Why are men into this? Why aren't women into this?

Why are men into this? Why aren't women into this?

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Literal drooling retards like this can get rich enough to do this shit. It's makes me so angry.

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women are instinctively prone to lure men into getting them stuff and men are driven to give stuff to women in return for their attention.

some men dont want nice wives, they dont want children, they dont even want girlfriends, they want dysfunctional fetish-based relationships with mentally fucked up whores. be it to satisfy their own mental illness driven desires or as some form of morbid entertainment.

its all very natural, albeit dysfunctional

>Why aren't women into this?
>women wanting to work for anything

He has to work at least 2 jobs

Women just call it marriage.

Men are resource providers, women are resource gatherers.

>debt contract
what the fuck is a debt contract?
and the guy is now legally obligated to pay it?

How the fuck is this shit different to elder abuse?

I'll consider myself fortunate that I can't understand a damn thing I just read

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i'm find this term weird as well

sounds like a contract where you agree to get fucked in the ass

>illegal to take advantage of the elderly or medically disabled
>Exploiting a mental illness as a fetish is okay because it benefits women overwhelmingly

Why would women work hard to take men's money away just to give it to some fucking man whore online?

Yep, first time I've heard of it and I already know it is what it sounds like. My guess is a lawyer got involved to iron out any legalities involved in making someone pay for nothing.

Both the bitch and kike lawyer need to hang.


I'm repulsed by it but somehow kinda understand how it gets some freaks off

the reason most people are also repulsed is that they're not mentally fucked up like the "little subby" is in the OP

I mean, orbiters gotta learn sooner or later...

You know those really sad comments you see on porn videos where people are obviously lying? That's what this is.

The orbiter needs to hang too

fuck the mod.
she has a job
she is selling her time and mutual enjoyment of her playing a game.
You are not entitled to fuck her, nor would you make a good boyrfriend or husband with that attitude.

Of course the mod is a faggot.
But her thottery is worthy of nothing but hatred and contempt.

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>she is selling her time and mutual enjoyment
No she's not. She's a titty streamer who manipulates desperate betas into donating to her by leading them on endlessly.

He has a job, so we KNOW he can work - 1000 years gulag. Betterment of mankind on the backs of degenerates.

Now that I say it out loud, gulag for all 3 of them.

clown world. we've abandoned god and this is our punishment. things will get better but first they will get worse. judgement day is at hand.

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I hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers

>Why are men into this?
It's masochism. Same as wanting a woman to step on your balls in high heels. Having something bad happen to you is the simplest way to have an intense experience. So having someone you're sexually attracted to do something bad to you is an intense sexual experience. You just need enough of a screw loose that the experience being intense matters more than it being good.

>Why aren't women into this?
You'd be surprised. Men seek out women, while women wait to be sought out. So a woman can put out her shingle, be attractive enough to be chosen, and the men will come to her. Men have to go out and hunt down the specific sort of women they want.

Plenty of men take advantage of women financially, and plenty of women just always end up with that type of man. The truth is, being taken advantage of can be sexually exciting for them, just like being beaten or being threatened.

I don't know but they definitely need to be gassed.

Women like this are like any man given the opportunity. Most women are also aware of the effect they have on men, particularly beta men. Some women are heartless and will manipulate them into giving them lots of shit with absolutely no return. Like the men are so eager to please them because they lust after the woman so hard that they end up making their lives miserable and obsessive.

There's nothing you can do to stop this, all you can do is ignore them and laugh at their pathetic faces. Oh, and you can report these women to the IRS, because not paying taxes on this money is considered tax fraud.

The ending makes it. "I'm orbiting another e-thot now! My future looks bright! THIS one will love me!"

>No she's not. She's a titty streamer who manipulates desperate betas into donating to her by leading them on endlessly.

but those guys are basically falling for a scam while watching her perform it on hundreds of other guys at the same time. if they cant see whats going on theres no helping them lol. they are lost.

>mutual enjoyment of her playing a game.
being this fucking cucked

>I don't need you. There are a whole lot of other streamers that deserve my time and support.
Fucking lol. Retarded white knight get's roasted. Fucking obliterated.

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>and then the whole chat pogchampped

True, they're retarded and/or not in their right minds. But that just makes what the twitch thots are doing all the more reprehensible. I guarantee a lot of the twitch base that engage in this shit have diagnosed conditions, which would means you could make a good case for financial abuse.

probably cheaper in the long run desu

Lol. This is the problem with internet. Women are scammy enough IRL, internet makes it even worse. Worst part about that beta is that he could still prob fuck her if he wasn't so needy, husband or not

>Some women are heartless and will manipulate


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In all these findom accounts all I see are women commenting on each others profiles. Makes me think that they're just trying to make each other jealous of fake shit.

This is the most brutally distilled essence of the male/female relationship in humans, used to fuel a cruel engine of calculation.

"I look pretty, now give me your stuff."

It's backed by biology, reinforced by culture, and finally enshrined in a legal system that designates men as paypigs by default. Men's thirst is our greatest weakness and I fear for our ability to combat it.

Every last one of these women should be hunted down and be subjected to a facial of battery acid and/or flaming gasoline. Only suffering and deprivation could shock them into developing anything like souls.

>ban prostitution
>legalize abortion
>women ultimately now have full control over reproduction and mens wallets and sexual energy
>men are basically entirely enslaved to women
>"lol why are modern men pathetic grovelling cucks"

reminder feminism was started by jews and still is pushed hardest by jews

reminder hitlers "child support" laws only paid women to have children with men who had jobs, and only if said women were stay at home mothers

reminder you're all a bunch of cucked morons who cant see the bigger picture

An woman who is decent looking has a few beta orbiters and financial streams. Every woman ive dated gets gifts from orbiters. Its the modern era she isnt lonely like you....if you think there is some NAWALT queen out there you are deceiving yourself.

does it matter? obviously all involved parties should be post-birth aborted.

