I can not even begin to describe my troubles Jow Forums

i can not even begin to describe my troubles Jow Forums
ive been lurking for years, givig advice. but what ive seen and what ive done extends beyond what i have been answering to.
i need to talk to someone bad
some picture man i dont know

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Or you can vent here; please don't make it an "OP is mere digits away from clinical retardation and lashes back at people trying to help them" thread, leave shitposters shitposting and reply to the relevant bits

But otherwise therapy.

man i dont know i feel stupid for making this thread, good night to anyone, if you read this

Can you tell us here or does it have to be confined to discord?

What's up OP? Talk. We're here.

na man i didnt do anything illegal i just cant keep going anymore
i dont know where to start my life was sso good and now its bad

its more of you don't know where to start explaining and you would pretty much have to give your whole life story but no one here will obviously read something that long, get a therapist. But then again they are only human too. I'm just making a guess if that instead the case you could explain what you consider the most important problem you have.

im so tired i feel terrible man

>i dont know where to start my life was sso good and now its bad
Well what went wrong my man? If you know that shit was good at one time, you can at least visualize a realistic goal. That puts you a cut above a lot of the autists who post here.

i dont want a therapist i want someone to talk to
its not my lifestory its just the last year and it got worse month for month i dont even know why i made this thread

>its not my lifestory its just the last year and it got worse month for month i dont even know why i made this thread
Cause you wanna talk. Talk man, talk. We're listening. You don't have to give intimate details. Just talk, you'll feel better.

i can visualize but that doesnt make my family alive again or my girl here again or the fact i just had a blowjob from a really disgusting old hooker not true im garbage and i dont know why i behave like garbage even though i have been so great and im only 24 what the fuck

im crying my man i dont know anymore everything is so disgusting since i am alone i thought its gona be great but it all got gross

i just want to be great again and wise evveryone loved me and now im unknown
you know how you feel on Jow Forums i i feel like that offline too its so dirty man what the fuck i wnat to be bodybuilding and bartending again like i did so good. i am so hurt because my father died i never thought he would mean so much to me im so young and so sad i dont work anymore god damnit

i had 86kg of muscle and now im a faggot who has a blowjob from a old disgusting whore what the shit why am i so disgusting

i just want to not be disgusting but i cant seem to stop it. i want to go to heaven when i die i know everyone elsee i loved and died went there cause they were good people and im so bad i dont know why i make every mistake i tell myself not to do

I'm sorry about your family dude. That's a big one, and it's not something that's easy to comprehend. I wish I could say something specific to help you get through that, but there isn't. The best I can say is that it's up to you to make new memories, to ultimately make new family. It's something you can do. It's something you were born to do.

I'm sorry you feel bad about getting with a hooker, as well. But the shame will pass in time. Just file it in the back of your mind and push past it.

I know it hurts right now my friend. Just make it to tomorrow. Promise me you'll make it through until tomorrow.

i will make it but ill be very tired. theres no way to not make it to tomorrow for me

ii hope this thread is still on i want to write more down herre. i know its not my journal but its good crying hee thank you i have to sleep now im exausted

Sounds like you really had your shit together. Bartending seems pretty difficult. You obviously have it in you to be an outgoing and sociable person, right? That's still in you. Did you stop working as a choice or lost the job? Body building takes a lot of commitment and discipline. You clearly have many positive attributes.

I can't begin to understand the grief involved in losing a family member. But remind yourself that it will pass. And there's likely very little that could stop you from getting back to where you were before. It's okay to grieve. Just stay focused on the fact that you will get back to where you were before and you will be stronger when you get there.

If any time is okay to get a bj from a hooker, it's probably now. Stay strong man.

Good. That's important man. Focus on making it until tomorrow. Treat it like you've got the flu or something. You literally need to just get past the acute phase of this so your body and mind can heal. I know it's been awhile since everything started to go wrong, but there's a reason you've made it through until today without giving up. I know you can go another day.

Giving OP a bump, hope you feel better in the morning my dude.

And another bump. Come on back OP, let's talk about what's going on.

Let's give it another bump. Getting towards when OP posted this originally. Hoping he comes back and talks about what's happening.

try to see the bright side

hey man, after a really long term relationship crashed and burned, i did some pretty gross things too. don't beat yourself up over it, you're gonna take some lumps. just realize you've been acting out and talk about your problems man, it's a much better way to deal with them. i hope you have a good night OP, come back when you can and let us know how we can help.