Why should society tolerate atheism when it does nothing but encourage moral depravity and degenerate lifestyles?

Why should society tolerate atheism when it does nothing but encourage moral depravity and degenerate lifestyles?

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I dunno, why should it?

(((Christianity))) needs to go too

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Heathens can't even spell lol

It doesnt do any of these things, tho

what fun would it be if everyone was raised
under perfect mind control and when harvest
comes, no one flinches.

these types are being cultivated for a reason
they will produce the most fear energy when
the end of the age harvest happens and they
really find out god is real and need him but
cannot get to him because they locked the
door of their exit by being heathens. you
want to see the meme of all memes, end
of the world and atheists screaming for

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Theism is intolerable.
Priests show the way with degeneracy.

Being theistic doesn't make you less degenerate user.

Christianity encourages being good to your enemy wich is way worse.

>Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword - Matthew 10:34
Jesus Christ don't agreed with you, user.

Why do Christians always try to focus on the supposed negative effects of atheism instead of simply providing evidence for why their religion is true? If God has been answering prayers for 2,000 years (“mustard seed’s worth of faith... moves mountains” according to the NT) then there would surely be some physical evidence to point to.

>B-b-but atheism leads to degeneraty, nihilism and social decay!
That’s a cute little hypothesis, but where’s the *evidence*?

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Tell me ONE country with Atheist majority who isn't degenerate.

>You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

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That’s literally the correct usage. Too as in also. (((Christianity))) needs to go also

Only dumb fucks like you would follow a kike ideology

That was said when they were outnumbers in the middle of the city. After that he come back and fuck them up.

Why are you using a kike pic? Jesus Christ was on the most important figures who oppose Judaism, he even threat them to destroy Jewish temples.

You can say the same for Christian majority countries. All spic and nigger third world countries or western degenerates

Poland, Hungary, Czech, Ukraine,, Bulgaria, etc.

Sorry user I'm having trouble reading this with a banana stuck up my ass.

>why should....

reminder to normies and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/bait/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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We shouldn’t.
Plato dialogues “Laws” book X. Read it for some antiquated curb stomping of atheism.



>tips fedora

>worshiping a jew on a stick

You should add more assertions to this to make it more believable. Like atheists eat babies or something.

Am i the only one that occasionally watches Deep Fat Fried?

What are you "tolerating" with atheism? If you're upset at people who disagree with your belief, provide something viable to demonstrate a God actually exists. Otherwise, why be mad at atheists?

I'm not asking that people artificially believe in G-d if they don't, but everyone in America should adopt Christian values,

>christian values
Like what, specifically? Give as many examples as you can.

Czech Republic is majority Irreligious

>the ten commandments
>intolerance of homosexuality and other degeneracy

I lost the plot some time before TJ had his diva-fit and left DP

Mostly because Scotty got really high off his own farts eventually and is an insufferable faggot. A show that is mostly him screaming over TJ and Paul is not my idea of fun

buddhism may technically be atheism but it is a spiritual practice. Atheism lacks an integration with a spiritual, moral guideline filling, and discipline developing practice. Also the people of myanmar have been quite gullible to the UN and the jew tricks by soros being played to make them think their own culture is the bad guy in the face of the rohingya "victims." They may be waking up but the issue isnt atheist or not imo. The issue is spiritual diligence and being religious or atheist doesnt fix that, only the individual and the environment does.

>moral depravity
>degenerate lifestyles

There is no reason to believe in the religion spook in the age of information.

>>the ten commandments
The first three aren't values, just:
>I'm God
>I'm the only God
>Only worship me
Nobody follows:
>Remember the sabbath day.
>Not take the LORD's name in vain.
sixth one in, finally:
>Honour thy father and thy mother
>Thou shalt not kill, have extramarital sex, steal, bare false witness/covet
Which, yeah i have no issue with these.
Boring. Stop throwing pussy/dick around all willy nilly, but for marriage? Are you a virgin?
>intolerance of homosexuality and other degeneracy
You don't like people taking their genes out of the running for advancing? I personally enjoy it; nature taking it's course.

