We all move to start a new country. One that isn't too corrupted yet, perhaps a little of a fixer-up-er. Where do we move to? What values and culture do we adopt. What does our constitution look like? Currently we all likely live somewhere where we pull to the right, then another government comes in to pull us to the left, erasing most of the work of the last government. I see little point to this. We all are us all scattered around the world each living in our own country but can we unite? Lets see if we can pull it off, at least in this thread.
I vote the Balkans
australia is like a failed example of what you want
Why the Balkans? I see it a a tinder box of Muslims, royalists and and socialists still at each others throats waiting to erupt in the next few decades. Correct me if I'm wrong. What are the pros and cons of the Balkans?
I was thinking the US actually, but like 200 years ago, how do we stop our new country decaying into what the US is today?
The balkans is conservative and traditional. Wars are going to be inevitable cause of the low IQ slavs but thats what Jow Forums inevitably desires "war" and stories.
OP again. It doesn't even need to be a country, it can be a state, I was thinking Texas? But i see Texas falling apart one day as it attracts people moving too it from say, California or Chicago, those people then like the idea of free stuff and ruin the state. Thoughts? Comments?
We might need more than just traditional valies though. What does our government look like. How do we stop the decay?
the governor of Texas can grant allodial titles which gives the holder near absolute authority on their land. No other state has this ability, Texas only has it because it was part of the agreement when they joined the union.
Shut up nerd
South Africa. Drive the niggers out, then build walls so they can't get back in. I volunteer to join the suicide squads, since I have nothing left to live for, I would gladly blow myself up for Kekistan.
Cant we just pick one of the vast swatches of canada that the mainstream calls racist and backwards. Turn some random village into a city and call it a day?
I just want my final stand to have meaning. Not freezing to death in buttfuck Canada. Not some retarded mass shooting that will just be used to demonize the right.
If we decide on South Africa we can actually make a difference. Save the whites there from being genocided and we'll have a food supply from the farms and a small starting population, some of whom may be willing to join the Kekistani army and fight with us.
Yeah, Canada seems pretty cold. But why are we thinking of this as a last stand? How about we see it as s renaissance of our culture from the dark ages?
This, Kosovo is the best.
What is your reason for this?
Geographically SA might be hard to expand. Plus you don't really have many trade partners in the region to really grow the economy and expand.
So we fill Texas with based anons for a greater voting power to the right, and eventually we can secede from the US.
Fear not user. You will have something to live for greater than yourself in our new country...
move to the balkans
>Orthodox Patriarchy
>People in the balkans assimilate migrants not the reverse
>Very rich cultures
>Very traditional
>Very nationalist
most balkans don't care about being "progressive" they just want to live their lives with their
tassie. wipe out the boguns, they already whacked the abos, remake it in our own pristine image. Not living in straun tho, what a dump