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And this will change nothing

o man shes getting chunkier and jewessyer.

give her a few more years and she'll have gone full sheila

Holy shit she got fat as hell. How old is she

i love that belly and the hips
remove her head and i can easily run a batch
what i mean is her face ruins it


This is so cringe.

She really let herself go.

The wall came early for her


Damn it doesn’t take long does it

Fuck Laura loomer and fuck twitter

she said earlier twitter and fb will ban you for posting scientific truth.

I hope this takes Twitter down

I she wearing a SV?

That's real cringe. I work next to the building at square. twitter employees are mostly asian/indian programmers who couldn't care less about american politics and the actual decision makers at twitter don't even go to the office physically because the entrance is too public and there are too many homeless

She's jew. This is pretty good for a female jew.

Holy fuck just leave her there until she shits and pisses all over herself

I hope she used a counterfeit pair of cuffs and not some S&W shit so that when the police come to arrest her they can't fit their key to turn her cuffs undone

She makes us look so bad. I hate her.

fatbitch really likes twitter dont she?

Lol I hope she has to spend the night and some homeless guy rapes her

love her new jeff the killer look

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A fitting title for this would be "The State of modern, westernized society: summarized with a still and a caption"

However, giving her the benefit of the doubt, which i do in most situations that i dont know the backstory about (however im also very reluctant to give it to her, in this situation) is that shes not protesting because SHE IS BANNED OFF TWITTER, but shes protesting the REASON she is banned.

However, either way, unless shes protesting how she tweeted the cure for cancer and all of a sudden got banned, shes....prostesting, albeit extremely, from being banned from social media ;D

Jews enjoy that sort of thing, though.

twitter can unironically ban whoever it wants. don't americans understand freedom?

> (((Laura Loomer)))

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>what i mean is her face ruins it
Still better looking than Lauren Southern.

She's a 21yo boomer

Anons in the area, go move her shit bucket so it's just out of reach.

I would cum on her nose

any working stream?

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what a excellent example of a mentally ill jewish woman being given a platform guessed it...other mentally ill jews

how long are we going to let this go. this is kindergarten shit in a MAGA hat calling itself a republican because it voted for the first time in its life in 2016.

fuck jews

jewesses age particularly terribly


Thots gonna thot