Korea overtook Japan in global cultural influence

There are now more Kpoppers / Koreaboos than weeaboos and anime fans.

People who still like Japanese stuff are boomers on the fringes of society.

Even Japanese people like KPOP more than J-pop. That's how cucked Japan is now.

Japan is dying culturally, Korea is taking its place.

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Korea is better than jap traitor fucking faggots.

Modern Western philosophy is translated into Korean, while Japan is left in the dark. Because no one cares about them

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South Korean women need plastic surgery to remove their genetically deformed Jaw bones, and fix their flat ugly faces to mimic genetically Superior Japanese Women.

Until Kia kills Toyota and Honda Japan will be on top

People in all countries prefer Koreans to Japanese, including men and women.

This. You can't walk down the street in Korea without bumping into a plastic surgeon.

Kpoppers are young girls

Japan still has their massive weeb audience worldwide.

I'm more interested in hyundai desu. Kia handles like fucking chevy. I'm not impressed.

>Japan is dying culturally, Korea is taking its place.
Korea has no culture, though.

The entire Japan Inc is financed by cheap yen through currency manipulation.

Even with a strong Won and the toilet paper-status yen, Samsung alone makes more than the entirety of Japan Inc.

>Even Japanese people like KPOP more than J-pop.

Fake news

pic related is more well known than some faggot ass kpop

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samsung already killed sony


Japan's economy is 3x Korea's..

why do you think there are so many Koreans immigrate to America vs Japanese?

Because Korea sucks

We should drop a couple of atom bombs on the uppity rice niggers. You know, just to keep em in check.

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fuck this country
it's the biggest hellhole on the whole planet for sure

This, with their fucking gay ass philosophy of copying others they truly have none well besides the north. Also friendly reminder that South Korea is basically a social experiment of how to turn society to feminine faggots that do their master bidding.

I see literally no difference.
Aren't Koreans basically just Americanized nips?

I hope your not an English teacher and a based Korean user gets in here already. Nip vs Korean is some of the best banter on Jow Forums

netouyo idiot neck yourself

Did you know that government spending is part of GDP? Go look at Japan's debt and compare it to South Korea's.

Japan's economy is propped by borrowing while South Korea's is propped by actual productivity gains. This is why Japan's median income is lower than Korea's median income. Japan only care about looking rich when most of its citizens are poor as fuck.

Japanese people are mixed race with Australoid
Koreans are pure race

gay anime was never culture

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Fuck off English school teacher everyone makes fun of you and your family doesn’t care for you

If peterson is your proof I would just say Korean men are more pathetic than Japanese ones, and Japanese men are legendarily pathetic.

I think you might be coming to some flawed assumptions.

t. Guy who hasn't set for in East Asia

People generally don't like Japanese people as much because they are so reserved. It's nice in its own way. Koreans can be a little more outgoing, hence why they may seem to be a little more liked.

>they're not the same damn thing
>EXO isn't some bastard Chinese, korean, Japanese group
>Twice doesn't hit the charts in japan
>East Asia hasn't been targeting Latin America with their media for the last 2 years - links related

>People who still like Japanese stuff are boomers on the fringes of society.
That's pretty fine thing actually.

>Japan is dying culturally, Korea is taking its place.
In your dreams, but we need someone like you to promote shitgookhole to move in than here.

Build more this shitthy thread like daily from dawn to dusk when you have time.

Kpop only got popular because of jpop, though. It's just more westernized and has a bigger budget. Now they have Korean studios making anime for Netflix

Well is Korea just Jap rape babies? Thats what I always thought. Also, didnt South Korea just legalize marijuana for medical use? How accessible do you think it will be? Like Cali-tier medical?

Hahahaha..... no..... time to wake up and face the reality ;)

Japan is so pathetic than they didn't even get a translation of 12 Rules for Life.

They are out of the loop and irrelevant to the rest of the world.

I hate when weebs wanna make that a Japanese culture it’s just as bad as saying comics are american culture. Fuck off with that gay ass hedonism shit.

Korea makes better TVs too.
Although Sony makes the best TV you can buy right now... It's still made with an LG screen.

Wow what a great measure. Compared to how many people play Japanese video games?

