How do I get a good job?

How do I get a good job?

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Get good skills

Learn a trade

git gud nub

Be Jewish or some subcatagory that's non white that openly submits into being a slave race for a master race like the (((Zionists))) that wish to bleed you for every single shekel you're worth

eye contact
firm handshake

stop being so useless

I just learn to deal with it after being at walmart since 2004.

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it's almost impossible unless you have connections


In no particular order

go code with the bugman its the job of the future

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Fuck that is depressing.

learn a skill people are willing to pay a lot

Go to a temp agency.

Don't fall for the STEM meme. There are way too many bullshit degrees hidden within that word. No one will hire you just for having a BS in math.

It's ok. I'm cant bellyache too much as I dont have a GED.


By showing reliability, buy having a good record of attendance while working shitty jobs.

join the military and get free training and experience in something useful

>buy having a good record of attendance while working shitty jobs.

you want a REALLY good job? start suckin dick and worshipping molach

i can never avoid you, i always see you around here it's depressing every time you bring it up you seem like a nice dude.

i hope things get better for you if they ever do.

How hard is it to get a raise there?
I hear they start at 11 an hour now.
Does it pretty much cap out at that, or can you move up a little?

I am so glad I quit my webDev job. Full of cucks and womyn in tech. Since most of them are retards, it will all implode soon. The game Industry already started this year.
A well overdue market correction.


It's not a question of whether it's hard to get a raise, but it happens for everyone in the store in March. 2% for associates. It's the best they can do.

The cap is probably $18-$20 dollars. It will take you forever at 20-something cents every year.

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Yeah, I'm wondering about that. Tons of people who are less qualified than me seem to be ruining businesses everywhere.

are you white?
are you smart enough to learn to operate a machine?
do you live in seattle?
I work in a production facillity thats is becoming a nightmare because the only applicants are dark brown illiterates. Hit me up if want a hot tip. this company takes care of people for life if they let them.

Not in Seattle, but I do have an interview coming up for a job similar to that.

Any tips?

Nonsense. My brother dropped out of college when wal-mart offered him dept manager. He just retired at 46. Bought a camper. Hit the road. Hes headed to key west.

He worked his ass off. Walmart took care of him.

My mom got hurt working at walmart in the 90s. They took care of her.

No nepotism. No inside track. Just a goid work ethic and a desire to get ahead.

move to russia, job get you.

There's brown people in Seattle?

I know what that’s from. kek

tell them youre want to learn. then learn.

Get a nursing degree like me. 2 years. Associate of Applied Science in Nursing in 1999. I can live and work almost anywhere. Not rich, but I've always had money and make my bills and even travel. It could be worse.

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get into an industry where your job cant be taken by robots or beaners
then start your own company to do that job
werks fer me


Apply to many jobs and make your resume good.

I have good resume.
Have applied to 30+ jobs since July.
Only one interview.
What the hell can I or should I do?

is it really that bad? Is there chances of moving up for you?

The word on the street is that the vast majority of job postings are fake.
Companies post them so they can deny all applicants for being "under qualified"(aka too white) and then use it as an excuse to beg the government for more foreigners.

Y'know. I have thought that. I've considered submitting fake applications with the same credentials but change race and/or gender to see what happens.

It would have happened by now.

Do I need to be good at math for that?

Fucktons of them.

Take a crash course in Jewish culture and say you're a kike. White Hispanic can also get you results. I live in Las Vegas. If you're a male and you put "white" on a job application you aren't going to get that job.

Why would you choose retail? WHY OP WHY?

You don’t. You starve the beast till the economy and global markets collapse. Than all Jews will hang from the nearest lamppost.

>learn a trade
I make $20/hr as an electrician and i havent even gotten my journeymans license yet.... man up OP you fuckin pussy

Join the Liberalisticistivism movement. Thats powerful facial hair *chuckles*

>no vehicle
>no GED
>no other place will bother to look at my applications given my lack of accolades
>too many fringe benefits over 14 years with the company to the point where I have unfortunately became a total company man

We had this exact same thread about a week ago. I remember saving that Phil image. There should be an option to easily search the archive to see if an identical thread has been made before.

I claimed I was trans to get some government funded training.

I figure if they ask about it I'll say I used to feel like a woman and I can pass perfectly as a man now

Or a union job. I work for a utility company and get ridiculously overpaid.

Get an education in a non-meme field,do internships while you are studying,learn basic programming skills and say in your curriculum that you are really good at programming even if you actually are not.

Very basic algebra and chemistry.

whats your education? what skills do you have? are you good at interviews?

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Fuck the manager's son in the arsehole.

become a semi truck driver. they make like 80k a year

I get that they take care of you but retail is never going to pay much because of slim margins and all. You should try to get your GED user.
>I can vouch for the union trade job meme.

>make $65k in leaf funbux

Have I made it?

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Pfff,I make 320USD a month,get on my level leaf.

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suck more kike dick

Learn to sell. Read sales books. Read the art of the deal. Strive for greatness. Stop being a faggot and get aggressive. There’s power and liberation in persuasion.