Stop having democracy

Stop having democracy.

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y-yes my dear kaiser but what about the jews?

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Jow Forums is 100% deluded in thinking they can do something when a country full of angry germans got assraped for trying kek

>Stop having democracy.

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All Hail Generalissimo Trump

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WILHELM, this is your grandmother; the motherfucking Queen of England. Now listen to me you little cunt, wot wot wots all this eh about you walking up and down these fine folk with your cock out? What did the good doctor say boy about the devils handshake by jove, first you go blind, then your unmentionables go black, ejaculate pure lice and plague, then the whole sordid mess drops right off. Luckily my dear prince Albert though afflicted with this vile and unsumptious condition cannot affect thy queen for my vagina is huge and royal good heavens.

But listen to me you little shit if ((((((Benjamin Disraeli)))))) mentions once more of your frequent aquaintance with Rosy Palms and her five sisters I, befitting this great nation of fish and chips will throw you in a Black Maria and send you to fucking Australia. Try waxing your moustache with an indigenous spear up your arse you lame-armed little cunt. Ooohhhh good heavens I have gone right red in the face I 'ave, so ashamed I am to have such dissapointement in me life :;( Oh well, off to tottenham courts for a day at the races and a pint of gin eh guv ;)

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Willy did nothing wrong.

Stop wearing participation trophies on your jacket.

But the German Empire did have a democracy. The Kaiser just had total veto power.

back when you had to kill a slav or dirty frenchman in combat to get a ribbon not just sit on your ass and have "good behavior"


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If only...but Willy was a rather bad example.

>some day he will rise from his grave and lead the Reich to greatness again

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All I'm asking is, let's just have some standards.

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cuck stache

>TFW you will never heroically charge a line of infantrymen using lances as you cut them down, allowing your infantry to capture their trenches; being given a medal for your bravery
Why live?

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Trump is a jewish puppet

Nigger opinions are irrelevant

Willy is a great guy. Just a little autistic, that's all.

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Stop having muscular spasms, Kaiser.


Even more important is to stop having republics

Only if another german leader asks.

Better to try and die than live like a pussy faggot

Upon hearing the German conquest of Poland, Lowlands, Denmark, Norway, and France,
>"The hand of God is creating a new world & working miracles... We are becoming the U.S. of Europe under German leadership, a united European Continent." He added: "The Jews are being thrust out of their nefarious positions in all countries, whom they have driven to hostility for centuries." "My Fuhrer, I congratulate you and hope that under your marvelous leadership the German monarchy will be restored completely."

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And now with Merkel controlling the EU, and the EU army..

Ther german lust for power is never satiated.