1. The USA will abstain from the world and stop keeping the world order
2. Nukes will proliferate, and they're likely to be used, but not in the US and not by the people you're thinking about, but by countries threatened with destruction if they don't: "you use nuclear weapons when you are in a fight you can't win conventionally... that's not iran, that's not china... that's japan, that's korea, that's saudi arabia, that's ukraine, that's sweden..."
3. Wars will happen, like a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a war on the eurasian fringe between Russia and a coalition of brits, germans, poland and scandinavians and a war between the four asian powers, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, as they try and fail to keep fulfill their energy needs in a world without US protection
4. Chyna is being collaborative because they want to get as rich as possible while the american world order is still going on.
5. The countries that will benefit greatly from the end of the US' world order are France, Turkey, Japan and Argentina, which can sustain themselves in their own regions and affect their surroundings.
Are peter zeihan's predictions correct?
Other urls found in this thread:
a more direct video youtube.com
will you keep the army?
This is nonsense. I'm sick of reading predictions like that.
France is not going to profit from anything. This is as plausible as Kongo becoming super power #1, and for the exactly same reason.
France looks like they are about to devolve into tribal warfare. How are they going to do anything if they can’t even control their own streets?
Its weird, because its like Trump is putting into motion everything he is predicting. Or is it the case this would happen regardless?
Why not? The US is going to still want to be able to deter threats, so it's more like the US military will just not grow in size.