Daily reminder that circumcision is a kike ritual designed to mark their property
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Was Muslim prior. How goes the smegma? How goes washing your dick every time after a piss. Hope you get some scissors.
Correct. Circumcised men are either kikes, muzzies, or victims. Sometimes all three, but never none.
Bro, the stone age is over. Foreskin is retractable now.
and watch jews scatter
I hate that this happened to me so much. Its all I think about and it depresses me so badly.
Please donate to foregen I want to be normal
Just start restoring, if you are consistent you can get 90-95% of function back. Luckily I was only cut at CI-4/CI-5 and can restore fairly easily.
Forgen is unlikely to get anything approved in the US for a decade or 2
>the doctor charges your parents to scar you for life
>that same doctor makes money selling YOUR body part to some hollywood thot.
But then the question is: why do they do it to themselves?
Many do not
Only orthodox Jews still routinely do it. Secular and liberal Jews no longer do it routinely
Blood libel is real.
Says who? Dont get ridged band back, don't get mucosal tissue back, dont get rest of frenelum back, dont get nerves on ridge band to gauge orgasm back....
>ci4 ci5
Youre basically already restored.
Someone who has experienced all 3
Don't get blackpilled my friend. You can even restore it in a way that the scar-line mimics the frontar band. Also the frenulum = g-spot thing is a meme. I have it and its not sensitive at all.
I already am black pilled. I hate my penis, I hate my parents, I hate my country, I hate all of my relatives, I hate my friends parents, and even some of the people who used to be my friends.
I just dont see how missing all of this can still be 90-95 percent normal....
The real evil is neonatal circumcision. Circumcision to teenagers who can consent (like in SK) should be separated.
Those nerves that go up to the frontar band are still there, they were just cut at the scarline. If you encourage mitosis right around the scarline, you will encourage growth of what inner skin (purple) is left and what is left of the outside purple foreskin. If you restore it correctly (encouraging mitosis right around the scareline), you will be mostly growing the original foreskin material.
Encouraging specifically growth around the scarline will eventually restore most of the sexual function to the penis and the scarline becomes more erogenous over time. In the past people did it for aesthetics or to retain, but if you do it in a specific way you can actually get better results.
So Canada, USA, Australia, and South Africa are the greatest anglo white countries.
Enjoy your dick cheese anteaters.
Even some of (((them))) are starting to wake up.
t. coping cutfag
You had your genitals mutilated as a baby and some jew used what they took from you to keep hollywood thots looking younger
t. Mexican
Nah I had to have it done when I was 20. I kept my foreskin in a scrapbook after that.
I hate that term. Libel asserts that the accusation is false, which it clearly isn't. Fuck jews and fuck their zogbot evangelical golems
having it done at 20 is fine, that's not what anti-circ threads are about. Babies can't give consent, it's not their choice to get mutilated.
>Escape the knife as a child
>Be retarded enough to get yourself mutilated as an adult.
Fuck circumcision. And fuck any of its advocates.
Not true.
You can restore orgasmic Control, which actually is caused by the rolling motion during sex, not by the missing nerves.
Mucosal tissue can also be restored of you still have some inner foreskin left.
Don’t spout misonformation and do your research.
I would suggest visiting r/foreskin_restoration and talking to some of the fully restored men there.
>How goes the smegma?
Women get it too if they don't wash. Will you be taking the knife to your daughter's labia, or will you be teaching her to wash herself?
How much worse will it make shaft hair?
That will be my last resort
Inner foreskin is just skin above the scar right? I'm high and tight.
Shaft hair is worse from circumcision pulling the groin skin up onto the shaft. When you restore the skin near the head, there'll be more skin, which should push the shaft skin back to the base
God I hope this is right Ive got a few things of hair underside of my shaft right up to my scar
You are fucking pathetic if it's all you think about and it badly depresses you. I hate it too but quit being a pussy, i've had far worse shit happen to me. Find a drive and quit being a pussy that wallows over something that happened when you were an infant. We can't change it, it isn't our fault. Little pussy
If you really want hair removal, you should do laser hair removal or electrolysis. Restoring might help, but isn't not going to get rid of hair up to the scar.
Dude, quit being an internet tough guy. Realizing the body horror of having a permanent amputatation on the most private part of your body isn't weak.
Worse things? Like fucking what? What's worse than having your genitals mutilated while the very people who are supposed to protect you did nothing and agreed to it?
God dammit. I might have to, I'll worry about it if I decide to "restore" via tugging, but I can tell you I'm pretty tight and it will take me forever if I do.
>God dammit. I might have to, I'll worry about it if I decide to "restore" via tugging, but I can tell you I'm pretty tight and it will take me forever if I do.
From what I've read if you tug a few min every hour every day you can get one CI point per year until about CI3/CI4 when you can use devices to speed it up and get a couple CI points per year
My dad was murdered when I was 10, I was in foster care until I was 19. My mother has bipolar disorder. Circumcision is a major problem but I wasn't being some tough guy in saying that you shouldn't be held down by dumb shit like that. Or by anything, how you act and feel is entirely up to you. It is up to you to throw a pity party because your penis skin was taken off as a baby, he said it's all he thinks about. It is pathetic, I don't think about it almost at all. I'm too busy doing something with my life to wallow in dumb material shit. It is justa penis
it is when it's "All you think about". It is
I'm whatever the lowest is now. No slack.
How you act and feel IS up to you but in this case my body being like this isnt which is why I'm upset. Stoicism is nice and all but not always possible. Especially when this evil is done and is entirely preventable and CONTINUES. Its not even a deformity or disorder I was born with.