Koreans make Netflix smash hits and acclaimed arthouse films

Japanese film themselves having sex or animate little white girls

based on propaganda?
I am a real Japanese who knows everything happening here.
You can not win.

Koreans are all niggers and thots. KYS

I went to Japan and girls told me they like TWICE more than Japanese music

It's not just screen tech. It's modems, CPUs, (Soon GPUs), memory and storage, etc.

Japan only looks high-tech to weebs. It's a 2nd rate country compared to Korea. They are so far behind, which is comical since they have 2.5X Korea's population.

Basically Koreans are the niggers of the east (Chinese are bugs). There is so many of these asian niggers here in Atlanta it’s honestly annoying since they tend to latch onto popular stuff aka nigger culture.

lmao! You think they dont know everything already in that gay ass book?!? You're talking about the Japanese ffs! They have contributed almost as much as the Greeks to philosophy and meaning of life theories..

as a korean I disagree. Japan is one of the few countries like the USA, French, UK where their culture is ubiquitous and seen all over the world. Sushi, anime, Nintendo, japanese cars, samurai.... Korea wishes it had that kind of exposure

But how will Japan survive?

Attached: how_will_japan_survive.png (823x242, 19K)

Do not act like an human, roach.
You will get fucked soon. Just wait you fucking scum roach zainichi

i visited futaba and these fucks talk about how BTS is brainwashing their women

Japan is still ahead in optical manufacturing, glass for cameras and scopes. But you're right, I think South Korea's relationship with America has helped them a lot

For boomers. Young adults prefer Korean BBQ
For boomers. Young adults prefer K-dramas
For boomers. Last 2 consoles flopped, all people have is nostalgia for times when Japan wasn't as pathetic decades ago.
>japanese cars
Declining popularity
Last Western samurai movie was when?
Kids today aren't familiar with samurai

In terms of quality, I'd say Samsung's ISOCELL is comparable to SONY's sensors, but since Japan is a giant currency manipulating cheat, they can offer cheap prices to competitors.

Korea has to offer quality to get customers while Japan has to cut prices to attract customers. Korea should really retaliate and devalue their won to screw with Japan.

I am sure girls you taleked with were your comarade bitches you fucking slit eyed jawoff parasite.

Я eбaл твoю мaмa хaхaхa

In terms of quality, I'd say Samsung's ISOCELL is comparable to SONY's sensors, but since Japan is a giant currency manipulating cheat, they can offer cheap prices to competitors.

Korea has to offer quality to get customers while Japan has to cut prices to attract customers. Korea should really retaliate and devalue their won to screw with Japan.


Fucking this

Its all trash and so is this post. SAAGGGEEEEE NIGGER SAAGGEEE

Koreans have a higher average IQ than Japanese.

thats a nice baseless statement with no link. however kpop only sells in korea and china. i dont see any one ever listening to kpop in america. i see people talking about DBZ still to this day even if its just comparisons to DB super which is still dragon ball. i honestly dont know how its lasted this long but then again naruto is still going

in japan they have their own idols which predate kpop. macross references jap idols. its part of the story line. music and singing interferes with the alien battle mind ability in which they get greater hand eye coordination and get faster. it distracts them and causes them to process unimportant data leveling the playing field

Mind your fucking business you fucking roach.

Also higher median income.

Isn’t 90% of cpus made and located in Taiwan? Nvidia,amd,htc, literally any part. Really the only thing Korea has at the moment is TVs as there main thing but everything else is shit.

That's pretty hot. Any more?

No, kpop has very little in relationship to jpop imho. It had some of the best talent working in some of the most robust industry models ever. Korean pop music is literally a weapon of war, and the general quality of the music is beyond the likes of what other industries could dream of grasping. It may be incredibly manufactured, but it produces some fucking results. That said, the Latin American audience targeting is pissing me off. They were really hitting western hip-hop, where the idols and singers were really white (which seemed normal) but now there's more latin influence (3-2 clave) decorating them more brown and tan, which is odd and confusing. I thought Latin Americans/South Americans want to be fucking white..?

if you read the image you'd get the joke, but 英語は難しいですね

Are you nuts? No one knows literally about Futaba still even exist. Lmao
Who would do and browrse this out of dated website?

Fuck off and leave back to your fucking country parasites.

