Trump what are you doing???

trump what are you doing???

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Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

Can't be done, not with the current wording of SC and ATF rulings and policies.
it's literally just a piece of plastic
>it turns it into a fully automatic weapon!
it is not part of, and doesn't alter the action in any way.
>well then it turns it into a machine gun!
not even close, based on ATF definitions
>well it increases the rate of fire!
please tell me what the standard rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle is.
and as others have said, you don't even need a bumpstock to bump fire
the only thing banning them would be is basically just a means to pass obviously bad legislation to get it to the SC and then overturn NFA.

Only christcucks and boomers will "turn them in". Watch.

>trump what are you doing???
protecting the current high score

>just a means to pass obviously bad legislation to get it to the SC and then overturn NFA
uh huh, keep telling yourself that

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Meh, it's probably unconstitutional/ineffective/unenforceable/overcome with clever placement of a rubber band/etc. but it's probably the smallest concession Trump could've given that allows him to say "see, I can compromise on the gun issue."

bump stocks are useless anyways so it doesn't matter and it might get us some goodwill with the dems which wouldn't hurt

>and doesn't alter the action in any way.

You're retarded for claiming this. It's more than just a piece of plastic.
Your president has declared them illegal and so you will turn them in.

This. Just gonna be a line of white people.

>see, I can compromise on the gun issue.

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except he legally cannot. literally. cannot. it is 100% unconstitutional and will be overturned. there is no basis on which to ban them that does not immediately lead to an all-out ban of all semi-automatic weapons.

this is not a concession. this is not about whether or not anyone NEEDS a bump stock, or if they are useful or not. this is about the opening the door to completely fuck the second amendment.

lol they can try and take them wafflenigger

emphasis on try

>inb4 trump shills show up and start saying this is a good thing
trumptards are fucking morons. they honestly think he is going to legalize full auto or reopen the registry. trump could come out tomorrow and ban all guns and they would call it 8 dimensional hopscotch.

He's not banning your gun so what's the fucking problem?

you dont need a bump stock to fire your weapon, babies.

>getting news from breitbart

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>trump what are you doing???
Maybe he's tired of being President.

>Trying to bargain with someone who wants your complete annihilation
Brainlet power plays I see


Do you know what the action of a gun is? It’s mechanically how it works, the bump stock literally does not change the machanics at all, therefore the action is unaffected, the gun still fires 1 round per trigger pull

The left was going to ban all semi's as potential auto's.
That's why Obama is the one that made them legal.

Because a bumpstock does not alter the gun mechanically, and essentially serves only to keep your finger in the correct position for rapid fire. Nobody actually cares about bump stocks, it's the fact that the govt is both cracking down on gun modifications, and telling you how fast you're allowed to fire your weapon.

I'm pro-gun and all for the second amendment but really it's not that big of a deal even I can see that this is minor

Are you fucking under 10 years old? Dems have never and will never stop with this shit and republicunts are too gutless to push for pro firearm anything.

*door get's blasted out*
*pop pop*

How do you even remotely think you will be able to hold on to your guns when the feds come knocking on your door?

I'm as pro firearms as they come

how can you be "for" something you obviously know so little about?

because the *pop pop* comes from the inside


>Be a criminal
>Law says I have to do something
Well is a wrap, trump just solved crime

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>Still reading Breitbart

This is why no one takes you seriously

>why won't you support a firearm registry user?
>the govt will never take your guns away!
>govt confiscates stocks that make it comfortable to fire a weapon quickly
>would undoubtedly go door to door if they knew which homes had them

Funny they call him president trump when he does shit liberals like

I know that sometimes you have to make some sacrifices for the greater good
republicans can give the dems bump stocks which isn't really a big deal and now we have a bargaining chip

I don't have a problem with this.

Next they're gunna ban bombs in urban areas, surprised they didn't after Boston tbqhfam

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that isn't how any of this works. at all.


Bullshit. At best, you're one of those wobblecuck Fuds who think there is any room to compromise with inalienable rights. I don't give a shit if a bump stock allowed firing 50 gorillion bullets at once and could only be used inside kindergarten classes. SHALL motherfucker.

Reminder Trump doesnt sign this. The Attorney General does. The current Attorney General has not been confirmed for the position by state representation.
It doesnt seem legitimate that he would be undoing an interpretation of the law one of the previous confirmed attorney generals accepted as recent as 2008.