>it is just a penis
Well we fundamentally have different ideals on what's important. To be my body is more important than material shit, which is ironic that you would say that. Your body isnt a material thing.
> i've had far worse shit happen to me
Actually, thinking about really bad things happening to you does bring me some level of consolation.
Circumcision is child abuse. I would fucking shoot anyone that tried that shit with my son.
It just means you are an extra good goy.
start killing doctors, stop being faggots and crying on the internet.
Yes it is.
T: cut and don't even care
> I'm too busy doing something with my life
Why? You will never reap the rewards (sex that feels like sex)
Nigga you faggots make this thread hourly
Circumcision is an evil that needs to be destroyed, I don't want to give off the impression that i think it isn't a big deal. But almost nothing is so big a deal that it should consume you. Especially something like that. Your body is material, it's better to have it all working and looking good but don't tell me it isn't material
To me material is things on the earth, my body isnt material to me. I can't go off the grid and away from this insanity to get away from this. It is me. Thats what makes it so evil.
Its the most important issue in politics and until our stupid kike ridden country does something about it it should be made constantly.
I know what you mean in that regard it's frustrated me very much as well. We can never be fully natural, no matter what path I go on. I have had the similar dream of living autonomously, when I do I will still be reminded of the destroyed kike society everytime I look at my cock. I'm sorry for calling you a pussy I didn't mean it in a hurtful way I really hate to see people so consumed with an evil they cannot help. I used to be just like that years ago. This thread is bringing it back.
Thats how I feel. The only way we can be completely whole is regenerative medicine, but that won't stop the memories or knowledge of what we suffered.
>Its the most important issue in politics
How is it not? What else matters when people can't even have their basic bodily rights? Fucking idiot.
>be me
>have intact penis
feels good. literally
Literally everything else.
>Oy vey cant wait to nibble on that little cocktail weinah
Wow you sure showed me. Nothing is more important than the basic right to body autonomy. Nothing.
Ya, we get it your pissed cuz your dick is cut and blame that for your troubles, get laid and stop caring fag.
>dude just dont care lol
Expected nothing less from a brainlet posting shit tier americuck cartoons.
Youre fucking stupid, if I didnt care about this I wouldnt care about anything. Youre lying to yourself if you think mutilating and robbing children of body parts out of the womb isnt the most important issue.
They are either pro-circ with no argument or a retard. Either way you're right to be concerned with what others did to you when you were defenseless. Genital mutilation shouldn't happen without the person's consent and babies can't give consent and they're not their parent's property.
This is just funny though
cmon Jow Forums, it's 2018, end circumcision.
I think you're taking it a little too seriously, many are circumcised and are fine so you lose a little feeling who cares there is more to life than lust
Its sad some people are so uncaring and stupid
Kill yourself
There is nothing more important than basic bodily rights.
>a little feeling
>who cares dude
Youre insane.
I don't see how it is funny, it's just disgusting.
Is this a joke the babies don't feel shit they numb the pain they're screaming because they're naked and not use to the cold or sensation of being unwrapped
You really know nothing do you?
That's not true at all.
>Youre fucking stupid,
>if I didnt care about this I wouldnt care about anything.
Crying over spilled milk makes you a retard and being preoccupied with dicks makes you a fag.
I know I'm glad you had your foreskin stolen from you its not like you would know what to do with it anyway no one deserves a foreskin, it the same as no one deserves to be unvaccinated
Its not spilled milk it still happens every fucking day. How is that not important?
Youre a sick fuck you know that? Jesus Christ.
I'm just saying it's not worth worrying about
I disagree. As hardly as one can possibly degree. Not only does it damage someone mentally but also physically. Truly evil.
I would give anything to be normal and whole. All of my earthly gained goods and wealth.
>i care about other guys dicks so much it effects my life.
See, you're a huge fag.
>All of my earthly gained goods and wealth.
So nothing.
Hitler only had one testicle so maybe you're like him
My dick you fucking retard, and the fact that this evil continues onwards and is put upon others. Stop making excuses you fucking cope faggot jew.
I'd rather only have one testicle. That's no big deal
Yet you go out of your way to discourage people online from nurturing anger against circumcision. Either you're a pro-circ retard or a simpleton retard. Your opinion doesn't matter.
>My dick
Stop crying over spilled milk, pussy.
Nobody sees your dick, and no one wants to.
I think if they realize its an issue they know it will effect them mentally. So they just reinforce delusion by acting like it doesnt matter.
Stop defending child genital mutilation kike rat. I'd break your god damn sickly frail neck jew, call me a pussy then.
>be newborn
>get aids
Joe Rogan
Laurie Evans
Secret Behind The Jewish Question Circumcision Trauma Based Mind Control
Jew's won't do business with gentiles unless the gentile is circumsized. Business means indentured servitude.
This is why I dont understand how people say restoring via stretching is 90-95 percent the same. Missing all of this just dont see how its possible.
Stewing about something you cant change makes you a resentful piece of shit that probably will never breed. So dont let me laughing at your expense stop you're gay crusade for more dicks to dock with.
he doesn't perform wudhu on his dick, filthy kafir
Youre literally on here defending kike mutilation by calling people against mutilation fags. Take a step back and kook at yourself you fucking stupid piece of cattle.
Typical pro-circ comment. They will shame you for even bringing up concern about circumcision. They're not defending the issue, they're attacking the messengers.
It's not a simple "spilled milk" like says, it's one of the core rituals of Judaism and it's enforced on the goys just so their own child mutilation can be tolerated.