Eh? People who like any of that shit are on fringes of society. I hope you are right, though, in that less weirdos are coming here and going into Korea. They contribute nothing of value and are rejects in their own country.

>Modern western philosophy is being circulated in Korea but not Japan

That explains a lot, actually.

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>Isn’t 90% of cpus made and located in Taiwan? Nvidia,amd,htc, literally any part.

For now... Samsung is betting on 7nm EUV. They have far more scale and liquid assets and TSMC.
Furthermore, Samsung designs their own CPUs, which is far more than what Japan does, which is nothing.

>Really the only thing Korea has at the moment is TVs as there main thing but everything else is shit.

What the fuck are you talking about? Almost all semiconductor components are from Korea.
Are you completely blind to Samsung and SK Hynix's record-shattering profits? Samsung alone pulls in $15 billion in profits per quarter and dwarfs the entirety of Japan Inc.

You cocksuker can not show your flag to spew on us, you coward gook diaspora?

ah yes i vaguely recall that super popular korean anime that's up their in normie popularity with DBZ, sailor moon, evangelion, naruto and one piece... what was that show called again?

This really triggers weebs. It's fun to watch.

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koreans and japanese are just chinese that left their homeland thousands of years ago

and why would you visit this shithole Jow Forums? This site is shit after your faggot ass hiro acquired it

Kids today have no idea what any of that is. Half of that is from the 1990's before Japan's fall lol.

All I know is that Samsung does have SSD and TVs (phones as well but not really) as their main selling points. Not to sure about ram and other parts since dell,hp and other business grade pc get other components that are cheap.

We can always move on to American-made Anime Tiddy.

More patriotic too

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Fuck Korea, Japan did nothing wrong.

Why do Koreans and Japanese hate each other so much?

are you implying there are no anime watchers under 30?

Japan did war crimes and colonial rule but still manages to be arrogant.

You obviously don't talk to women
Fyi to everyone, kpop is selling everywhere and normie women like it because reasons, and normie men like it because hot girls. I reiterate, however that as far as industry manufactured pop goes, kpop is the cutting edge.

This is a week informed post for anyone wondering about korean tech production. They are also at the forefront of wireless tech. If anything western could be compared to Samsung, it might best be done with amazon. They're both doing way more shit than a foreigner would imagine, are in bed with the government, and are almost criminally powerful.

do you even go outside. man, the mall is full of DBZ shit.

i see fucking nendos at gamestop now

I literally only see women and shitskins who prefer these Korean alternatives almost all of the time.

But they can apologize at an Olympic level, isn’t that worth something?

>tfw faggot phone poster from muh Samsung Galaxy

Nah it’s that I’m tired of these fucking Korean loving fucks that love Korea because of Kpop. I’ve met Koreans and personally I don’t like them. They don’t have a culture at all and act “tough” here.

The consumer electronics division is only a part of the Samsung conglomerate.

The vast majority of Samsung's profits come from selling components to other vendors.

The 3 main companies for DRAM are Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron. The first 2 are Korean companies.
Dell, HP and other companies will most likely source their RAM from those 2 companies, since they are the highest quality.

It’s amazing how you can trigger both sides by bringing up WW2 and Japanese conquest

Did you know Samsung makes fucking cars and ships

>Japan is dying culturally, Korea is taking its place.
yes goy unironically move to korea instead of japan you have a future there tyrone and ahmed. korea and korean culture for all!
absolutely based anti-gook subversion OP. i will spread your message.

Everything non-shit that exists in Korea was put there by Japan.

Do they randomly catch fire as often as their phones?

I think you mean America, stupid faggot. All japan laid in korea was seed, blood, and shit that got burnt down in war.

K poop fans are basicallly a bunch of fugly Amerimutts and uneducated nig nogs.
Enjoy your diversity you promote as you like this much, then you will be suffured by its consequences.

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forgot a video


Kpop is absolute cancer I agree, but is Jpop any less kosher?

Hell If i know. They literally make almost anything you can imagine. It's shocking. They also practically run a few universities.

They catch fire far less than Japanese cars sending shrapnel to the driver's stomach when the airbags explode.

I believe they are even further from the modern population of Han chinese because there were other genetic groups of east asians living near the coast at the time.