Anyone else worried that China will completely give up communism and become a superpower...

Anyone else worried that China will completely give up communism and become a superpower? When Korea and Japan turned to Western capitalism they became powerhouses only limited by their small populations. If the Chinese people were to completely adopt capitalism the west would stand no chance.

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>Anyone else worried that China will completely give up communism
no the chinks are too stubborn to do something that makes that much sense

the west stands no chance right now.
they are not doing anything so far so we don't wake up and keep destroying ourselves, so it will be even easier so they can spend more efford manpower on fighting muslims

China is the perfect country for communism. It works with a high iq ethnostate.
They will pass us very soon and there's nothing we can do about it.

chinas more natsoc than communist in the sense we understand it.
you can buy your own penthouse and lambo in shanghai these days

China is a paper tiger that will collapse in like 5 years

didn't they already do this?

China is a state capitalist country. The aristocracy is descended from Mao's buddies, but that's the only connection to communism.

>worried that China will completely give up communism and become a superpower
China gave up communism 30 years ago and is a superpower already

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They already have completely adopted capitalism dumbass.

Not really. it's kind of a hybrid system but there's still massive distrust due to the lack of due process and lack of true property ownership. You're essentially leasing everything from the state. There's also a plethora of massive state run businesses. There is also heavy capital controls.

It was so nice of US taxpayers to build up all these other countries while they let their own country turn into a shithole.

>Not really. it's kind of a hybrid system but there's still massive distrust due to the lack of due process and lack of true property ownership. You're essentially leasing everything from the state
That's how it is here. We call them taxes and imminent domain.

yeah china surely is a state capitalism

With imminent domain the process is transparent and you are compensated and have recourse. Not in China. China also has taxes. China has definitely become more capitalist and has become very wealthy but they're far from the Korea or Japan level of capitalism. If they were to pivot that way the world would look very different.

it's not perfect capitalism but it's closest to capitalism right now. or at least one of the closest

It's eminent domain you fucking 98 IQ sheep.

This is why nobody takes you seriously if you were wondering. Also EMINENT domain has literally nothing to do with this discussion. Jow Forums has fallen so fucking far. Get the fuck out human trash.

china getting nuked would be a blessing to them

>China is the perfect country for communism. It works with a high iq ethnostate.

I don't think anyone knows exactly what China is right now, but it certainly isn't Communist.

You don't roll around in Mercedes, send your children to school internationally, spend millions of dollars on property around the world to bury it from the Party, which is all acquired through the labour of millions of your countrymen, and still call yourselves Communists. It's obscene.

this is what americans tell themselves to feel better.

China already passed USA

>lack of property ownership

You dont own property here either. Property taxes are just essentially paying your annual rent to the government to lease the property that you supposedly "own".

>China already passed USA
in what way?

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The more I think about, the more the collapse of China becomes unlikely.
They have the ability to craft almost anything in unbelievable quantity for a cheap price if they have the blueprints, and in the most recent years they've proved that they're more than able to do those blueprints by themselves.

I don't like it, but the 21th century will be China's.

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If China fully adopted capitalism they'd become the cannibalistic capitalist nightmare that Seattle Starbucks commies think the US is. Already Chinks are worse than Jews when it comes to cheating people for money, including selling shredded, turpentine-soaked cardboard inside bread to their own families and passing them off as "meat pies," resulting in the deaths of their families. Not to collect on some wills or inheritance, but just to get them to buy some shit.
Chinks rely on slave labor and complete tyranny to keep their people in check: open up the concept of the free market and their entire state collapses.

The chinks have peaked economically,and to be a superpower both economy and military need to be robust.

First step to being a superpower is having a blue water navy and the Chinks can’t even make it out of the South China Sea if the US doesn’t want them to.

Reminder that this is all America's fault. You idiots propped up both China and Saudi Arabia. Not to mention Israel.

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Capitalism needs a certain type of society to function well. For a start it needs a level of trust and cooperation between individuals and institutions. If you can’t trust anyone and everyone is always trying to rip each other off you’re off to a bad start

Its not cheap anymore. Economic growth has led to a demand for higher quality of life and higher wages.

Companies are actually leaving China now, many heading to Vietnam and SEA, some even coming here to the US.

They almost are they need to look like a failed state when it happens it will be like turning on a light

Any and all Republicanism is degenerate.

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I think the Chinese will be able to take full on capitalism, though inevitably they'll pay some price for it but i reckon they'll survive purely because of their culture.


nope, try harder newfags

based chinaman

chinese are even flooding here. I firmly believe China will take over the planet.

The fact that ching chongs are jumping ship to Poland of all places tells you how little faith chinks themselves have in their own country becoming a superpower. The rich chinks buying property in white Western nations can hear the fat lady singing

They can't give up communism. China is held together by strings. It's only kept up by central power.

They will have sizable populations all over the planet and thus will take over the world. Ethnic demographics are everything. They are using human investments. The "New silk road" will also mark a major shift in their world empire.

China achieved the best analogy between capitalism and communism. Unlike America, their companies can't simply take their factories or their funds and go to another country. They tamed the power of capitalism, and now it works for them, real high IQ people. Yet they are fucking sub-humans, being clever isn't always the case. I can't really explain it, but a part of what we call superior is missing a part only whites or better Caucasoids have...

It also helps having no human rights and being able to treate people like robots.

