Am I even weirder than your "conventional" tranny?

Am I even weirder than your "conventional" tranny?

I do not mean politically when I say this, but... sometimes I feel like I'm only of the rare few conservative trannies since I'm not a big sexual deviant, I never masturbated before in my entire life, I never even had any form of sexual intercourse, and I don't want to dress like a mega whore. I would love to dress conservatively since I find that fashion to be stylish, cute, and empowering. I love the wardrobe of the character Clara Oswald from Doctor Who yet I wish I could afford to dress like that since it seems like dressing conservatively is expensive especially for women's ware. I wouldn't mind showing off some skin every now again, like my legs, but I don't want to bare it all not just for body issues but because I feel as if I am lowering myself.

Yet the general belief regarding trannies and the image that reinforce this belief by Tumblr sometimes makes me question if I am the only tranny in the world who feels this way.

Maybe you're all right, Jow Forums, maybe suicide is the answer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't fit the negative stereotype
>better kill myself

Not surprised you're trans, really.

By definition I'd think trans women should be as diverse as non-trans women. I think you should just be yourself and not think you need to stick to a certain female stereotype.

>maybe suicide is the answer.

well you're a tranny, so statistically ... yes?

Provide the statistics and the studies that explain the reasons why. Make sure they are credible sources. You point this out yet you fail to take in all variables involved.

I've known about 5 or 6 trans women. About half of them are conservative. The other half were conservative mentally, but did the slutty stuff for money. The money was either used for bills or for hormones.

By and large I'd say most of them are conservative. Just that the porn ones fuck up and take drugs at some point and get into that world too deep.

Look up why John Hopkins stopped doing gender reassignment surgury. Research the serious mental health issues in the Trans community. Heck even listen to anecdotal examples such as Caitlin jenner, post surgury regret is a real thing. I'm not the user you replied to but if you are not at all familiar with Trans issues is some anons Internet research going to convince you of them? This is a Norwegian cheese making board, what sort of experts do you think we have here?

>maybe suicide is the answer
Glad to be of service, you know what to do.
>The other half were conservative mentally, but did the slutty stuff for money.
What the fuck do you think "conservative" means?

Attached: filth.jpg (512x768, 88K)

>post surgury regret is a real thing
is it?

Do these people regret becoming women, or regret that they will never be their ideal woman?

>What the fuck do you think "conservative" means?

voting for gun rights. pro military and military spending. Women dressing and fulfilling traditional gender roles. Being for conservative government spending. Shit like that.

But you're probably using christian moral conservatives as a the defining trait of all conservatives right?

>not a sexual deviant

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>voting for gun rights. pro military and military spending. Women dressing and fulfilling traditional gender roles. Being for conservative government spending. Shit like that.

You literally have no idea what conservative means, you actual brainlet.

>being a boomer neocon
And the trannies obviously aren't into any form of social conservatism, by definition.

You tell him, lH.

> Caitlin jenner, post surgury regret is a real thing.
I have yet to see one source that isn't some tabloid printing up headlines to get buyers. Can you please give me a source on this that isn't a tabloid?

Gender dysphoria goes both ways. If a person who was never really ill content with their gender goes through gender reassignment then they will find themselves with a case of this except for that of their assigned sex. This isn't evidence for why gender dysphoria is bullshit. If anything it's evidence for why it exists.

This is me and ever since I started transitioning I feel myself going down a more spiritual route too that if I force myself to live as a man I feel as if I maybe going down a path that the Dark Lord wants because he may want me to serve as his advocate. This feels completely backwards to what I was told, but I get the impression that the angels above aren't happy about the arrangement.

Here's another bombshell for you. I'm actually a virgin and I never really masturbated in my life which worries me since I am currently off the hormones for six months to attempt sperm banking. I'm worried about if I could actually shoot a load if you know what I mean since this would be my first time masturbating.

This is why I made this thread asking if I am an oddball among oddballs.

>It's an attention whore tgirl thinks she's more unique than the other attention whore tgirls episode

What advice exactly were you looking for? Asking a question that you then answer yoursekf is not a request for advice

You are, without a doubt, utterly insane, and any point you make about anything is made hollow by that fact.

>Here's another bombshell for you. I'm actually a virgin and I never really masturbated in my life which worries me since I am currently off the hormones for six months to attempt sperm banking. I'm worried about if I could actually shoot a load if you know what I mean since this would be my first time masturbating.
Have you ever had an erection?

