Take the blackpill fellow brothers. Why save our countries? Just so women can enjoy their safe societies with niggers. Demography is destiny. The white race will simply die because white women are not having enough kids or having non-white kids. At this point I am contemplating of switching sides and helping accelerate our destruction.
Take the blackpill fellow brothers. Why save our countries? Just so women can enjoy their safe societies with niggers...
>helping accelerate our destruction.
i am taking the suicide route tho, a variant of the accelarationpill
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to work tomorrow.
There is no saving the human race at this point. No matter what you do there will always be those that support the powers that seek to dumb down and enslave us. No matter what, any attempts to break free will always be resisted by those you only want to help. It is all so mindless and the only hope is for the vast majority of civilization to be burned away
the mexican women are starting to look better than the white women here
>There is no saving the human race at this point.
lets all kill ourselves
Took it. AI will crush us in 40 years or so anyway. Only thing that could save us is thermonuclear war, which would set back technology. Of course that would kill many if not most of the world's population.
There is no point in improving our countries. Let's fucking destroy everything. They wanted this. Let them have it.
>demographics aren't political
You have to go back.
no. this is a pussy move. lets create hell on earth for women and Chads and niggers. i want to see the world burn.
they destroyed what our ancestors build. they killed our lineage. they must suffer. humanity will most go back to middle ages
>i want to see the world burn.
i am so sleepy. anyone else feeling sleepy
Rulefags will get rope.
>white women are not having enough kids or having non-white kids.
Not true
This is how I feel, everything about modernity is shit.
Life is meaningless theres no way to move up in my shitty service industry job. Cost of living is up the ass, women are masochist pigs, surveillance state and encroachment on liberties will only get worse and the country will resemble Brazil in only a few decades. Best I can hope for is to die a lonely old man in the shitty house I inherit from my dad, maybe if I'm lucky get married to some used up roastie hag who would probably take that from me too.
Accelerationism is the only way to go at this point.
what is even the point
>maybe if I'm lucky get married to some used up roastie hag who would probably take that from me too.
kill yourself
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums
You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.
Yeah I pretty much feel the same way as all of you.... I'm pretty fuckin pissed desu. Women sure are disappointing.
>literally "my fellow white people"
>says we don't know logic
>literally posts giant ad-hominem
Wow, you have already failed and the argument hasn't started. Get some sleep for your philosophy 101 class tomorrow 19 year old
I'm all about accelerationism.
Dude tldr ok grandpa like I give a shit about stupid shit I got acid and dank memes go fuck youself
Dem feels. Poor pajeet.
Have you thought about leaving and going somewhere else? You guys should. Check out Haiti or Africa it's all black people you'll love it.
I say we might ass well fight it out. Try to trigger them at very point. Bring there people against each other. We can't loose because even if they win there won't be white people to keep civilization around anyway. So it will all go to shit in a hand basket.
Remember this people can't even maintain shit. The Jew who thinks Israel will be Jewish if the white don't send him money is an idiot. Those sand niggers will kill all inc. each other.
>BLAME women for being a incel loser who cant breed
>its the niggers its the spics fault
same here senpai
accelerate the collapse
>waah im a pussy that cant attract women its the blacks fault waaah
>I say we might ass well fig
so sleepy...
Yes. The age of civilization is over. The end times - globalism has come.
Well, at least you see we will never fix what we've broken.
Now it's time to get right with the One who can!
all these butthurt white knights can put the pussy on the pedestal but can they argue against the truth?
There is zero hope for this. Maybe if a nuke goes off or we have a financial collapse
At the point of the blackpill you have two options, the ONLY options
Man Above Time route aka Ironpill
>gym, Paleo diet, meditation, nofap
>move out to a rural area
>Nietzsche, Evola, Guenon, Jünger, Linkola etc.
Man Against Time aka Redpill v. 2
>skullmask, guns
>live in an urban area, vandalize the city at night, graffiti
>Nietzsche, Evola, Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, SIEGE
>the circumstances i was born into make my life good. incel losers should stop complaining
Nobody will fight. Look around. It’s already happening and nobody can say anything. People who do lose their jobs. People who get violent just make us look worse
our ancestors fucked up. now that the genie is out of the box its too late for saving anything
please tell me more about both of those options kind brother
>tfw Friday is free and I have a Warhammer game scheduled
as bad as the average Jow Forumsack is, they're still more insightful than their opposition. shitlib journos and activists - the west's appointed gatekeepers of culture and morality - genuinely come across as not quite sentient. if i were you i'd worry more about that and less about the losers on a bulgarian yoghurt farming imageboard.
First option is surfing the Kali Yuga, or "riding the tiger of modernity". You become a personification of Truth and Tradition, rising above the degenerate modernity in which we live in. The goal is the attainment of "Overman" or "Übermensch" and transcendence.
