Why doesn't Greg Johnson ever get acknowledge here?

Greg Johnson is most notable for running Counter-Currents Publishing, which has been advocating white nationalism for years. He's published over 40 books regarding white nationalism, the most recent being The White Nationalist Manifesto (available on Amazon). This most recent publication seems to have struck a nerve, and I've noticed a coordinated efforts to silence him by publicly humiliating regarding his sexual proclivity. But not here. Not one peep of Greg Johnson here. Give him a listen, he is extremely well-spoken and an invaluable asset to white nationalism.




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seeing Greg talk without his face hidden is like seeing Batman for the first time

> reading pol post 2012
> expecting people to read CC
> expecting people not to just donate to ethots

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Isn’t he a weeb faggot* who lives in Japan?

* by faggot I mean literal homosexual

A case in point, this guy knows nothing

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Oh wait I think that’s Jack Donovan.

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yeah, it's satisfying. The reason guys like Greg and even Striker types aren't really discussed here often is because they aren't really that interesting/useful here. They're essentially irl mouthpieces for Jow Forumsack opinions. It's not that they're not great, it's just sort of redundant listening to things you already know.

Don't Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer hate each other? I am interested in the lore on that.

Yeah, I forgot when the split happened exactly, but it was about the direction the "alt-right" should take. I don't think Greg was on board with RamZs outlook, which I think they should've adopted albeit they would've had to kick Spencer out of the movement, but I think the split occurred around the same time. Heilgateish period I think.

They actually had it on Wikipedia of all places. Looks like Greg Johnson is an optics cuck and pissed himself when things got bad. I have no tolerance for optics cucks. Fuck this fag.

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Richard Spencer is a fucking retard, enjoy your cult of personality around a flamboyant and pretentious narcissist that larps as an aristocrat.

Greg was interest in reaching a more mainstream audience with his message, he is explicit about creating homogeneous homelands for european people, he is not an optics cuck, he just know that larping about an Space Imperium like Spencer does, will get you no where.

He's a niche subject guy. Anyone who knows Spencer's works (I mean actually knows outside of Jow Forums memes) is bound to know about him too.

He was right about the Georgian cave troll. The entire "based Dugin, praise Soviet Russia" bullshit came through her.

Colin Liddell > Greg Johnson > Richard Spencer

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Why are you defending this Greg Johnson fag? He sounds like a Gavin McInnes type, basically a bitch ass coward who will run after shit goes bad, but then start pointing fingers at everyone else. Fuck him. I hope he fucking dies. Fuck optics faggots.

Go to bed Dickie

i consider him the most informed mind in the movement, the type of thinker needed to establish a real foundation

This guy gets it, we need more based cuckoldry advocates

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He looks like the A Wyatt Mann's AIDS ridden faggot drawing. That's strange

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what did greg say about her specifically? other than say she's not white

There's been a lot of snide comments back and forth between the two as well. Apparently they hate each others guts. Gregs let loose on Spencers personality a couple times, saying he's narcissitic/self absorbed/ only in it for fame etc
I side with Gregs take.
He's wrong. There's a great book that goes through ancient Greece and makes the argument that pederasty was not an accepted practice...Course i forget the damn title now

There has to be more to it.

>There has to be more to it
The fuck, that shuda been end of first paragraph

Whether it happened or not, Greg Johnson defended fucking boys as a proud aryan tradition, he promoted cuckoldry as a based institution destroyed by Christianity and has condemned social conservatism and doesn't mind white women having abortions. The man is a racist liberal, he's a bathhouse nationalist. He loves the degeneracy of the modern age he just doesn't want niggers at his glory hole. He's a faggot that supports fucking boys. Oh, and don't forget the multiple times he's said that we need faggots desperately to save western civ because they're the true creators of culture.

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A big part of politics is vowing defiance and being unreasonable

Focussing on optics is a huge waste of time
Khakis and white polos became symbols of white supremacy
Even if 99% of people somewhere look good, they'll find the fattest, larpiest person and take 100 photos of them

Good optics come from already having power
With that said, looking like a slob is bad

Woa, didn't know that. Arguing in favor og homos & feminism, what a fucking degenerate.

Actually met him in person in Poland
Nice guy

>in favor og homos
He is an unironic homosexual that thinks homophobia is a Jewish conspiracy.