Be 19

>be 19
>no car or license and live with parents
>not enough money to move out or buy car
I-I can still get a gf, r-right...?

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Why not learn to drive or stop being a leech and get a job?

You can. I did. Asked the girl on a date, she had to pick me up and pay for it. Now we live together, I have a decent job and car and I provide. Was at rock bottom when we met.

I do have a job.

Then why can't you buy a car? Or just borrow a parents'? Or even move out?

I just got my job like a month ago and don't have the means to move out or buy a car yet. Also, probably won't be able to drive my parents' car if I move out.

As a europoor what's the deal with Americans and cars? Is having a licence a divine-tier skill in the US?

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>Lack of adequate public transportation in places
>Greater distances

It's a very useful skill to have
'license' is mostly tantamount to 'knowing how to drive'

It's considered to be a step towards adulthood for teenagers, and often praised as a liberating act to earn your license and be able to travel.

In reality, traffic is just a fucking nightmare, it can actually take longer to travel, and most cities end up having more cars than citizens.

It's just sort of what society expects of you.

Listen, kids. Here are the rules.

If you have nothing; no motivation, no car, no independence, no upward mobility, DO NOT expect a woman who has these things to be interested in you. There is no logical basis for someone to want to take steps backwards in their lives and wanting to take care of someone who doesn't have the drive or the means to provide for themselves. Now. If you also want a girl who has nothing then sure, why not. There are, of course, exceptions to any rule but the general consensus is that people want their partners to be equals whether it be in romance, friendship or business. It isn't the physical lack of a license or a car that puts people off, guys, its the fact that your lack of basic necessities is a reflection on your work ethic.

I'm 22 and in the same position.

Your US roads are all straight and your cars are autos. All you need to learn is how to steer. Try manual shifting a 1 litre tin can around a 6 lane gyratory or a country road wide enough for one car where the limit is 60 mph


Not all of the u.s. is flat with straight roads

Kek @ 2nd world shit hole. Eat shit faggot

Having no car or license is the social equivalent of being 15 years old forever.

No one will take you seriously here without both.

Also, public transportation is reserved for the most bittom tier of society here. Either you are homeless, broke as fuck, or lost your license because you cant atay sober for more than a few hours a day.

Pic related.

If you ever visit America, do not plan on using public transportation, rent a car.

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It's a shame. I get that large parts of the US are simply unsuitable for public transport (larger, more spread out rural areas and the like), but at least for your cities and bigger towns public transport should be a boon.

1. Keep job. If not working 40 hour weeks. Try to.
2. You need to get a drivers license. Work on this.
3. Why don't you have a drivers license? Not necessarily important to giving advice but why OP?
4. Keep working and saving money and looking at cars for sale.
5. Buy a car.