It’s finally, after two years, reaching critical mass tonight

it’s finally, after two years, reaching critical mass tonight.

The only thing that could put this day over the top would be if we learned that Donald Trump was plotting the Trump Tower Moscow deal with the specific Russians who were also working to alter the outcome of the election in his favor – and if Trump offered to give Vladimir Putin the penthouse. So naturally, BuzzFeed just now reported both those things. This is now, unquestionably, a situation in which Trump’s financial dealings with Russia and his election meddling scheme with Russia were part of the same quid pro quo scandal.

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>trump says more retarded shit.

News at 11.

Best part. She paid for the Steele Dossier. Hillary, in effect, brought down trump.

Two years and you Shillary fags are still devastated by Trump on the daily. The gift that keeps on giving.

Hillary selflessly losing the election to bring down the trump crime syndicate is the real gift that keeps on giving.

not as retarded as OP

>Hacked by Russia
Bitch told me the server was secure

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Lmao he’s desperate