Hang the guys too...all of them. Were better off without the whole lot.


Both deserve to be hated. They would both be beaten to death in a sane world.

How can people be this fucking pathetic????


There’s no way it would hold up in court if he decided at some point to bail and she tried to sue him for the total amount of the contract. For almost all contracts to be legally enforceable there has to be commensurate “consideration” exchanged between the two parties and even then it still can’t be what most reasonable people consider “unconscionable” - meaning you cannot essentially sell yourself into slavery or make a deal that is so profoundly against your own interest that it defies basic common sense.
Unless he took out some kind of legimate loan to finance this (in which case he would still have to pay back the bank/loanshark/lender/whatever), he’s only on the hook for the $ as long as he chooses to be.

Is this actually real or is she just talking shit? I refuse to believe anyone would willingly do that

Women don't have money

someone let her know how much tax she'll have to pay on her fantasy debt contract kek

Because pimping is a crime.

She must be a really special woman.

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As a sub this disgusts me. To each their own I guess, but this just reeks of abuse, not mutual turn-on.

>As a sub

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>cuck gets approved for 100k loan
>approved while he has 1 job which presumably isn't enough to service the debt
>only 3 years to pay it off, for some bizzare reason
>needing HER lawyer to draft a contract for cuck user to borrow funds from a 3rd party

Makes no fuckin sense, it's such bullshit. Banker here, this scenario makes 0 fucking sense.

Well hello there. Don't be shy.

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I'm not the one with the money, I lend out the banks money. Learn the fuckin difference.

Reminder that you're not an incel for doing this. But clearly you're an incel for reporting them to the tax man.
I think incel is just the new word for calling everyone gay

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2L here rocking transactional law, came here to say this. I cannot see where the consideration on her part is coming in, how it's worth 100k, and what lawyer would draft such a contract.

Male sexuality is toxic and addictive in nature. It develops all these weird dependencies and obsessions and fetishes that impact and influence their whole lives.

I’m sure there are plenty of lawyers who would take payment up front to “draft” a bullshit contract but i have no doubt they would straight up tell her “if you try to enforce this in court the judge will fucking laugh your ass out of there and i’ll pretend like i never even knew you”
If not an ouright lie for attention points, she basically paid a lawyer to make a realistic movie prop for her sex LARP


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Its not legal thats retarded a contract has to have consideration this is nothing more then hey ill pay you bull shit. of course it might be cheaper to pay the to go to court to fight. shes cukcing the guy and her lawyers cucking her.

I dunno, it just feels like malpractice to me. I guess there are plenty of Sauls out there though


If you tell the client straight up “there’s no way this is legally enforceable and you hereby acknowledge that you are actually paying me to make a fake, but convincing “contract” solely for the purposes of bragging on social media” is it really malpractice? I’m not actually a lawyer so i don’t know how disclaimers about what you are actually getting for your money affects what constitutes malpractice in the eyes of the law.

I think if anything, moat lawyers just wouldnt bother wasting their time with such a thing rather than worry about the malpractice implications of it all

>they want dysfunctional fetish-based relationships with mentally fucked up whores. be it to satisfy their own mental illness driven desires or as some form of morbid entertainment.

I've personally known people like this.

>get laid once every few years

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It's toxic TO men

This is all it is

But it's also not hard to believe such a thing can actually happen

Of course it can happen but I promise you that random whores with 3 followers on Twitter are not making millions by saying "paypig goddess ollollolol #findom"

I'm inflicting bloodshed upon bitches,
Just because I hate the female race.

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its just a fetish, obsessing about one specific extreme of human nature/sexuality.

Its all mostly fake as well

Is that legit? Holy shit that's both hilarious and depressing.

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Never thought I'd see the day I sided with a flagrantly manipulative roastie over an orbiter.

men are into this because they have no self confidence and zero relations with women, so they get a femdom fetish, which develops into findom.
>t. paypig

As an average looking manlet what are my odds of becoming a findom master? Is there a website where I can go to sign up to be mean to and get paid by loser?

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Wtf did i just read?

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>touches stove
>touches stove

>imagine being this beta


god i fucking HATE women

>literally putting yourself into slavery for some thot to proliferate and continue to being slut while all he gets is some pictures and maybe short video
Cuck and masochist. Some people just this much degenerate so you can't even blame thot for using them. Such masochistic cucks ask for it themselves.

>Paying a roastie for nudes when you could've used that money to pay an artist to make a custom portfolio or animations of a waifu

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What about the betamales who enable them?

>Literal drooling retards can get rich

Yeah I'm guessing they have the right kind of left wing polotics and spout the same tired safe talking points to make recruiters think they are a genius.

Wonder if she's retained that lawyer for other legal troubles she'll step into?


Fuck. All this rage is tiring me out.

To be fair

>A lot of 'female' findoms are males posing as females
>There are a lot of gay findoms

Rich Japanese business women sometimes drop 60k in a night at a host club. But they aren't stupid like those men.

The one thing that disgusts me more than these whores are the soiboys who enable these women. I'm 27 and still never had a girlfriend but at least I have some damn dignity.

If ever you accidently message one on a dating site and they reply, tell them that you aren't interested in prostitutes, it REALLY pisses them off.

I can't tell if the reason most women don't have fetishes is because they're too dumb and vanilla, or they totally get it and repress any feelings to focus on exploiting those feelings in men?

The wall comes for them all... and the hotter and more successful they are when they’re young, the harder it hurts when they hit it. Let time take care of these whores.

This whore is breaking rule #1:
Don't be worth more dead than alive

The problem is the roast is eternal, more come to take their place.