

Attached: 477dc16be946a.jpg (480x586, 97K)

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Cringe and Bluepilled

Is it a white guy being adored by white and non-white women? I'm not sure what I'm looking at.

I've never understood this meme.

Can Koreans decide once and for all whether we are playboys who steal all their hot K-girls or fucking losers who get nothing except old women and Flips?

If it's the former, surely we're not losers. If the latter, what are they mad about exactly

koreans can't draw manga for a shit

Looks like someone is a big Robert Crumb fan

see this is why Asians and especially South Koreans are so easy to fool by the Jews. They are already cutting off their foreskins and reading the Talmud over there, look it up.
It's because they can't tell the difference between a white man and a Jew because to them we all have "huge noses"

It's supposed to be a western style cartoon you massive brainlet
Koreans hate japs and anime

>reading the Talmud

I dont know how many people are actually doing this, it's more of a meme than anything

it's still shit, go clean it up wojak

I don’t get it.

It makes more sense in context.®dt=20110821165935

It is shit, but you can go and fuck yourself you stupid fuck. Why assume something that looks like a shitty imitation of Robert Crumb is supposed to be manga? Only japs do manga.

Is this korean Charismaman?

Attached: charismaman.jpg (631x315, 224K)

Basically, Ilbe users found out about the whole Charismaman meme, so they made a whole comic of their own about the whole deal with English teachers here.

Asian men are eternally butthurt at how easy it is for a decent looking white man with an outgoing personality to meet girls in Asian countries.
There's 2 kinds that come here. The majority, are the "charisma man", absolute fucking losers in their own country, but can talk to braindead Asian women and feel like they're god. These guys prey on the fruits of the Asian man's work, that is, keeping their women ignorant and naive. These girls can't tell the difference between a socially fucked loser, and someone "just being an extroverted foreigner". These guys will get into a shit marriage with someone they can barely talk to, and have children that resent them because their father is a spineless autistic loser.
The other, far rarer specimen, is normal dudes, who get the +2 to every stat, and find happiness a lot easier.
This creates the weird hatred from Asian men, where simultaneously they see complete fucking losers picking up shit tier women, but also charismatic guys taking the good women easily. They hate both, and conflate the 2.

and koreans do manwha, big fucking deal whole two letters faggot

Oh, chad thundercock is fucking their gookess. That’s tough.

>their women ignorant and naive

Are you sure you're not the naive one? The internet exists, and I'm pretty sure roasties use it too.

>These girls can't tell the difference between a socially fucked loser, and someone "just being an extroverted foreigner".

This is just because of the language and culture barrier, not because of Confucianism or whatever you dumb gaijin

what is this?

Roasties are, by nature, stupid. That, coupled with a culture that finds naivety in women to be a cute virtue, pushes these lazy creatures down a certain path. It's great for Asian men, until it works against them, and someone even better at taking advantage of it comes along.

I think what you're missing is that a culture of cuteness just incentivises acting naive and innocent, not actually being that way. Jesus Christ dude how old are you

Why put words in my mouth? I didn't say anything of the sort.
But if I'm talking to an English teacher, I'm wasting my time. Monkeys dancing for peanuts can hardly understand the zoo they're in.

Lol, feels like the artist gets off on it

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It's an act for the the smart ones. Most of them are not smart. Just how naive are you?

they sure do hate nippon , but they're weebs as well

what the fuck does this comment even mean did you read anything the jap said get the fuck out

they use it for cat videos

I guess I have to spell it out for you my Amerimutt friend

>everyone uses the Internet
>no-one is innocent about anything anymore, particularly in Korea in fact

Basically every woman I've known who lived in Japan had a single conclusion about Japanese women: they are absolute gold-diggers.

It matches what you say, and the fact that beta whites are persuaded that they are impressing the naive local women.

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

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Why do gooks and nips always draw themselves looking caucasoid in Anime? Do they really think they look like that?

Attached: dPfJt3I.jpg (900x926, 131K)

they're gold diggers for asian men. White men get a pass for being loosers and that's what makes asian butthurt. Honestly, Iv'e seen even bugmen of my own nation score with Asians. But can you blame them, that they want adult sized man?

Why do asians think we have "long" noses when they just have piggy noses.
They look like children.

Fuck off G*rm, they are talking about The Chosen.

Semi-anonymous forums have existed in Korea longer than most countries, and because of the whole Ilbe thing, plus there's a media hysteria regarding sex crimes at the moment which means that anything any man does around women is always under fierce scrutiny.

Combine this with the "foreigners are lecherous" meme and I think this idea that Korean women are just lambs to the slaughter for foreign guys is outdated. I don't even know how true it ever was to be honest.

Yup. Local guys are picky about relationships the way women are in the West. This means that Western guys come here, see all these women in their 30s and 40s who are single, and think they're pulling something off on the locals (when the reality is that local men who can't date young and hot console themselves with prostitutes and see Western men who date and often get babytrapped by these older women as suckers).

There is a minority of Western men who do pull hot young women like crazy, but we're talking a minority of a minority, probably less than 1,000 in all Korea out of several tens of thousands.

only gooks, this is how gooks self-portrait. That's why they think every white person is a jew.

No, they just like it. And they started drawing them as caucasoid more recently so they can market more to weeaboo whites. True story.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I was under the impression the Japanese entertainment industries relied overwhelmingly on domestic customers.

Maybe that's just games and I'm overgeneralizing.

Why do burgers draw the simpsons completely yellow? Do they really all have jaundice?

Its a fucking cartoon, they drew it in a manner they found pleasing to the eye.

It's not pleasing though, it's ugly.

To be fair, that's probably a deliberate artistic choice intended to convey disgust.

It really depends on the particular product, some stuff sells better internationally then it does in Japan and visa versa.