How will drumpies ever recover?!

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Now this is what I call platinum tier shitposting

I support Trump, I think the homeless should be conscripted into agricultural labor. They get paid at least minimum wage and housed in barracks near the fields with supervision so they don't fall back into the life of drugs and alcohol. The corporations no longer have the excuse to import cheaper labor to undercut the domestic labor market. Don't you "progressive" faggots go on and on how you support the worker/proletariat? If so why do you support harming the american worker with scabs?

i wish i could shit platinum

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h-here i go

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Trumpturds are NPCs

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These two positions are not in conflict.

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Nice three paragraph meme, faggot

It's almost like more than one person voted for Trump and they different views on subjects.

Aren't illegals essentially homeless?

>op uses the absolute lowest quality of meme
>expects not to get ass raped by mommy because of it
sorry for your luck, op

reminder to normies and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/bait/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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Fuck you, the left has intellectual memes that have dumb dumb filters for people like you.

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1 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account

Just curious, are there no programs for the homeless in the US? Here, you will pretty much never end up being a typical hobo, you will always have at least food and shelter. But many are just too fucking proud for that shit.

Not if they are put up in the burbs of Minnesota by our sequestered tax dollars. Thanks, Obama.

Meanwhile, in leftist land
>Dont have anymore kids we don't need more people and its hurting the planet.
>Let in everyone, open borders, we need more people for jobs.

Also its more like
>Dont let in outsiders, we have enough problems with our own populations issues, like massive homeless and poor populations.
>Those poor and homeless are often in that position due to thier own choices.

>too dumb to read

Checks out.

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>ancap philosophy
>"minimum wage"
where did Jow Forums go wrong

>claims to be for "the common man"
>insults the uneducated
Typical ivory tower champagne socialists.

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nice fake image made by Jow Forums to be able to call literally any post a "shill"

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Let's fuck little kids if it's for Muhmerica First.

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