Meme Ball Thread

Post um, boys.

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I don’t get it

Hmm like americas vision of ww2. reality is you guys let us fight for two years before doing anything.

Just a joke leaf bro, I still love ya

Countryballs or memeballs?

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Hehehehe still funny.

But we were in the war before Russia or the USA, and did lots of heavy lifting too.

How about both, Argentina bro

Nah... there's no way an American would include an Australian flag. This is the work of a dumbass 'stralian.

You don't have to

Attached: 1515413288439.jpg (1280x1481, 436K)

Your point, leaf bro, while historically accurate, is not as funny as the meme balls.


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Attached: belgian congo-memeball.png (1100x1000, 745K)

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Attached: democrat-memeball.jpg (434x424, 104K)

Attached: catalonia-memeball.jpg (629x767, 59K)

these suck. cringing hard over here

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Attached: japan-memeball.png (640x640, 118K)


Attached: canada-memeball.jpg (1200x1000, 283K)

argentina is the canada of south america


At least you admit it.

Attached: canada-memeball2.png (790x818, 207K)

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Of course an American would make a retarded meme like that. Canadians did more in both world wars than America.

Show your flag.

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Attached: eu-isis-memeball.png (702x806, 243K)

what the fuck are these things
I see them so often

>what the fuck are these things

Attached: 130138AC-323B-4313-B4EA-0146923A16E9.jpg (720x734, 60K)

no, the fucked up Polish and Russian ones.
These are not regular countryballs, they are deformed.

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this, someone fucking explain what those demons are.

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And you poo in the streets

Attached: spain-memeball.jpg (768x768, 105K)

I thought you were insulting me for a second there, kek
Also someone start posting ancap memeballs.

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The Russians tried to develop their own countryball comics. Somebody from Poland wasn't having any of that. They're actually almost 11/2 old at this point, going from memory. They seem to be popping up moar often the last few days, for sure.

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Attached: mexico-memeball.png (1266x1122, 526K)


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Wait i thought poland was the bitch of europe

Don't search for answers you won't understand.

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I don’t get those


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Always lost hard.

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The Russians themselves made these edits but Jow Forumsniggers stole them.

God-tier meme indeed

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Had an inspiration to make this, but accidentally saved over the original memeball. It was making fun of the nations that were on the human rights council at the time. Anyone have it?

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I have this one.

Attached: un-memeball.jpg (1242x1225, 662K)

The final frame is an ART

Attached: 1538191973136.png (600x425, 443K)

Yeah, that's the one, thanks

Attached: yes, this really is all on the internet.jpg (431x859, 130K)

No one gets those, Russia bro. Except apparently you and Poland bro.

Attached: 4BF666BE-E142-4476-B82D-1769EE613FEA.jpg (432x445, 116K)

Some of them truly have this bruegelesque feel to them
Don't trouble your head with unnecessary questions

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These are the only good ones since the originals on kc

We're sorry for this pogrom, Johnny.

You are welcome

Attached: finland-memeball.png (471x559, 127K)

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Attached: poland-memeball.png (614x632, 227K)

ok, this is epic

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I never don't laugh hysterically at these.

Attached: cyka blyat.png (644x598, 111K)

My pleasure

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I love Poland

Attached: poland-memeball2.png (1200x1000, 546K)

Attached: 1514854681329.jpg (1736x1804, 953K)

What do the communist runes say?

These travesties of the original spirit of countryballs are too fucking bad

No woman no cry

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There is no copyright under ancap, retard

some of us know better. i live near brookwood military cemetery where there are the graves of many canadians.
i love ya leafies, even though you fucked up electing that daft turd trudeau

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bushka babishka babushka

This is one of the worst I've seen so far

ffs these are just AWFUL! What happened to the origional Polandballs?

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It’s a joke bong and leaf bros, relax. I still wuv woo

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fuck niggers and kikes

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Britain told us to join them and we didn't really have much of a say in it. America wasn't even involved until years later when Germany went full retard and declared war on them and then they asked to join us. What fucking idiot made this?

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Probably a favourite

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