Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?

Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?

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Not if The Pill is working properly.

Sex is rape

no. impossible.

Fucking based and revolutionary

The declining birth rates are being countered with immigration. The only thing low IQ shitskins are good for is pumping out kids, whether sex is warranted or not.

fucking leafs. every time


I still want to push the propaganda machine of convincing white women to be trad and fuck white men to produce glorious babies

yes, but only if girls have sex with me

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We don't want them countered.
We want them to go back.
After they go back NOTHING will need to be done.
Families will be 5-9 white children of good moral character

Sadly this. Making procreation a unilateral choice on the part of the woman has destroyed the West.

Sex? that sounds disgusting, I'm going to go back into my VR porn you fucking perv

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>oey vey goyim they will have the kids you dont want to

You know what makes me angry? This isn't even true. Every single study on third world population trends indicates that as soon as first world conditions are introduced, population curve flatlines just like the westernworld within 1-2 generations.The only thing importing foreigners accomplishes other than replacing the native population is depressing the value of labor in what ever area the immigrants are dumped.

This is basically a soft genocide. The people in charge want to replace the semi-intelligent westerner with what they think are easier to control subhumans who follow an objectively backward slave religion. And the funny thing is we already know this isn't going to work out how they want, because they've already infected themselves with this cultural virus and now their own children have drunk the koolaid and are becoming transgender lgbtq aethist cuckholds that are self destructive and suicidal.

Nice going, idiots!

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No, the issue is not the plateau of birthrate and the following equilibrium.

The issue is the never-ending flood of shitskins that breed like rabbits wherever they can.

Sex? Birth? Radical idea, mate.

Easily my favorite slide thread

Birth Rates ARENT the Problem !!!!

Its jewish banking & usury that require INFINITE Growth, which is 100% unsustainable.

People already outnumber the jew 50 to 1 in the US.
You DONT NEED MORE PEOPLE to remove (((them)))
You just need to organise better.

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>use sex to counter declining birth rates

I'm not seeing the connection, OP. Explain?

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Dunno, it was just an idea. I thought it might work no matter how far fetched.

>low IQ shitskins
Africans and Spics are the future of our country. Dont you wanna be like brazil?

Possibly, but whats in it for me?

>Using sex as a way to reproduce

Never thought about that, will try. Thanks OP

Not with pic related. She has no thicc booty.

>Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?
tHaT's JuSt CrAzY eNoUgH tO wOrK

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Thank you for trying Bulgaria

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woah never though of it

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Why have sex when I have this?

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It's crazy but it just might work

How do you counter declining white birthrate with non-white immigrants pumping out kids? How does that help our problem at all? That’s two different unrelated problems. Fixing the latter is easy: stop letting in immigrants and sterilize non-whites (if not exterminate).

Because actual wet flesh makes the penis feel better than a hand.
Or so I've heard.

Declining birth rates, yes.
The other numerous related issues that can easily make increased birthrates a greater hindrance than a help, doubtful.

No user, sex has no correlation with birth rates. We need migrants for that, also migrants are happy to work hard and foregoe the nicer things just to have a taste of freedom. They really do have you in the best interests. Now go to sleep little one drumpf will be gone soon...

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Monogamy will save the white race.

Slutty people have higher divorce risk. That means fewer kids.

Slutty people also have high chances of never getting married. That means fewer kids.

Slutty people can accidentally get pregnant once out of wedlock and the single mom is stuck with only one child. Fewer kids.

It's not as uncommon as you'd think for STDs to cause infertility. Fewer kids.

Having sex with one partner in life makes you happier. Happier couples have more kids.

They also have stronger, longer marriages. More kids.

They get married at a healthy younger age (not like a lot of slutty people who get married at 30) which gives them time for a bigger family.

They also have sex more frequently during their marriage. There's no problem with a comfortably-living happy married couple accidentally having another baby. Which could happen if they have sex a lot. More kids.

Monogamy = more white kids.

Feminism destroyed sex.

Bring back monogamy.

No shit sherlock.

what an amazing and original concept

I'll give it a try and get back to you with the results.

That's the point I was making, slowfriend.