protected] (700x700, 116K)

because the pictures are probably captured by cameras or sensors and then NASA fills in the blank

Attached: mars-sand-dunes-mro-hirise-nasa-university-arizona.jpg (2400x1800, 929K)

>starting your article with a fake photo
It's like these guys purposefully try to trigger you flat Earth fucking retards

There’s a fucking lake on mars?

Attached: E88CE04D-EE61-4DED-8752-4864ECE4F3A6.gif (480x270, 2.26M)

Is that liquid water?

Go back to /ptg/ cunt.

Attached: mars blue sky.jpg (1279x1527, 304K)

Attached: 1522286100148.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

Attached: 1521595073203.jpg (716x812, 160K)

(((Dunes in a Martian crater. The red bar is an artifact of NASA’s image processing:)))

Give me a fucking break.

So they went to some oceanic region in the Caribbean, took a bunch of photos of the sand and beach...did HDR and then..

>Look Muh Mars Photos.

Thats some pretty good CGI right there.

Attached: pepe brushing teeth.jpg (713x809, 67K)

It looks as if they just took a heightmap and slapped a low quality texture on it.

this was earth back then

fyi a lot of these images are in negative colorations

I like how OP has successfully baited like half a dozen people by posting a fake pic instead of one of the ones in the article itself.

Pic related. It's Europe's attempt to play American

Attached: file.png (800x600, 755K)

Looks to me like Trump is going along with the narrative proudly and perpetuating a lie and bullshitting the american people. He knows that we have not gone to the moon or any such thing, yet he continues to push the narrative.

Looks like an asshole

flat earth is a pysop created by jews. Earth is hollow and so are all planets. centripetal force at the center of the hollow earth combined with gravity, and earth's magnetic force pushes the land into a hollow landspace.

Attached: Hollow_Earth.jpg (785x400, 153K)

It's a "what if" picture that's totally CGI, mate.
Click the article to see the real photos dummy

There's at least one subglacial lake that we know of. But liquid lakes, on the surface, no. Not anymore at least.

>challenges OP with pic of bellybutton instead

Attached: 1541605511885.jpg (996x1528, 738K)

OPs pic was the first fucking pic of the article
Are you retarded again user?

Attached: 763FB785-CF81-4984-8ED8-B4D6F10C715F.gif (1000x563, 3.59M)

Nice CGI

That's the photo they provided in the article

There’s glaciers on mars?

Attached: D67CA2BF-25B8-4FCA-9BEC-6A1A64C61567.gif (620x349, 2.24M)

Terrain could have been generated from a heightmap

Attached: Sc2wB.jpg (2048x2048, 166K)

That's Trump confirming that outer space exists.

Space being for corrupt politician doesn't have to be flat earth theory there is space we don't know if we can trust the sources coming in saying we went there

Nice work (((Disney)))

Attached: 1543421392153.webm (720x480, 817K)

Go to 4:08 of the video.

Oops meant to quote:

Attached: Nikon P900 Mars Luminary.webm (960x720, 993K)

I got it from nasa

Attached: DB18C37F-8668-45EA-9E93-08F67E42EC63.jpg (400x275, 53K)

Looks like Space Engine got a recent patch.

This guy gets it

Attached: 18706ED3-AF2F-4DB6-A57A-CF8A1114DD16.jpg (960x565, 79K)

erfs flat. nuff sed

NASA is bullshit...

>The arrows
I don't get it

fake and gay

The sky is blue...

So a museum got scammed, big deal


We’re in hell

blue skies on mars????

Yeah I noticed your filename...I want to know what the bottom red arrow is doing.

It's not pointing at the sky.

>@ 4:08
Yeah... I’ve tested that myself.. good times..

Attached: 908F4F1B-7280-4CEA-AD1B-F95F24B7887E.gif (484x311, 991K)

That is very obviously petrified wood

why does it look worse than computer graphics from 2006?

pointing at the womans shocked face.

Attached: 1515467785150.png (612x721, 539K)

whats with all the scientist dying recently?

Attached: Nasa scientist dying.jpg (950x1871, 393K)

retarded and bluepilled.

Flat earths not “crazy” it’s just so easy to disprove you’d have to be a borderline retard to take it seriously

that time the cgi wasnt rending in time

Attached: earth CG.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

This looks like it's from Command and Conquer Generals

Attached: AnnFrankTatoo.jpg (1352x710, 297K)

You won't be able to disprove shit after the muslims bomb Israel and kill you all.

it must be horrible to live in a permanent state of paranoia where everything is fake and gay
>b-but my joo my joo my joolie
imagine thinking you're the master race while looking like this

Attached: 5822768-6357677-image-m-32_1541492342772.jpg (962x668, 118K)

Your brain is flat.

Attached: 1543455152049.jpg (252x200, 9K)

Attached: 1519979639457.jpg (1662x1848, 3.4M)

woah look at me im in space

Attached: 1494785235988.gif (320x240, 3.63M)

Attached: 1534180984964.jpg (1996x2660, 2.98M)

on set

Attached: 1511584439043.png (732x543, 527K)

Did you seriously have to use the one fake photo in the OP? That's a CGI used by the news article. Literally any other picture would actually be of Mars.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-29 NASA Has Just Released 2,540 Stunning New Photos of Mars.png (801x162, 7K)

>Oy vey, i the goyim don't belive my flat earth bullshit anymore.

>NASA would never lie to us

Still no good explanation for this one
Fucking spacekikes man

Why the bad quality?

look at this highly sophisticated technology to keep the vacuum of space out of the ISS

Attached: Bendable Door In Space.webm (720x576, 733K)

>camera pans up
lmao. what a load of shit

Because NASA adds that ugly-as-fuck red filter on top of every single Mars picture it has ever released to kill the contrast on everything so it all looks like random rocks, and probably reduces their quality too so most non-natural formations and debris cannot be properly appreciated.

And of course they airbrush it whenever there's something blatantly artificial.

Attached: Captura de pantalla_2018-11-29_21-50-26.png (990x593, 481K)

nazis and flat earthers have allowed their paranoia
for the government to completely fuck their brains
up they can now only think in 2d form

whats going on here, photoshop noob at work

Attached: 1503578268518.jpg (2048x2048, 797K)

Attached: Nikon Coolpix P1000 SUPER ZOOM TEST to Mars.webm (960x540, 1.66M)


what about our rodent friend

Attached: PIA16204 (2).jpg (414x234, 67K)

They kept it and still display it as a artifact of NASA bullshit..

Attached: DCF2CBAC-A6CC-40C1-8BF1-63D0A63E6876.gif (344x203, 834K)

looks like a final fantasy 8 cut scene

Attached: 1486695125359.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

what the fuck

NASA is covering up ancient ruins from an alien (or possibly human) civilization

NASA never a straight answer

i strongly suspect that money is being funneled into a real space program much more advanced then the fake cgi crap made for public consumption.

I never understood why burgers were Always obsessed About "proving" how the moon Landing was a Hoax or the earth flat.

wtf is this real? source?

>I never understood why burgers were Always obsessed About "proving" how the moon Landing was a Hoax or the earth flat.
Because reality is a lie.

Crazy isn't the same thing as retarded.

Oh shit I was in that NASA stream when it happened. Admin said it was due to reflection or something.

Who was operating the camera? NASA is full of shit.