Is fishkeeping a good hobby for whites or is it degenerate?

Is fishkeeping a good hobby for whites or is it degenerate?

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Proper fishkeeping is a white mans hobby as only intelligent white men are capable of understanding the natural world and managing a delicate ecosystem successfully according to its own needs.

It's a nerd hobby. Super unsexy to women. It's one step above having reptiles and tarantulas. If you're a neet and plan on dying alone anyway, go for it.

T. Canine internet defense force

dogs are literally the only good pet

>roastie with a dead goldfish

I had a pet turtle in a tank just like that. My black baby boy downed in it after watching the turtle and I had it put down.

That guy that talked about growing mushrooms on the Rogan show is about as good as it gets. I want to grow fungi and save bees.

dont fuck with a 10 gal start w a 55
setting up is fun after its done just another fucking money pit and thing to clean

Stay out of the fucking water. There is nothing interesting down here.