Humiliated and ostracized

Help me, Jow Forums
>be me, with gf
>in bed, doing the usual
>”I wanna feel your ass, user”
>”only if I get to feel yours”
>”I wanna feel your dick, user”
>”only if I get to feel yours”
>gf cracks up
>i have blue balls
What do? I feel humiliated. I can’t go outside anymore because my GF told her friends about it, and now people know me as ‘the tranny lover’

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Dump her then. That isn't normal teasing.

Are you being serious or trolling? Who cares what people think. You were joking around with your girl. Be more secure in yourself.

no, she’s the only one that’ll take me
Is there any way to improve my social standing?

own it. a beta gets humiliated and embarassed. alphas dont give a fuck. learn to be able to laugh at yourself and make things funny

I wasn’t joking around, it just slipped. Now everytime I walk into CC everyone I know (even if we’ve only met once) laughs at me. I hate it. My GF has apologized but they won’t stop.

Lol, let her fuck your anus with random kitchen appliances like the ladyyboy you are.

Shes gonna go find a man who isnt a faggot like you, faggo.

She's not the only one, and thinking like that is going to let her control you. Increase standing by professional success, hobbies and interests, material wealth, and larger social circles.

Do you really want to kowtow to some cunt who humiliated you like that? Grow some fucking balls

It wouldn’t normally affect me but it’s EVERYONE
I don’t know how it got this big. Thankfully most people don’t say anything, but some jackasses say things like
“I’d show you my girl’s nudes, but unfortunately she doesn’t have a dick”
It’s humiliating because everyone who doesn’t know me thinks that I’m gay

Her apology is meaningless. The fact that she'd share something you said accidentaly while intimate to her friends is enough to show how little she regards you

you need to change your demeanor. youre letting them laugh at you. if you joke around and are actually entertaining you can turn the tables. tell a funny story, take it from me. ive been the quiet guy whos easier to make fun of, but i also am a guy whos loud and funny, and people who didnt like me at first, ended up liking me when i make them laugh. you dont have to be that guy who gets laughed at.

I’m a 3/10 autistic sperglord. I can’t look people in the eye. I wonder why my parents thought it’d be a good idea to take me into this world.

Are you sure they are, or have you decided in your mind that they are laughing and what you see seems to somehow fit your narrative?

Do they point at you and laugh? Do they make offhanded remarks to you about being a tranny lover?

It got this big because people are taking pleasure in the fact that your girlfriend is the one who started it. It serves as a permission of sorts to allow them to say whatever they want to you.

say something rude then like "bullshit, she looks like a tranny bro" be an asshole but also funny at the same time

I have severe autism. I can’t laugh, because I don’t think it is funny. The things they say aren’t funny, they’re just mean. It is crushing. She is my first GF ever.

community college. I didn’t want to go but my parents forced me.

you need to defend yourself and say shit back, but sound like youre joking, dont sound like youre offended. this comes with practice. watch some comedy stand up, practice on your delivery. think of funny movies, this is how you get people to like you. you reference stuff, say off the wall shit normies wouldnt think of. you can do it

I’m not joking. Im sorry if i sound like im joking. I just do not have good social skills. I was homeschooled around 2nd grade to 12th grade. I just don’t know how to deal with this.

if you cant laugh then that can be an advantage, you can be deadpan, say funny shit with a straight face. you can turn your weaknesses into strengths

How can I say something funny if I do not know what they think is funny?

well then you can stop hanging with them, but im giving you possible solutions to turn this around. its possible to turn it around

first, what your gf didn't isn't cool. If she's showing a lack of respect, leave. It's better to be alone. Second, these guys are testing your grit. Everyone does it to everyone sometimes. Joke back, even if you don't think it's funny. They only care because you care. Third, work on your insecurity. You have autism, but you can still have a happy life you like. If you don't want to go to CC become self sufficient. Your parents can't make you do shit if you don't depend on them.

I don’t ‘hang’ with anyone. I usually just stay with my GF. She’s the only person that I feel comfortable around (except my mother).

Why are they testing my grit
I do depend on my parents. If I never went to CC, I would be NEET

people are amused easily. come up with some gay jokes. if you can comfortably make fun of yourself it will throw them off. you just need to show some confidence then they will think " this guy doesnt give a fuck, thats pretty cool. " what do YOU think is funny? entertain yourself with your jokes.

no, if I make a gay joke won’t people think I am gay?
I like anthony jeselnik, but the last time I told one of his jokes it did not turn out well

Say it if it's funny to you. Think of some things now. For example, one guy said "I'd show you a picture of my gf but she doesn't have a dick." My would reply would be, "with the way you act I'm surprised she doesn't." with a smile. He gave me shit about the tranny thing, now I've given it back implying he acts like a fag.

sometimes awkward unfunny stuff is funny, like tim hedeickers stand up. even if you dont like him, he makes a lot of people laugh with his anti comedy. how old are you?