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>let the govt decide how fast you're allowed to fire your semi-auto rifle
because they totally won't push their luck on further regulation

that's literally politics, bud

Funnily enough explosives are not illegal in most places. Bombs are without registration.

Hard to put a bump stock on a Hi-point....

>bargaining chip
There is no bargaining chip asshole. They just keep taking.

>You don't need semi automatic capabilities to fire your weapon, babies.

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Why do you even need a tool to make your gun fire "more quickly"?

The gun itself hasn't been altered by taking it away.

I bet he uses disqus to comment on there as well

Maximum boomer overdrive

This is the same logic that has pushed the leftist/liberal agenda for the past two two hundred years

They will not honor your "bargaining chip" they will take this win, celebrate, and then tomorrow they will tell you that you didn't give enough, and that you will raise your son as a daughter, and your daughter as a whore you put into the custody of a Muslim handler when she turns the ripe age of 7, and you're racist for insisting in doing it even that late


why do you need a bmw when you can get a volkswagen.

You're literally brain damaged, pal

Are bumpstocks really a threat to the people that run things or are they just using this to catalog people?

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Shown a sign of weakness. Next shooting, they'll be onto the next "device". They can't believe he just conceded ground to them for nothing in return.

Huge mistake and will embolden them. Next? Sig brace, 30 round mags, pistol grips, and so on.

All just "pieces of plastic" as many like to point out.

The argument was that the stock makes the gun too effective. Literally the entire point of every gun accessory is to make the weapon more effective.

Magpul advertises that their products give the user an "unfair advantage". This does not end with bump stocks and it's chicken shit.

This isn't politics this is war.
A war of extermination.
Not an inch given.

>I know that sometimes you have to make some sacrifices for the greater good
>republicans can give the dems bump stocks which isn't really a big deal and now we have a bargaining chip
This isnt how it works. How do you not know that the left wont be happy till all rifles and semi autos are banned? You give them a inch they want a fucking yard! There is no bargaining with these people. They have literally come out and said they want all our guns. And sooner or later there will be a fucking war over it. ANd let me tell you a bunch of none gender zim xers are not going to make it against a bunch of rednecks from the South. Not to mention how many military and police have stated they would not follow any orders that go against the 2nd.

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Look youre right. The issue is that the law supporting your "logical and moral" argument isnt on the books. The only thing changing here is the attorney general signing off to prosecute those for owning bumpstocks. Because he is interpreting them as machineguns.
They arent legally defined as machineguns because the former interpretation was they needed 2 functions for more than 1 bullet. Thats lawfully defined as not a machinegun.

As soon as this interpretation passes the desk of the attorney general with an "okay" it has to still be checked in its first court case. That will surely be appealed to a judge sooner or later that will go back to the original definition. As voted on by represenatives.

How can anyone not have figured out yet that Trump is just a conman? Every single thing he promised to do, he lied about. He's letting the country get overrun with third-world shitskins and lied about the wall. He lied about deportations. He said "screw due process, get the guns."

Does anybody not get it yet? Do you want to believe so much in Trump and not admit you're wrong that you are deliberately delusional? Why is it not getting through your head that Trump is just a two-bit conman liar? He conned you. Period.

letting the govt control how fast you're allowed to fire your weapon is the first step to restricting semi automatic weapons

Or how about we never fucking give them up even if the law changes?

you literally don't. Fully automatic weapons are illegal for consumer sale for a reason. Bumpstocks convert semi automatic weapons into weapons that fire at a rate of fully automatic, ergo it's illegal.

Nobody would have died in Vegas if bump stocks were illegal. Guns don't kill people, bump stocks do.
Stop being anti-Semitic and turn in your guns

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This is the beginning of the end for trump it has been a good run
We need a fresh face

Same shit Republicans have been doing for decades and every time the appeasement is greater. Cuk idea

Kek, I think someone can just use a belt. Trump's just trying to keep his word. I'm sure he's aware of this too.

K then add another crime to our list.
We are already all terrorists and war criminals for plotting genocide.
The bump stocks in our closets don't add much.


please tell me the standard rate of fire of a semiautomatic and automatic weapon.
what if i can fire at "automatic" rates using just my finger? do i need an NFA stamp for my finger (assuming i was born before 1986)?

What, you don't remember?

The gun grabbers stopped pushing gun control after the National Firearms Act of 1934.

Or wait, I mean the Gun Control Act of 1968.
No, it must have been the FOPA of 1986.
Maybe it was HW Bush's import ban.

