Jew Apprecitation Thread

Repeat after me... "G-d bless the Jews. The chosen people of G-d."

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Neo nazis will be hung along side the jews, niggers, and especially leafs.

Low quality bait, shill in jp, elohim.

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>Neo nazis will be hung along side the jews, niggers, and especially leafs.

Australians are filthy islanders on a long-term prison sentence.

And yet the only metric you manage to beat us in is chinks per square mile.

Chang, please go back to Shangcouver.

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I thought it was the "holohaux". :D

Even in infant adoption experiments. If you take a Chinese/Jewish baby and a white baby, and raised them with the same couple, the Chinese/jewish baby will have higher school and IQ scores on a balance scale.

Chang, 3 times more of your people were killed, the shoah victims got refuge with Nippon while they slaughtered yours.. Where is your loyalty, Lee Chang?!

If you have a gay family member within 5 generations you’re a fake Khazar

China is the new world power. White people are in ruins and can't make babies anymore. :D

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Idk. Wittgenstein was a gay Jew. And 10x the intelligence of Bertrand Russell and the Vienna Circle combined.

if there's one Kike i appreciate, that's Bela Kun, because he ran away like a coward and made our job of stopping Bolsheviks in Hungary, and by extent saving Europe from the Red tide right after WW1 easier.

Kikes are such cowards without someone else bigger to protect them.

even Lenin thought its not worth helping Kun out.

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1. Ashkenazi jews are some of the most inbred in the world, prone to numerous genetic diseases and bad looks.
2. The chinese fertility rate is 1.5 last time i checked, even russia is 3.0.
3. China’s time is over, lee chang, their prime is long over and their basically putting stakes on africa in terms of geopolitical moves.
4. Canada was doomed from the start, changnadians are now the shitposters.

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as usual.

bringing more Stars for the stripes when

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but what if OP was not a faggot, but rather a Troll?

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Why not both?

happy hanuka

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could be.

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>le chinese superpower and IQ meme

You're literally no different from the niggers leaving africa and arabs leaving the middle-east. The chinese economy is a house of cards and when it crashes we're going to see le great leap levels of chink deaths again. it will be glorious

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Fug that's a good one. It's real though.

>short write-up
Meaningless. You don't accuse headline threads to be slides while they took less effort than this one.

>controversial topic
Meaningless. It's only about calling Jow Forums out on topic it's consistently wrong on #329365.

>1 post by this ID

>major event
Nothing's happening to Jews at the moment.

how about Hongcouver?

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bump, for some more oven dodgers.

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