Yeah, I've had boners, but I never actually jacked off.

If I am insane then I feel fortunate to know that I'm not the most insane as I could point you in the direction of another tranny who could fit your definition of insanity. :-)

Honestly, I sort of forgot that I made this thread, so I forgot what I was asking or how I could have possibly answered myself. I expected this thread to 404 by now.

You are severely mentally ill.

Seek help.

>Yeah, I've had boners, but I never actually jacked off.
Well give it a try. It's kinda fun.

>Am I [anything] er than
>The general belief
of just about anything is a stone's throw from actual, clinical retardation in most cases.
Adults are expected to be able to gauge case by case-- that's the responsibility mirrored to the right to being treated, heard, and respected like an adult. Doing the same to others.
>Suicide is the answer
I'm always for knocking another 4channer off the mortal coil but you haven't even been knocked the fuck out and raped. You haven't been groomed and blackmailed. You haven't walked in on someone balls deep/three knuckles in on your partner.
If only you knew how bad it actually gets out there.

>inb4 trannies face hate
Everyone faces hate. Welcome to living. Assholes are everywhere.
If you expect anyone but you to care, you're wasting a lot of time.

>tfw I made a somewhat-thought-out response to painfully obvious bait
Jow Forums

I am under the professional care of two mental health specialists, medical clinic, my primary care provider, and my endocrinologist. I already checked that goal off my list.

That is true. I have been fairly sheltered in my life that most recently a friend in a group I like to hang with at my community college said that I was pure compared to the rest of them. You are correct, I really don't know how bad the world gets out there. I guess the only hope we could do is find true friends to have our backs.

And this wasn't really intended as bait, well, maybe a tiny bit, like 2% bait, but it was just mostly myself ranting and letting out some depression while conversing with a friend on Discord about spiritual matters.

I'm going to not bump this thread since I feel it served it's purpose the moment I wrote it. I apologies for wasting everyone's time. For those whom I have baited, do you always take the bait whenever someone dangles transgenderism in front of you? It seems like it'll get tiresome posting the same ol' replies every time this subject is brought up.

the only reason they have a reputation for being degenerate sex fiends is because of a loud minority along with those being the ones a lot of fetishists seek out. its the same deal as feminists, for example; the majority are pretty reasonable people, but you only hear about the crazy feminazis because they're loud. or flamboyant camp gays who live their life as their sexuality instead of it just being an aspect of them, there are many more gays that you'd never even know were gay because its just part of them rather than something to broadcast.

I've rambled somewhat, but my point is just fuckin live your life OP. Go dress in what you want, fuck what you want (or dont, as is the case), loud minorities are irrelevant and should be ignored.

hush, you're probably Europeans and have no idea what a conservative is in other countries.

>And the trannies obviously aren't into any form of social conservatism, by definition.

plenty of them are into it if you get beyond the part where conservatives are against the idea of transition. If you actually shut up and listen to them, there are plenty that just want to be a 1960s happy homemaker mom.

Its the same with gays.

There are plenty gay men and trans women that would happily be a part of the right if the right could get over that one part of their personality.

>putting on a dress makes me a woman
Yes, pls kill yourself, the world will be a better place

>against the idea of transition
Yeah, nah, conservatives don't like cross dressers either. It has nothing to do with basing their distaste on them for "one part of their personality" and everything to do with you and your ilk being the literal antithesis to social conservatism. When you realize you have a cock for a reason and start being a man, you can be a conservative. Until then, you're just a retarded lefty degenerate, no matter if you like the aesthetic of the right wing or not.

No one asked you go make a sandwich slut.

>Yeah, nah, conservatives don't like cross dressers either. It has nothing to do with basing their distaste on them for "one part of their personality" and everything to do with you and your ilk being the literal antithesis to social conservatism. When you realize you have a cock for a reason and start being a man, you can be a conservative. Until then, you're just a retarded lefty degenerate, no matter if you like the aesthetic of the right wing or not.

your outlook is depressing. For you the right is nothing but gender politics, and everything else about it is "aesthetic"

single issue voters are idiots.

>baiting Jow Forums
Fine you tacky cunt, we won't advise anyone
Is that what you people want? To wallow in silence here?

>tranny uses discord
We know.

>I didn't intend to be bait
You guys are walking bait. A vast majority of your identity is consumed by the fact that you throw this gender thing everywhere you can. It's always relevant to everything you do and it's never allowed to be shooed away. Have transsexual people ever thought... maybe you're the only one who actually gives a fuck?
>but hecklers
Assholes are everywhere. Let them shit on you at your own cost.

