Jew here

New York Jew here on holiday in Australia, enjoying the gold coast. You guys bring great banter, I just got called a kike by some based aussie on the beach. It was quite funny to be honest, but I thought I would come on here and educate you hateful people.

1. The term "kike" is not actually offensive, except perhaps to a few ultra-orthodox Jews. Most of us laugh at it and take it as a sign you can't handle our superior Jewish banter. Aussies have been teaching me a fair bit about banter and they are way better at it than Amerifats. If you want to trigger a Jew, just call him a Christian cuck. Try it, you will get way more rage.

2. Jews are not actually the penultimate evil you think we are. Communists (of which some are Jewish, but not all) and your race traitor whites are. I support open borders and the rescuing of refugees like America did with poor Cubans suffering under communism. Those people are grateful to be here and the refugee caravan of people fleeing Venezuela are the same. They want to contribute to a great America. You are all just racist and scared they might be better human beings than you.

3. Be proud of your own achievements, not your race. It's pretty backwards logic for a racist to be proud of his race, because if he has no personal achievements then by his own definition he is a race traitor who is not living up to the "glory of the master race".

4. I understand you are all hateful and racist because your own lives are shitty. Go seek some help, perhaps at your local Synagogue. We are a very welcoming bunch and it sounds like some of you just need a friend to talk to in real life. The world is a nice place.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I mean Heil

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Another common misconception is that us Jews hate Hitler. We don't, he was a great guy who handed the world to us on a platter.

>"glory of the master race".
kikeism is a race supremacist religion you dumb kike.
projecting as usual I see

Please refer to point 3 and refute it.

Its true, not all kikes are jews

Fuck off you crusty heeb. Yids fuck kids.

the very fact that you are a jew means that you worship your ancestors and believe that they and you are gods chosen and everyone else is not.
refute that you projecting cunt.
can you not see the irony?

And this further proves my point. After going on holiday here, I now know for sure that Aussies can banter way better. Americans just resort to insults, while Aussies can bring a more nuanced level of shitposting.


What’s it like in the Gold Coast? I’ve been thinking of taking a trip there. Is it a good place to be a degenerate? Are the girls hot? Are there lots of deadly spiders?

It's fucking boring, theme parks are cool but i imagine you have better ones stateside.

t. former Goldie

>New York Jew here on holiday in Australia, enjoying the gold coast. You guys bring great banter, I just got called a kike by some based aussie on the beach. It was quite funny to be honest, but I thought I would come on here and educate you hateful people.
>1. The term "kike" is not actually offensive, except perhaps to a few ultra-orthodox Jews. Most of us laugh at it and take it as a sign you can't handle our superior Jewish banter. Aussies have been teaching me a fair bit about banter and they are way better at it than Amerifats. If you want to trigger a Jew, just call him a Christian cuck. Try it, you will get way more rage.
>2. Jews are not actually the penultimate evil you think we are. Communists (of which some are Jewish, but not all) and your race traitor whites are. I support open borders and the rescuing of refugees like America did with poor Cubans suffering under communism. Those people are grateful to be here and the refugee caravan of people fleeing Venezuela are the same. They want to contribute to a great America. You are all just racist and scared they might be better human beings than you.
>3. Be proud of your own achievements, not your race. It's pretty backwards logic for a racist to be proud of his race, because if he has no personal achievements then by his own definition he is a race traitor who is not living up to the "glory of the master race".
>4. I understand you are all hateful and racist because your own lives are shitty. Go seek some help, perhaps at your local Synagogue. We are a very welcoming bunch and it sounds like some of you just need a friend to talk to in real life. The world is a nice place.
Holy pilpul, kikeman.

Know what they are doing to the West

Attached: pilpul_jewing.jpg (1691x605, 317K)

im going to go take a vacation and then post on Jow Forums
gtfo sub60

Ugly tourist trap. The part closer to NSW is much nicer though and the hinterland National Parks are great.



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Lol go write a book about it you neurotic little person

Don't forget your jew cap in Melbourne.

fpbt as usual

I can't tell whether the people responding to this thread are doing so ironically or they really are too retarded to understand that it's bait.

I guess this is sort of what I'd expect from Jow Forums, though. Why I don't come here more often.

1. bullshit
2. bullshit
3. bullshit
4. bullshit
you dont know kikes
you dont know me
you dont know shit

This is shit bait, Bruce.

(it will still work though)

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One of your own. Obviously.
How do you feel about the tens of millions of Europeans he helped burn alive.
As a jew and therefore a psychopath that must make you feel smart and powerful. Right?

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>not knowing that people know it's bait

>the term kike is not actually offensive

Then stop crying like a little bitch about it

>Jews aren’t the penultimate evil you think we are

I thought kikes were clever? You don’t even know what penultimate means. And if you weren’t evil then we wouldn’t consistently find out that Jews are behaving like evil racist scum trying to destroy the west

>be proud of your own achievements, not your race

More like bullshot that shows you vile parasites have no place in the civilised world. There is nothing wrong with being proud of the achievements of your ancestors as well as your own. Why do kikes never say this to niggers or other kikes?

>I understand that blah blah blah condescending bullshit that every dishonest retard who never bothered to find out what his opponents actually believed says

I hate kikes because you’re all racist vermin that are destroying my homeland. The fact that you vermin are so self-obsessed and egotistical that you think you really are god’s chosen says everything about you as people, and explains why everyone throughout history has despised you. Rightly so, you’re all scum

Out faggot. Not your fucking blogspot.

Open borders for israel. Never thought I'd hear a kike say it.

Literally hear anti semetic crys daily in news, kike says he isn't offended by anything. Try harder.

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The irony, you dumb kike.

>90 IQ
>Suffering from narcissistic personality disorder

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Too long, did not read.

6/8 b8 straya
breddy gud, but no real jew yorker would write like that
t. new yorker

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Nice monarch programming, bro. I rate it 7 out of 10 because I escaped it in the end.

>ny jew
>calling vacation "holiday"

Nice try crocodile dundee

What's there to refute? You are nobody to tell me what I can or cannot be proud of.

(H)appy (H)anukkah

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Well, I'm Spanish, so i will introduce to the spanish mindset... I don't fucking care about you nor your life. Merry Christmas.