I don’t think I would remember that in the moment. I get nervous and whenever I try to speak when confronted i usually stutter a lot.

I am 22
No, it wasn’t ‘not funny’. I realized once I stopped stuttering what I had said and I wanted to end myself.
instead of saying the funny anthony jeselnik joke I stuttered and forgot and said something very dumb and creepy

People test your grit to determine how you handle situations and who you are as a person. You say you only hang out with your girlfriend, but if you joked back with these guys and gave them shit they might be willing to hang out with you. They want to see if you can take a joke or if you get angry. If you can take a joke, laugh with them, and make them laugh they are going to respect that and want to hang out with you.

why do they care how I handle situations and who I am as a person. They don’t rely on me. I am not friends with them.

you didn't get humiliated you absolute retard, they just think it's a funny thing that they'll continue to reference from time to time, all you have to do is just so "haha lol" every time they bring it up jesus christ

yes, or you can say "damn thats too bad" give a sarcastic response that implies it doesnt bother you. or ask why hes always the one to bring up dicks like "man, you talk about dick so much why dont you just suck one and get it over with?" just riff on different responses you can give.

You won't. The reply I came up with was off the top of my head. I didn't think of something for a minute. You have to be quick with replies and witty. It's a hard thing to do and takes practice, but you get opportunities because people will test you like this for the rest of your life. It's like a duel with words, and you should be able to throw something back every once in a while.

You say that like it is so easy, but I cannot do that. I cannot even tell jokes.
In the college library I was sitting next to another man. I tried to tell the joke that goes like this:
>Once I found a body in the forest when I was a kid
>Poor man stepped in a bear trap
>I left and didn’t tell anybody. I went back a week later, and he was dead.
Instead, I said this:
>I saw a man in the forest in a beartrap and he was dead
I cannot tell jokes.

See this I had been rehearsing the joke for over a week. I still could not tell it.

you just need more practice, trust me ive told plenty of bad jokes that were not effective. even afterwards i was like "damn that joke sucked. SO STUPID! "which actually ended up making people laugh. but i like to laugh so ive also made a lot of good ones that had people laughing. you do it enough you get better at it. and once you get comfy doing it, you can harness this raw energy that will draw people to you. i can say something totally stupid by itself, but my tone of voice, how i say it and how i act makes it funny.

Because if you handle the situation positively then they will be interested in talking to you more and maybe being your friend. That's why you should say whatever is funny to you, because you're being yourself and the ones who respond positively to it will like you for you.

I do not think you understand. I cannot tell jokes. I can think of something funny, but I cannot day it. I will mess it up and it will not be a joke.

I do not like them I do not want to be their friend I just want them to leave me alone

you ever see tommy boy with chris farley? he always fucks up that joke his dad says, "i can get a good look at a tbone steak if i stick my head up a bulls ass but id rather just take a butchers word for it" farley fucks up the joke over and over again and its funny "i can get a good look at a butcher if i stick my head up there... DAMMIT!" You dont have to be an expert joke teller. everyone has their thing, farley wasnt a good joker, he was just loud and silly as fuck and that made him hilarious. you just have to find your thing.

I don’t want to have a thing. I just don’t want to be called tranny lover anymore.
Ok Jow Forums I’m going to sleep now.

also im not saying you have to be a comedian, im just trying to give you some tips to help you become a little more comfortable. if youre getting made fun of though, i would say your best defense is to make a joke out of it and turn it around that way. lots of times people will joke cause they do like you by the way. ive made fun of some guys who took it personally cause they were super serious all the time and i said dude lighten up, its just a goof, if i didnt like you i wouldnt joke with you.

tld;, i dont have the solution for you, im just giving my experience in an attempt to help you

well if thats the case then stop hanging out with them. i tried.

Your not telling a joke though. Jokes are harder to make people laugh with. You have to set it up and say the punchline. The other person doesn't say anything. Your trying to come up with a good reply. We've given you a few good examples of replies in this thread already. It's easier than a joke. The other guy sets you up to say something. You don't necessarily have to be funny. You can come up with a funny reply, give an insult back (imply he's gay), or agree and amplify (example: I only like them if they're midgets.) You agreed you liked them, then you amplified it with something very stupid. Now they know you're joking because your talking about midget trannies. That's silly.