
What comes to mind when you think of royalty?

Attached: British crown.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Strange fetishes.
Seriously, so many strange fetishes among royals, i'd be surprised if we don't have like at least a few princes lurking around here, maybe a young king...

Only cuck countries have royal families

They were once upon a time a family that was better at war than the other families. Therefore they say that God gave them the right to rule.


Beyonce and Cardi B

Honorable mentions: Niki Minaj and the Kardashians.

degenerates who got rekt by kikes
basically failed and lost Europe to capitalist sociopaths and jews

That's royalty to you?

to me they are in the fact that they need to be put under a guillotine

Rasberry ripple icecream