The second route is accepting the fact that we're at the end of Kali Yuga, and accelerating it. That is also why you sometimes see SIEGEfags worshipping violence and rape.
I'd say the first option is less destructive, but also more passive. Read the authors I listed to learn more.
The redpill is accelerationism. The faster we destroy this society, the faster fascism becomes a reality. Vote communist
so sleepy....
That's no excuse.
OP is unironically correct but in reality we'd have to wait for a global collapse before being able to profit from the chaos. It's not a matter of "if" but "when", the problem being it might not happen within our lifetime.
thanks. which route would YOU suggest?
also, your options can translate to A) Christian monk
B) Fascist overlord
>Vote communist
unironically yes. been reverse thinking it for a while and it would potentially help. also, rapefugees will help for the destabilisation part. is soros /our/ guy?
I'd rather translate them to
a) Heroic Realism/Traditionalism
b) Esoteric Fascism
It really depends on you and your circumstances. I personally follow the first one because I live in a suburban area with lots of nature around and tend to gravitate more towards attainment of personal mastery rather than trying to induce changes on society and accelerate its fall. Every "redpilled" person will naturally gravitate towards one of the two, so as I said, you need to feel it for yourself.
If you're the "I've got nothing to lose" kind of person OR an American, I recommend the second path.
For more insight I recommend reading the Ironmarch anthology "Next Leap". Even though ironmarch is shat on here, I've never been a user of the forum when it was alive but consider the text to be very informative and useful. It's a collection of articles and a good introduction towards either of the two paths.
>We can't loose
Because we already lost everything
>We can't die
Because we are already dead
See you at WW3.
Good to see other anons finally accepting the voidpill. Stop beating yourselves up. It is not our problem anymore. Just. Let. Go.
>white women arent having enough babies
>pic related
Demoralization threads are the Jewiest of the Jew.
>Not waiting it out so you can go full-raider-mode while Europe crumbles around you and history is made
>Middle ages
I have bad news for you friend, the moment the sandpeople get their claws on nukes they'll either blow themselves up or we will. In the end the result is the same; fallout.
You are a fool! We noble Aryans may be broken and bruised but we will not fall! Our glory will no longer be trampled on! Our time is upon us!
You're gonna end up right in the same situation your in if you an hero.
Persist son.
You can do it, faggot.
how is that bad news??
>lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays
what gender is the majority of teachers?
Is this why Ron Paul is such a huge, blackpilled, based racist?
who the fuck is ron paul?
>>Take the white pill faggot, demographics are destiny
In 2018 there are 325,000 Amish people in the US. Every 22 years without fail that number doubles. This doubling counts those who stay within the church. Roughly 15-25% of Amish people reenter civilisation every generation, with fewer doing so now than ever before. By 2100 America will have 8 million Amish people (not including those who leave the order). By 2200 there will be 256 million (again not counting those who leave) making USA an Amish majority country. The Amish growth rate is higher than the population growth rate increase caused by immigration. 2200s America will be near identical to 1800s America. Despite progressives best efforts, America will once again become a white patriarchal Christian country.
and all this because they regulate female sexuality. really makes you think...
Reality is if islam takes over which is likely ill just pretend to be islamic and wave to gays as there thrown off buildings and the women as there raped. The greatest revenge on any society is good men doing nothing...find something you enjoy and twiddle your fingers till the end. The only way anything will change is if women start to get scared and they know men arent coming to their aid.
That doesn't make sense. You're implying women have the power. They clearly don't, that's why they need to be protected.
Phyisical power no, They have reproductive power and they are the mediators of culture. Put simple who they open there legs for is the behaviour you will get more of. They also have voting power and ive never met a right wing australian woman at least. Im willing to bet right wing women are the minority in most western countries.
Fourth Reich anyone?
>not taking the kaczynskipill
Only if we get to wear cool hugo boss threads and i can play gas chamber tycoon lol
You create your own reality faggots.
We are white.
God is on our side.
All our enemies will burn in the lake of fire.
Stop consuming demoralisation propaganda.
Stop being whiny little bitches.
We're just getting warm.
got a point
The first part is what I agree with. Life has been MADE pointless by liberalism. No wars to fight, nothing to fight for in general.
Finally, a post on Jow Forums that makes sense.
I embrace the total destruction of the white race and so should all of you.
OP is a faggot homo defeatist and so are all blackpilled niggers
traitors hang first
You will never have the balls to hang anyone.
If you can't defeat them, join them.
fuck off shlomo
i will, and trust me, pizza nigger. you're gonna fucking hang.
you're a traitor to all that is good and you shall be smitten
thank you, Greatest Ally.
The fuck is this thread? All I've read is a bunch of pussy shit. Jesus, grow some balls and get the he'll outta your basements people. You're just as lazy as the niggers.