The problem, see, with baiting Jow Forums is that it's like stealing candy from a baby or money from a hobo.
We know you can. We just thought-- MAYBE-- that you'd have some standards, dignity or just a hint of pride in yourself.

We are, of course, very regularly mistaken about that.
>that list of healthcare
Some serious rich boy white first world problems right here. What, did mom not serve fucking Caviar tonight?
All I suspect is that you kids turn 35 and suicidal after realizing that snipping a penis or sewing one on does not, really, change anything about the world around you.

>Have transsexual people ever thought... maybe you're the only one who actually gives a fuck?

I'm not even trans, and you know this isn't right. The moral right cares a whole lot. No one thinks more about dicks in buttholes and gender norms than the moral right.

Uck. 1/10.

Not that guy but holy shit are you retarded or something?
Calling the right wing "aesthetic" was clearly adressed towards trannies and other non-conformists wanting to be part of le cool hip right wing without wanting to bear the social responsibility that comes with it i.e. conforming to gender norms and not being a faggot.

Calling him a single issue voter based on the fact that he doesn't like trannies and doesn't consider people not following conservative values, you know, conservative is absolute rubbish mate.

This is a bait thread right?

>since it seems like dressing conservatively is expensive especially for women's ware

If you don't understand the basics of why women's clothes cost more you need to read more feminist literature.

>Calling the right wing "aesthetic" was clearly adressed towards trannies and other non-conformists

This. For some reason I guess I expected he wasn't going to be too stupid to understand what I was saying but I guess I forgot I was talking to a literal retard.

I don't even know where to begin, I've tried to reply twice. Greentext for brevity.
>The right, and the left also judges based on skin color, who cares about them? They're clearly an evolutionary step behind
>There are tons of transsexuals who damn the movement with outright violence and prejudice
>Frankly speaking none of this is relevant to OP being a shitty person who just wanted attention for being trans-- which all trannies do, because it's usually most or all of their personality lumped in with some homeopathic placebo

Everyone catches shit, that's just how assholes work. If it bugs you so much, stay inside and work from home

Wait, what? The price of women's clothing has a direct tie to feminism? I assumed it was because companies knew that women as a demographic were willing to pay more for clothing and appeal if they could that. I never knew there was a feminist connection to it. Is there any specific feminist literature that highlights this connection?

>This is a bait thread right?
The beauty industry has a very interesting history. Remember the bra burnings from the 1970's? Very early on beauty and cosmetic industries discovered that if you pushed a narrative that made women self-conscious about certain aspects of their bodies and appearances you could sell them shit they didn't need and charge out the ass for it. Wrinkle creams, "anti-aging" serums, push-up bras, spanks, and about a million other products are immediately tied to the concept that a woman's worth is in her looks; that if she looks older than she is or her breasts aren't as perky as they should be or if her clothes are dated then she is less than. There are a lot of products like these gears towards men as well but not nearly as much. I'm not exactly sure which feminist literature the poster is talking about but the beauty industry and feminism is most certainly linked.

>This is a bait thread right?
It's not a direct bait thread, I explained my motives behind making this thread up here: I would like to read more about this, do you have some recommended articles about this subject? If not, I'll just go to the oracle known as Google.

Basically it still all comes back to marketing and money? This is too funny and I remember seeing a few products toward men in JC Penney's one time thinking about who in the their right mind would buy that.

Your description didn't seem like feminism and the beauty industry were directly linked, but it seems like they are linked because the beauty industry knew how to use feminism to profit off of it while feminists didn't realize they were being used as tools. That's funny.

>Your description didn't seem like feminism and the beauty industry were directly linked
Depends on your interpretation of "directly linked". I'd say, more accurately, that one faction frequently reacts to the other. The market reacts to the movement and the movement reacts to the market. I think the 1970's bra burnings were a great example of modern feminism rebuking a corporate sponsored beauty standard. I'd compare it to the "organic food" industry. In this new age of information and high-profile documentaries about the food industry a giant social push against processed food birthed this new movement of "natural" food products. The irony is that the natural food industry eventually turned into just as gigantic a corporate monstrosity as their predecessors. People are now paying twice as much for food that, while loosely fitting the FDA's requirements for "organic" costs only pennies more to produce while companies like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's are laughing all the way to the bank.

