Ordering drugs off deep web

>ordering drugs off deep web
>using domestic vendor
>get a seizure letter from post office
>pretty sure its a scam as people were telling me that they never use letters for domestic orders
>assume its a scam from vendor haven't heard anything from him opened dispute
>get a thing in the mail today asking for signature

should i not sign it? i see a lot of shit on reddit of people just signing and getting their shit but yeah i really dont want to put a signature on anything

Attached: 1468959619880.png (650x773, 47K)

Send your dog out first.

If you get the pink letter from the post office your address is burned for any DNM orders.

why? what if i got other shit after that

You ignored your one and only warning, prepare for a controlled delivery next time.

i didnt order shit i just had more stuff on the way before it came thats what i meant and i dont wanna sign for it or anything i dont even know if its for that though i order a ton of shit off ebay

i messaged the vendor days ago and asked for tracking and heard nothing....and then i got this. i feel like its an empty box he put a sig required on to run a scam or something

also i should mention that my mailman usually does just bring shit to my door. i remember just recently he did this because i got a lot of stuff from ebay at the time..

Don't sign anything, don't accept the package, don't go to the post office for it, if they leave it without a signature get rid of it immediately.

fuck how do i get rid of it without accepting it? im probably gonna keep all my weed related stuff stashed away or outside somewhere since its warm out now

can i still get stuff? i just want like 3-4 painkillers sometimes and a ounce of weed here and there

>can i still get stuff
If it was a real 'love letter' then not if you want to stay out of jail.

if i get a po box in the town over am i good?

do i need to sign for it? theres a box that says signature required but its not checked? what do i do?

fuck i am such a high dumb ass sometimes...they left the slip because the mailbox was stuffed to the brim with shit already because i got a bunch of stuff from ebay

then again the mailman usually just puts it on the porch when it cant fit...fuck

Stop ordering drugs on the internet like a fucking retard.

I think it's the DUI guy, a legit retard if so

Do not sign the fucker and deny deny deny. Signatures are never required for darknet drugs. You should be fine afterwords. Maybe you could order amounts that are only in an envelope next time and/or maybe even use a different PO box office.

Did you even read the letter?

Attached: ll.jpg (540x740, 96K)

yeah it was a domestic letter...and i got a pink slip in the mail but i think it might just be because my mailbox was full of shit. do i need to sign the pink slip it says sign here to authorize redelivery and theres a signature section next to it aswell should i just throw out the pink slip or can i put redeliver wtih no signature? most people in reddit sound fine responding to the pink signature

enjoy your prison.

Kek probably him

heres the deal though

Customs works for me, not for the FBI, DEA, or anyone else.