I remember that I used to listen to the amazing atheist a long time ago, feel so embarassed now when I think about it

What do you suggest? It's not a free society if you are forced to believe in religious hokum.


proof that God is real

Daily reminder that this guy is a fucking faggot and there’s a video of him shoving a banana into his ass

Looking at my country atheism did great job. Since we are most atheist Slavs and thats why we are more rich than other Slavs.

Brett Keane was on point when he said scotty just repeats everyone else. DP would probably still be going strong if it was just the other 3

Not sure what youre talking about. i lost interest in DP a little before it ended

Atheism brought us Czech whore porn, praise Stalin

kek was meant for

hey im no godless heathen but get your facts right, atheists commit fewer crimes per capita.

We are probably the most atheist country in the world though. People think you are weird if you are religious here, not the other way around.

There is no such a thing as "society", we're not a unified front. IMO there are two sides Christians and Satanists, the morons in the middle don't count.

All forms of Paganism are a meme.

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You're not so clever.

Atheism is a fluke, a silly little thing. It's not real, nobody that lives in the real world is an Atheist.

>Why should society tolerate atheism when it does nothing but encourage moral depravity and degenerate lifestyles?
[citation needed]

Where's the evidence that atheists as a group are more morally depraved and degenerate than theists? Published and peer reviewed evidence is a good start.

Aryans and Jews, the niggers in the middle don't count. Maybe that's a better way to put it.

Show me that you love me, KEK.

I don't love you either.

...what do you think atheism is?

fuck all christfags to homo hell with the muslims and the jews the the fucking dot heads too.

A combination of narcissism stupidity and ignorance.

PRAISE KEK, amiright.


Why do you say that?

I see that you pressed X to express doubt, good going partner. We're sure to solve this case in no time. I can just tell this left-wing leaning parasite is lying, you can tell by his vile Semitic smirk that he's hiding something.

How about you smack yourself in the face a couple times? just a couple times. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP. Like that.

We're not having an intellectually honest discussion here kid. Wake up, that's not the way the world works.

God doesn't give you digits.

That wasn't God.

Blud, is that you?

So what? a demon shows you a few magic tricks and now you're a baddie? cunt.

What'shappenin blud?

>buddhism may technically be atheism but
Stopped reading right there kiddo thanks for agreeing with me

Whattup cuz?

So you don't have a reason why you think that?

is 1 of the many narcissistic-cognitive-phallusses* that is nothing more then a malignant outgrowth of a fallen spirit species.

*cause you impotent with 0 creative charisma

Not for u, no.

This MAC11 begs to differ.

>teleports behind you

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What is stupid about disbelieving in a claim that lacks any evidence? How could that be viewed as ignorant?


I think you've answered your own question

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i'm in truble like Ireland back in the 70's

We're not going to have a debate kid, go fucking watch some ghost videos in Youtube or something.


I agree. I'm asking you simple questions. Your inability to answer them is good enough for me.

You dumb fuck, it's not that simple. Grow up.

I wonder if i still have any Harry Potter juice left in me.


Eh, fuck it.

You just answered your own question.

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Is that gook bitch drinking dirty pond water?

All atheism stems from people whose parents were cunts or divorced followed by ugly fat fucks.

why should society not dismantle the catholic church and seize all of its tax free property when all they do is fuck children?

I guess i don't have any magic powers.

Because there is no such a thing as "society".

This doesn't count.

So don't count.

Fuck atheism, you should listen to the magical Jew in the sky, goy! His wife's son sacrificed himself for your sins, feel guilty forever!

You're going to Hell aren't you KEK?

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HAHA! you're so clever! hey guys let's go pretend like Thor is real.

It is that simple. Why would I have to grow up because you are clearly unable to verify your own assertions? Also, why would I be a dumb fuck if all I've done is ask you to explain your assertions?

Facts are still facts at the end of the day.

You're a dumb NPC. LOL. Ah shit. It's all so fucked.