Be an incoming freshman at university

>be an incoming freshman at university
>CS major
>introverted, but not socially inept
>above-average attractiveness, i just need to work out a bit
>IQ higher than average by 3 SD

I want a mentally/emotionally mature, high IQ girl to date. Age difference doesn't matter too much as long as it's not huge (4 years max). Preferably one with similar interests and personality so we have something to talk about and so I can admire her work. I've had trouble talking to normie girls that I've dated thus far because they're not intellectuals.

Where/how do I find these? They seem relatively rare based on what I've discussed with friends (at different universities) who have the same goal.

I have a friend at this university, but he does not have the same goal in mind, and hangs out with thots and normies, so he's no help.

What do?
(not a troll post)

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>he fell for the IQ meme

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Also no girl is gonna date someone whose head is so far up their own ass that all they see is shit.

lol nigga worry about college the girl will take care of herself

don't bother falling for the
>similar personality and likes all the shit i do too

whoever you end up with will probably come out of left field

if you want to find someone, you can't think you're too good for people

>>he fell for the IQ meme
They all do. They can't help it. They get fed so much shit in school about how smart and special they are.

It's a never ending source of fascination to me how dumb high IQ guys are. They'd much rather jack off with their high IQs than use them to make maximum $$$ for minimum effort.

It never enters their high IQ skulls that using their smarts to make money the easy way so they can have a life is the way to go.

>>IQ higher than average by 3 SD

Oh, that will wow the ladies.

Use your fucking iq. youre good at recognizingn patterns right? fucking use those skills then for faces, conversation, and body language.

I don't think I'm too good for anyone, I have my own problems too.

It's just that over the course of my life, I've met very few girls I could see myself dating.

Most people that I've talked to have been relatively immature, and I don't think this problem resolves itself magically upon entering university.

It may not even be IQ I'm after, but rather maturity. Perhaps I've come to correlate the two.


My first reaction is to go to school clubs and make friends there. Pick clubs that by their nature will attract more intellectual people.

Or go to places that select for intellect, where you need that as a prerequisite to be at x location or event.


This has been my first inclination as well.

I intend to get involved in various clubs, both to meet people and to not totally waste time.

This is useful to have, but it has it limits.

Dancing classes, volleyball, swimming, library. If you are so clever as you say, you shouldnt have trouble figuring the rest out.
>pro tip
Clever people tend to have super high ego and often comes off as jerks. You probably dont want to end up with super clever girl.

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>It's just that over the course of my life, I've met very few girls I could see myself dating.

Well you do the math. How many women in your age cohort are there at IQs even 2 SD above the mean? How many of those are going to be reasonably attractive and have pleasant personalities?

You need to stop focusing on "high IQ" women and start thinking in terms of "high enough IQ" women. That opens up the pool to a lot more prospects. It also means YOU are going to have to learn to get along with "high enough IQ" women. As a rule, people below 3 SD think anyone who focuses on their IQ is an insufferable douchebag.

So you figure out the rest.

>wants an emotionally mature gf
>comes here bitching about how he can't talk to "normie" girls because he has a higher IQ than them
How do you expect an "emotionally mature" girl to put up with you if you aren't emotionally mature yourself?


>You need to stop focusing on "high IQ" women and start thinking in terms of "high enough IQ" women. That opens up the pool to a lot more prospects. It also means YOU are going to have to learn to get along with "high enough IQ" women. As a rule, people below 3 SD think anyone who focuses on their IQ is an insufferable douchebag.

Ok. I've gotten similar advice from a friend, so I think I will take this to heart. I have no desire to come off as a douchebag to people lol

CS major freshman here. Never speak about your IQ, it's a fucking meme. As long as you go to a top CS university you shouldn't have to worry about intelligence of the women you meet. Don't overthink it. Go to some clubs.

Ok, thanks for the warning. Hopefully being a CS major will indeed prove advantageous in this case.

This. OP, you aren't ready. An emotionally mature chick will find you as clingy and needy. You'll be ready when you're content with solitude and being alone and only engaging with people romantically when the time arrives and you're 100% covered. In the meantime, focus on college and working out, lil nigga.

>dating in college
Bad move. Girls in college want to have fun, go to parties, be noticed and validated by boys, drink, smoke, and enjoy the pleasurable side of life. Even if you find a nice girl, every time you're slightly inconvenient to her she'll look over at the girls who are attached to nobody, having a great time with no responsibility, and seethe with jealousy.

It is likely she'll cheat on you in a 'moment of weakness' during an argument or something with a guy who, at that moment, seemed charming, strong, or the opposite of whatever you did to make her resent you at the time. She'll think of those girls who are living free and fun, then think about your relationship and all its problems, and look at that guy who is everything she wants at the moment, and she'll decide that she deserves to have fun too. Perhaps she'll feel guilty and tell you, or perhaps she'll love the secrecy and dirtiness of it all and fuck more dudes behind your back.It happens all the time, especially in college.

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Yo. Very accurate analysis. I'm 24 and about to transfer to a top ranked university. I look forward to cucking the many silver-spoon-fed college boys.

>They get fed so much shit in school about how smart and special they are.

Kek, they never do that in school.

Rubbish. Get off PuA forums. Men and women have wide ranges of personalities, some men and women prefer the easy life of fucking around, some would are happier in an intimate relationship.

If you are a guy and want to fuck around then go ahead, there is no need to project your own guilt complex on women. If you want a relationship and met a girl who you love, don't deny yourself the happiness of it because of these internet memes.

You are just holding yourself down by believing people are evil creatures out there to hurt you.

>Bad move. Girls in college want to have fun, go to parties, be noticed and validated by boys, drink, smoke, and enjoy the pleasurable side of life.

Those aren't the only girls in university. They're just the most noticeable ones.

You can't find a mature, intelligent woman at university? What sort of university is that. Just go to the post-graduate college part of your campus and play pool at the pub until someone comes along that you like.