I was talking to a girl who said she was "raped"...

I was talking to a girl who said she was "raped". I didn't believe her so I started taunting her and shit for it (not my best moment).

Now she is saying she has been planning to kill herself. Just in case she is being serious, I tried to talk her down and gave her the suicide hotline.

Can I get into trouble for what I said before she said she was suicidal?

Attached: Ed4LdEW.jpg (600x315, 14K)

No texts? No calls? No witnesses?

Nobody cares

Only if it's on camera. Great job being a cunt anyway though.

It was over text on whisper.

yep, legal issues could occure if she kills herself.

Well what should I do then? I'm still trying to talk her out of it.

Yer fucked mate.

I don't know this girl at all. She could be across the country.

Plus I quit the second she said she was suicidal.

well for once in your life you could actually care about another human being than yourself and try to befriend her.


you're such a great person

I just assume girls trying to talk about rape on whisper are lying. She still could be.

It's your businesses if you assume so, but why all this taunting and bullying? Why do you even care if she was lying or not?

What do you mean my businesses?

There are a couple of girls I sext with that have been raped that likes it. I started to get off on it myself

It is possible she is lying

but you don't know either way.
This doesn't redeem you for being a shitty person, it just means that maybe you didn't really hurt someone.

user, you sound criminally retarded. Maybe next time just don't taunt people whom you don't know well enough to deem honest for their possible traumatic experiences to get your rocks off, you idiot.

I've apologized to her and she is still talking. I'm just doing small talk with her now.

>I didn't believe her so I started taunting her and shit for it
I would tell every girl I know to stay away from you. Who made you god that you get to bully you piece of shit.


whether she is lying or not is irrelevant, alot of people lie about being raped because they believe that will make others take them seriously. So really what happened was someone telling you" take me seriously" and you were like " do u like mudkips?" and now she is threatening suicide which is the step up to scream "TAKE ME SRSLY". she is probably lying, but it's not worth pushing it, just listen to her story, take her seriously, you will both get bored or she will go back into self esteem issues and will get butthurt and leave u alone if u dont compliment her. so step 1 - take her seriously, step 2 - do NOT compliment her, step 3- put this behind u and maybe learn something.. shit people say isnt as important as what they mean.

You probably aren't guilty of anything legally speaking. So go out and continue being an asshole. I hope a motherfucking truck hits you and leaves in the middle of the street for dead with a broken pelvis.

>all the seething cunts itt
You'll be fine OP

I got her to block me (in a nice way).

That deletes the chat on her phone. Am I in the clear?

>I was talking to a girl who said she was "raped". I didn't believe her so I started taunting her and shit for it (not my best moment).
No shit.
If it was sent via any electronic method and she kills herself, it will lead straight back to you.
You're fucked if she kills herself, it's not freedom of speech, your family will want nothing to do with you and you will be unpopular in prison.

Edit nvm. She's just saying shit like "maybe you can be the final push to get me to do it".

I don't know what to do.

Why am I responsible though? She was suicidal before we talked and I quit once I heard she was really fucked up.

Because you harassed her. If she kills herself and one of her last messages will be that you're her final push good luck dealing with incoming shit

I didn't harrass her, she told me to back off a couple times and I did.

And the last messages is me trying to talk her out of it.

Statistically speaking
a. she most likely was raped
b. you're most likely not going to get into trouble

wise up, man. rape, murder, and all sorts of things actually exist in the adult world.

>I didn't harrass her
>I started taunting her and shit

51% of women or more don't get raped, fuckwit.

Considering she told OP she was raped, the likelihood that she was raped is probably higher than the bare average. You have 0% place to comment on my wit or lack thereof.

>I didn't harass her
>told me to back off a couple times

Dude, quit trying to snake your way out of this. You pushed a girl to suicide and now you have to face the consequences.

I hope she puts your name in the note you piece of shit

The first time it was about the content of what I was saying. The second time it was cause I was being pushy and I wanted her to message back fast. She isn't even mad or anything at me. Like I'd like to just be her friend at this point, but I am afraid of the messages I sent and I am trying to get her to block me.

This is a random girl over the internet. She doesn't know who I am.

You still can be traced, most likely

Tell me how to fix it

offer to have sex with the girl

Rape her

What if you push her to the edge and see what happens?

Did she give any context? Was she a partygoer?
If you just decided to insult her without any reason other than her claim, then you should feel bad. Although you won't get into trouble for it unless you directly told her to kill herself, and even then it would have to be shown that you had premeditated, malicious intent to cause her reaction. And that's not likely if you tried to talk her down.

Supposedly it was her dads friend was over and snuck into her room when she was drunk. The dad figured out and beat the shit out of him.

>snuck into her room when she was drunk
>she was drunk
Yeah, I call bullshit, I doubt that any "rape" occurred. Based dad, though.

Probably is. I'm trying to add her on Kik to be her friend and she is just being difficult.



All these assblasted cunts acting like she's actually gonna kill herself. Here's a protip: if someone (especially a girl) says they're gonna kill themselves, they're most likely not gonna kill themselves. It's just a last ditch attempt to get attention. Don't sweat it, OP, you're all Gucci.

This talk just pushes people into suicide. They can't tell anybody how much pain they are in because they already know that shallow assholes like you will just shame them and affirm their self hatred.
>he's right, I'm selfish and weak, even more reason to end it
>nobody will listen or take me seriously
YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Never give advice again.

She finally blocked me and remessaged me. The things I said are deleted.

I'm just gonna try and be nice and hope I can make her feel better.

They set precedent when they convicted that one girl for taunting a boy to kill himself over text, op could very much be in trouble.

A lot of women say they were raped when they really just let some dude fuck them and decided they regretted it afterwards and suddenly it wasn’t consensual

this thread is hilarious. classic Jow Forums

why cant you all understand that your sjw bullshit speeches dont mean anything

she'll die and be forgotten and be replaced who cares.