Damn, that sounds highly manipulative and I see what you mean, feminism and the beauty industry work in tangent while being confrontational to one another.

>feminism and the beauty industry work in tangent while being confrontational to one another.
Exactly. Modern feminist ideals rebuke mainstream beauty standards and embrace counter-culture until the beauty industry figures out how to monetize counter-culture and make it profitable. Its the reason why gigantic corporations buy up smaller beauty companies and market them to consumers as alternatives to mainstream influence. The company that makes vegan, all natural neon-green hair dye is owned by the multinational chemical corporation that dumps their run-off into our rivers and lakes and the consumer actually believes they're apart of the solution. Its pretty sinister if you think about it.

>was clearly adressed towards trannies and other non-conformists wanting to be part of le cool hip right wing without wanting to bear the social responsibility that comes with it i.e. conforming to gender norms and not being a faggot.

the right is never cool or hip, by default. Its in the very meaning of the word. You're an idiot and a follower if you're currently conservative because you think it is the "new thing"

>without wanting to bear the social responsibility that comes with it i.e. conforming to gender norms and not being a faggot.

Thats the thing though. They want to conform to gender norms. They just want to pick the gender.

>which all trannies do,

confirmation bias. The ones that don't do it, you never know about.

Just as well
I never asked. I don't need to know they're a tranny. If they don't shut the fuck up, they're part of the problem
Like OP

>wants to kill himself
No fucking way

Actually, I only bring it up because after years of being on chans it felt dishonest of me to omit it, I would much prefer not to reveal that information if possible. Plus sometimes certain circumstances feel as if it is necessary to bring it up like in my initial post since I was asking if I was an oddball among other trannies.

Being a guy that sucks cocks and cleans the house is not a gender norm. What don't you understand about that you fucking autist

>Being a guy that sucks cocks and cleans the house is not a gender norm. What don't you understand about that you fucking autist

moral conservatives could have fucking fooled me on this one. Its like one of their favorite things to talk about.

"men don't suck cock" "men don't do the housework" blah blah blah

>"men don't suck cock" "men don't do the housework" blah blah blah

wow, you got me, based onion boy.

What the fuck did this thread turn into?

>You're an idiot and a follower if you're currently conservative because you think it is the "new thing"
How can one person be this dense?
Alright, let me try to explain it again:
>Conservatism after wikipedia: Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. The central tenets of conservatism include tradition, human imperfection, organic society, hierarchy and authority and property rights.
Guess what isn't part of tradition and goes against hierarchy and authority? Changing your sex based on a whim.

>Thats the thing though. They want to conform to gender norms. They just want to pick the gender.
Except that's not a thing in conservatism. Sex=gender because that's how american culture was laid out.

>the right is never cool or hip, by default.
Which begs the question why so a tranny is on here looking for right wing brownie points.

>moral conservatives
Oh fuck off. If you are not a "moral" conservative you are not a societal one either. You're a libertarian.

>"men don't suck cock" "men don't do the housework" blah blah blah
Am I being trolled? Is this what being trolled feels like?

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A steaming pile of shit, just like trannies and everything else they touch.

Nothing wrong with that.
Conservative girls are best girls. Why wouldn't that apply to girls with dicks?

Girls with dicks aren't girls
That's why

Honestly, most people, including me, have a “live and let live” approach to almost everything in life, especially with people we barely know.
I couldn’t give less of a shit that you’re trans. Are you hurting anyone? No. Are you happy and comfortable expressing yourself the way you currently are? It seems like it. So have fun, be yourself, and hold out for someone who’s into you. There’s a lock for every key. Life’s way too fucking short to worry about what some random idiots on the internet think of you.

Oh my god, this again. Is she hurting you by calling herself what she wants? The beauty of this world is people can present themselves however they want to without it affecting you or me in the slightest.

I'm a 18 year old male, i met many trannies. Some carry themselves and some just fuck. Nah keep carrying yourself high, in my opinion you're the best things ever.


You know what is stranger than men cutting off their own penises so they could be girls? Men cutting off their own penises who do not want to be girls. This is a process called nullification or nullo for sort. I wonder how many on /lgbt/ desire to have this procedure done who are not undergoing gender reassignment.

what the fuck

Most girls are sluts and most men think with their dick. Conservative people who are conservative on their own, and not to keep up an image for parents or boss, are as rare among normal people as among trannies.

This is reinforced since young conservatives are shit upon all the time so they tend to be not as visible in college and school years.

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