
Girlfriend wants me to stop smoking weed.
Im smoking it like 10 times per month. When i ask her why, she says Im not 19 anymore (im 28).
Is that normal?

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Yes you fucking loser

There are plenty of people your age who still smoke pot. Not sure about 10 times a month, but as long as it's not affecting your personal life you should be fine. I would ask your gf if that's the reason she has a problem with you smoking.

*real reason

If it doesn't affect how you function, which it might, you haven't told us yet, then she can sod off.

Stop smoking beacuse it's just not good for you.

I don't smoke pot myself, but as someone who knows people who do, that amount doesn't sound particularly high to me. That being said, I think it's pretty traditional for girls to try to break men out of habits they disapprove of. My ex-gf was always trying to get me to cut down on drinking. However, it's weird to me that her reason for you stopping was kind of an insult. My ex always said she was just concerned about what I was doing to my body and concerned that I was getting addicted, which made me want to compromise and drink less. Your girl sounds a bit controlling to me, mate.

She's right. You should stop. It's a disgusting habit.

Yes, loser.

My sister divorced her husband after 20 years because all he wanted to do after work was smoke weed and lay around the house. Guy had his own fairly successful auto mechanic shop too.

Weed is for losers. Nothing wrong with that. If you're a loser it makes you feel a little better about it. But if you're not a loser it also often turns you into one. Seen it dozens of times.

>successful auto mechanic shop

What the fuck does your sister do?

Yes, it's about time you grew up.

Weed makes me lazy, but it also makes the existentiallu mind numbing work load of diligence a lot easier to cope with.

Like all things go for balance, and only stop smoking weed if you want to. Your gf is not your owner.

I'd rather sit at my house, smoke weed and rest my body after all the pain of being a mechanic produces. Then sit all night at a bar with drunk assholes. Meh, each to their own. And your sister is prob a bitch.

People that smoke arent the best to be around. My friend started doing it and pretty much around that time we stopped hanging out.

Weed is bad news for your brain. That said, try to tell her to stop plastering on makeup and stay off her iphone uploading selfies. Her reaction should clue you in.

>business owner
The doublethink is strong with this one

26M Here. I had a similar thing with my ex.

She demanded that I stop. She didn't ask, she demanded. I was like "FUCK NO".

Sometime later we broke up. I just naturally slowed up my consumption and realised I was smoking so much to deal with her BS. I barely smoke now. (maybe 3-5 times a month)

>mfw if I stopped when she demanded, we would have broken up sooner.

I asked her why she wanted me to stop later down the track. She straight up said, she didn't really have a problem with it, it was her friends. Ask your girl, it might surprise you what she has to say.

Fuck girl logic and girl peer pressure. I swear its worse than men.

Dump her. A man that lets his bitch control him, its not a man at all. Now its just the weed, but later it will be going to a high school friends night (you are not included), and later will be her friend from high school Jamal calling her out to a drinking night to remember good old times while you stay in home like a dog waiting for your master to come back. In other words you are becoming a cuck.

Unless it's negatively effecting your life, tell her to fuck off. I had an ex bf try to do the same. Smoking weed daily was the first time I was able to get straight As in my entire life, and at university no less. meanwhile he was drinking multiple beers daily with a growing beer gut and trying to say I'm the one who needed help. Yeah, he's an ex bf now. Currently 28, still smoke daily

I swapped alcohol for pot and it was the best call of my life.

Look if you check out with this list then you can honestly tell your girl to go fuck herself

>Have a job and make enough to live on comfortably
>Spend time with your girl, taking her out, going to social events or parties once in a while

There is absolutely no reason for her to be demanding that, and while there ARE some "LMAO 420 BLAZE IT FAGGOT" kind of people out there i would like to think you are not one of them. If she has a problem with it tell her to deal with it, she should not demand anything from you besides your company and affection.

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Is it having a bad effect on the relationship or your productivity? If not, then she shouldn't be telling you to stop.

I have dated a guy who smoked every single waking moment and that was a bit bad because he didn't get anything done (and ultimately was using it to cover up his mental health issues), but you only smoke 10 times a month. That's not a lot.

If it's in moderation and doing you or the others around you no harm then no one has the right, not even your girlfriend, to tell you to stop.

She probably just cant properly describe to herself why she hates not being pregnant yet. Must be the weed. Maybe shes just stupid amd telling you what her friends told their siblings. Certain they dont to their bfs that way as far as she knows.

36 years old here.

Weed, and drugs and alcohol in general, are not a one size fits all. It really depends how you handle it, but you need to be able to look at yourself objectively when determining that.

I'll take myself as an example. I smoke weed on occasion. I usually keep it for the weekends. It can liven up an afternoon, but it can also make me severely depressed. I'm ready for both outcomes, and can handle it.

On the other hand, I don't drink. This is a personal decision, that most people my age don't ascribe to. I can definitely handle alcohol, although I have been black out drunk on occasion. But I choose not to drink. I don't like how the alcohol makes me feel the next morning, and I don't enjoy it.

I will note that weed has been vilified in history and some of the animosity towards this herb still exists today, even if in many ways it is exaggerated or unfounded. This will probably change when marijuana inevitably becomes legal throughout the united states.

In sum, your life is your own, and only you know exactly how certain reagents affect you. It is also your right to strive for activities that bring you happiness. If weed relaxes you, inspires you, and allows you to be pensive in a way that is fruitful for you, you should go ahead and continue. You can explain this to your girlfriend, but don't let her dictate how you should lead your life. Remember, if you give her an inch, she'll take a mile, and begin to harass you on other aspects of your life that you may enjoy as well.

>is that normal?
It's common enough to not be abnormal.

Your gf gives you the reason to quit smoking because you're not 19 anymore. Use that as a starting point to maybe understand her and evaluate yourself too.

How has smoking impacted your life and how does it today? Have you lost jobs or turned down jobs or opportunities? Ever get into legal trouble? Do you neglect responsibilities when smoking or to go smoke? Spend money you really can't afford to on smoking or too much time buying/smoking/hanging with people you don't really want to?
Are you satisfied with where you are in life and with how you have grown in the last 10 years?
Overall you need to decide if you are happy with your life and if not decide what you aren't happy with and why you aren't happy. You may need to quit or cut back smoking, drop your girl, or maybe just eat more vegetables. There are compromises in life but you also have to be yourself.

You smoke 10 times a month, you a weekend warrior or sort of every few days? Just curious.