>high iq
literal mutt insectoids

Official state ideology of China is "socialism with Chinese characteristics", which is very pragmatic and fluid (it can change a lot), being socialist only in name and aesthetics. China has long abandoned Maoism, even though they keep Mao as their national hero figure.
If I'd say China is anything, they are Authoritarian Pragmatists.

In the "I fell for the meme and invested in them and now feel like an idiot" way

>Unlike America, their companies can't simply take their factories or their funds and go to another country.
They can do that and they're doing that.

'Gao Jian, of the Vnocean Business Consulting Service in Vietnam, said he has guided about 40 Chinese enterprises per month to the more than 50 industrial parks he helps recruit for so far.'

>Anyone on Jow Forums caring about Muslims being treated badly bar the specific opportunity to yell at Jews, aka

Europeans are more spiritual and less materialistic. It was actually you greeks (called Yoni after the ionians) who spread buddhism to China via the Greco-Bactrians and Indo-Greek kingdoms. The monk class was ethnically Greek. This isnt even disputed.

The chinks have no spiritualism except for a small cast of highly educated elites. Pleb chinks and like 99% of chinks have SUPERSTITIONS but not spiritualism. A deep Spiritualism is common even in the plebs of Europe though. Perhaps even more so than in European elites.


Kek, do you think your pic happened through socialist economic principles?

They shitcanned commie policies for any meaningful parts of China in the 80s son, they're more capitalist than Europe by a long way

i think asians indeed are like insects, human rights only apply to real people, people with personality thus whites and arabs (not the niggerfied ones), niggers and asians deserve nothing

Go Abe, Go!

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>China will completely give up communism
they have a plan economy as 200% communists

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i guess you are right but, if we assume that European spirit made Europe the master of this planet, now with our moral and social decline, we are doomed

> They will sell us a rope we will hang them with (c) Lenin
I wouldn't trust those bloody communists. You should have finished with them during Perestroika down here, but your MIC apparently wanted to keep on enjoying huge budgets.
So probably Lenin was invented to fool those nation (Russian & Chinese & whoever else, Afghanistan? Islam is the same teaching for goyim, so it will do) and you will be alright. Or maybe the disease is going to affect you too. Or future arrives so fast, that the past will cease being important. And all their governmental structure will fall off when humans are armed, protected, and don't need a wage, because their homes provide them with all they need, so the machine cannot lure young souls into being it's cogs, turning into ugly monsters everybody hate. They had to promise our police (traffic cops included) to go retired at 40 (and now they need to make everybody else work after 60 to make their ends meet) because almost nobody would want to do this job if they didn't stand before another petty perspective. They are not very bright to have a passion to make a business of some kind (from merchandise to science) those government people, wage slaves, thieves, suckers

You'd be surprised that China is more capitalist than communist, considering that their markets are somewhat open to the outside world and that companies move their factories there, because of how cheap the labour is. They have billionaires and even income inequality in the country, which is not communist at all. The only communist thing about them is the CCP that rules the country.

China will be a superpower, but that will happen with a huge cost. The US does not want another global power with dominance on the world, because that would be against their strategic and geopolitical interests. A likely scenario is a war between them, unless the US acts rational towards its threat by tariffs or investment in Africa.

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>Korea divided in two one Commie the other US backed/occupied/controlled
>Japan was under US rule when it became a power house

Am I afraid of china going western? No, they will have a hard fall before that happens, and might take a long time to stabilize without US aid.

>China will completely give up communism
They already did decades ago. Modern China is essentially a fascist economy

Chink here, can confirm. You European faggots are spiritual to the point of sickening. Going outside of country made me realising the difference between Western and Oriental mind.
You guy always thinking about the ultimate reason, the ultimate value, God, or something bullshit, while we chinks (and who under influence of our philosophy) only concern with matter related to real world. Kongzi had said, why concern with matter of heavens and gods, when you cannot even fathom fully human's matter?

True, this trait is what made you guy advancing science so much, and is what made we lagged behind guys (and I think we will never care about that anyway), but it's also your weakness, especially in the times of chaos and uncertainly. You will try to find the some bullshit reason, in order to explain the mess, clinging to old beliefs instead of understand the situation. You guys spending so much time to build your system, spending so much faith in your god, that you cannot open your eyes. That's why the Roman Empire collapsed, and that's why this time your world also will collapse too.

We chinks, on other hand, don't fucking care. Blue sky falling down? Okay, let build up a new heaven, done. Nothing more, nothing less. In the times of chaos, the strong and smart will go with the flow and thrive, the stupid and weak will cling to their old ways and perish, that's our history in short.

Chyna will collapse next year, you should read more expert analysis, like Gordon Chang.

>small populations
t. retard

CPP is your insectoid religion. And chink locusts will destroy all nature, like they already do in Russia. Cutting down forests, fucking up Baikal lake, tnx based Putin! Hope you all suffocate in the smog

They are pretty much fascist. Moving to capitalism won't happen because it would destabilize the ruling class to much.

There is only 1 Aryan country that can beat them, it's my India, nothing can stop us from doing Akhand Bharat (Greater India) (pic related)
China grew too fast too soon, India's growth is more consistent and stable, it will take us some time to level up but when we do it's gonna be the war between 2 ancient powers who are still surviving despite the odds

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You guys have been saying that for the last 15 years now. It's time to accept that America will downgrade from superpower to regional power, which will unironically be good for you. You can finally start looking inwards and spend your time fixing your own problems instead of everyone else's.
