Mental age test

its time to poll Jow Forums
post your mental age and your real age
if there is a big gap between the 2 then your in for a bad time. last thread found that most Jow Forumsacks have a very large difference between mental and physical age. i wonder if this has something to do with the crazy political views on this board

my real age 24
my mental age 50
feels bad

Attached: Screenshot 2018-11-30 at 12.38.52 AM.png (816x284, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>your in for a bad time

Attached: 3cc.jpg (427x960, 44K)

Real age 42
Mental age 32

About right, test is bullshit though.

im 33 despite being born in 1993

Attached: soph.png (790x294, 10K)

exactly my point there is considerable discrepancy between mental and physical age on Jow Forums

its not bullshit for normies this test is accurate give or take 5 years

i'm 39

says 39. this test is shit and retarded

its not a bullshit test it accurately guessed your age within 5 years you must be "well adjusted"

My real age is 20 but my mental age is also 32 as well, interesting.

>Real age 26
>Tested age 52
Confirmed boomer.

Well I take a shit and brb.

enjoy your bm

Attached: chadpoop.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Real age: 36, estimated age: 35. I kept the first page real age field as “secret”.

real age: 24 or 25 (can't actually remember)

quiz age: 34 year old boomer

Attached: B5296072-2B92-4B3E-B921-760E6E9D0CA7.jpg (750x519, 104K)

Also born in 93 and I’m mentally 34. I can see it

1 more year lads

Attached: Screenshot_20181130-000432.jpg (1080x2160, 191K)

>real age 21
>mental age 47
What does it mean

Gave me my real age.

its not good

How did I do

Attached: SmartSelect_20181130-010912_Chrome.jpg (1440x979, 137K)

it depends what is your real age

22 turning 23 in a few weeks

>TFW 34
>14 years older
>"Over worried"
Someone help me out of my blackpilled 20 yo doomer hellhole

48 - Sophisticated
probably lost a point because I like to sleep in as im semi retired and 41
Hello kids.

its not terrible but its not good. the goal is 5 yrs difference. you can improve this by socializing more with normie 23 year olds

I hope your fucking mom dies in a fire

My real age: 29
My mental age: 29


it could be worse i got over double my real age

Fuck you nigger I have a girlfriend and many same aged friends. I hope your grandmother dies a slow painful fuckin death

real age is 21

Attached: Capture.png (708x283, 12K)


Attached: 1542686659983.jpg (1024x544, 60K)

Over double my fucking age, its a good thing because I am actually mature.

Attached: old.png (684x282, 11K)

I'm 25.
I scored 28.

i didnt say socialize with 23year olds i said socialize with NORMIE 23 yr olds

What is your thoughts on this video?

Attached: 1542442538055.webm (720x480, 1.83M)

Real age : 47
Mental age : 35
I feel fresh...


I hope your grandmother dies of the most painful cancer imaginable

Please child, behave yourself.

Real age is 23
Mental age is 29

Is this good? It said very mature, if you are female is this skewed?

real age: 20
mental age: 42

I agree, fuck your grandmother. Hope she dies

>For what purpose?
Never understood blatant animal cruelty, doesn't bother me to watch, but I just don't understand the motive.

Your wish was granted some time ago

I don’t know you haven’t posted tits yet

>mental age 50
>mid 20s

no this test is highly accurate. the goal is to get within 5 points it could be way worse but this still isnt good

God damn hope it was really slow and painful. I hope she died with the worst fucking chemo

lol. for what purpose? animal cruelty just cuz has no ends. it doesn't bother me to watch, I just don't see the particular motive as purposeful in a justifiable way

Actual Age: 49
Mental Age: 28
Test is highly accurate in my estimation.

Real age: 18
Mental age: 39
Not suprising really.

Fucking hivemind

HOLY S*$&!!!!!!

Yes Ari, we finally have them. Start the data-mining program.

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Nice meme oldfag, but a real lady wont show tits. It shall be a mystery for you.


Attached: SmartSelect_20181130-012339_Chrome.jpg (1436x1044, 135K)

real 39
test 34

So are points basically years? I am confused. Pls help.

so far 18 people with big differences in mental/physical age and only 6 who can beconsidered "well adjusted"

C'mon fuck ya, you're trying to troll an aussie, fuck off with that weak sauce shit.

Stick to Jow Forums stay away from stormfront for a while

lol yes

Real age: 40
Mental age: 12

"mental age" is a stupid concept
I know 50+ year old boomers who are dumber than dirt

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just fucking lol

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So you are 12 years old according to the screenshot

>Mentally 44


I figured, at least I'm not 20 points off. I'm just on the cusp of full retard or slightly functional

Real age: 29
Mental age: 46
So? I was always more reflective and reserved than most of my peers.

Based 12 year old

for normies this test is accurate within 5 year difference. if there is a difference over 5 years then thats something you need to work on

I’m 20

Attached: 19537DDF-6A15-445D-AC41-B70656D1184D.jpg (750x567, 100K)

so people probably didnt like you all that much

Real age 37
Mental age, varies. Sometimes I feel even older, but sometimes I feel like a kid. Not in a weird pervy way, but just, Im getting older and can kinda do what I want kinda way.

Didn't need some gay datamining test to tell me this shit. This whole thing is meaningless anyway as it doesn't consider any sort of personality traits, culture, social/work status which could all affect this.

Why would I want to be the same mental age as my actual age anyway? Modern day 26 year olds are wasting all their money on yoga classes and avocado toast while still paying $150K in student debt.

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Real Age 27
Mental Age 30
Yep, this reminded me how unlike I am to zoomers

Attached: EdwrLy1[1].png (713x270, 14K)

real: 72
test: 12

Real Age 27
Mental Age 48

I would say that most people have this discrepancy on this site due to the variety of high end political, religious, moral, and ethical discussions and beliefs.

Real: 38
Mental: 36

Lrn2selfaware fgts

22 year old doomer here

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 00.31.39.png (1452x570, 58K)

29 point off with my real life.

your post shows just how accurate this test is

Ayy we same boss

Can't remember age, confirmed for retarded.


saying i wish i was born in 1968. When the world was not completly crazy.

>Mentally 37

I am a foundling

Damn dude, do you read comic books and listen to Boston too?

Mental age 48, real age 28.

My mental age is 33 the exact same as my real age. I'm guessing this makes me normal.

>can't actually remember
wot m8

Abandoned at birth, definately a retard.

real age:24
mental age:55
Holly fuck im a really old geezer

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Mental age 25, real age 24. Well done however questions are general

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Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really depends on the time in my life.
For my teen years? Mostly no, because I hated being surrounded by low IQ rednecks. Not that it matters.