Or Bill Clinton's (expired) Assault Weapon's ban.

And look at California. They stopped pushing for gun control after their assault weapons and magazine bans.

Oh shit.

turn them in? HA! NO! how about a buyback program that will pay their current price.

Didn't you learn anything from the Hughes Amendment? Anti-gun laws pass even if they don't pass.

Read my post dummy. The law isnt changing. Only what the DOJ finds unlawful. That will have to be checked by the judicial system.
If the judicial system fails to find them legal as defined by the legislature. Then it will ride up to the supreme court. Where they will argue above the legislature and simply on interpretations of the constitution.
If that fails. Then the system has.

+1 to you sir

My god Trumpo was a bad choice. When will his supporters apologize for voting for him?

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Unironically kill yourself.

In practice don't give them up.

>you literally don't. Fully automatic weapons are illegal for consumer sale for a reason. Bumpstocks convert semi automatic weapons into weapons that fire at a rate of fully automatic, ergo it's illegal.
Full auto weapons are not illegal to consumers. They just need more paper work and thousands of dollars. Bumpstocks didnt covert anything into full auto. Shit I can do the samething with my thumb and my loop on my pants. Not to mention accuracy goes down. Bumpstocks are a novelty.

Did obongo ever pass any gun laws? Serious question here

no they dont user, its still one pull of the trigger, one bullet. the atf had this as there legal opinion since they came out, the rules going to get thrown out in court. look into more, theres literraly no legal basis for this 'rule change'

Full autos are arbitrarily banned. But a full auto is defined as firing more rounds with a single pull of the trigger.

Describe how a bump stock modifies the weapon to make it shoot more than 1 bullet with 1 pull of the trigger.

I'm trying to imagine being as retarded as yourself.
I literally can't, you deserve some kind of award.

... You wanted 8, and they insisted 6.
You'll pat yourself on the back for another compromise.
Then they'll tell you to pay they have to put a chip in your head to fix your depression. You'll say no, and they'll say yes. You'll compromise again for the "convenience" of writing to fagbook without a keyboard.

They bad news is that at this point you won't congratulate yourself for another sweet deal you've silver tongued your way into.
The good news is that they'll have reprogrammed your brain into thinking you've gotten exactly what you want. As an added bonus You'll probably lose the pain of losing your daughter, as they'll have wiped those memories clean

Of course nobody will give them up. But who will get to practice with them and use them? Everyone will stash them in a basement or attic where they'll never see the light of day.

Im going to play devil's advocate.
They will argue that a bumpstock fundamentally moves your "trigger finger" from the actual trigger. To the forward movement necessary to make the gun rapid fire.
So basically your finger being "ready" to hit trigger as the gun is pushed forward is now a non-function.–Kruger_effect

Too dumb to know he should hang himself and probably too dumb to figure out how to accomplish it.

It's a slippery slope to banning all guns, but who gives a shit about some gay nigger method of spraying rounds like a retard? Nobody uses full auto in the military.

>Trump has done more to restrict the 2nd amendment than Obama
Defend this, Trump fags.

weak bait. try harder

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trump is a psyop

>Turn in all pieces of plastic
Bruh you can bumpfire faster than that shitty memestock with the belt loop on a fucking pair of jeans

Noone should care if memestocks are banned but even less retards should try to ban them

Yes, they'll try to argue that the trigger function isn't occurring or that the stock becomes the trigger. I wanted the dumbass who clearly has zero knowledge of firearms or their laws to show how big of a fool he is, not someone who knows how a bump stock works. I play devil's advocate on the issue all the time on Arfcom.

Ban belt loops when?

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fully automatic weapons are illegal
you can convert semi auto to full auto
bump stocks create a rapid fire effect
what am i missing here?

You're attempting to generate artificial consensus for the ban by creating a fake debate over pure confiscation versus buyback.

There is no debate. There is only strict language "shall not be infringed." You fucking deep state kike fuck.

>the scourge of anti semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue. it must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. we must stand with our jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. through the centuries the jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. we've all read it studied it, theyve gone through a lot. and those seeking their destruction;we will seek their destruction

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Just make memestocks expensive and the supply will dry up

They fucking suck for just about everything

Bump stock allows you to lay down a more accurate field of fire than a belt loop. Laughably retarded to ban plastic either way.

Trump frequently swings his balls, why cuck out now on his most passionate base? Bad stuff.