How do I not fall in loneliness and despair more, so I don't end up like picrelated or Elliot Roger?

How do I not fall in loneliness and despair more, so I don't end up like picrelated or Elliot Roger?

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Stop visiting places that reinforce those views, like Jow Forums.

That will not make me less lonely

It will make you use your time on things that make you less lonely.

not op
this is bullshit
society created OP and then they want to pawn their problems off on everyone else

if you think his problems will magic away because he stops going to r9k, you're delusional. He goes to r9k because of his problems, r9k didn't cause them.

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r9k is amplyifying his problems. That's why he needs to stop going there. It would be like stopping to pour salt on your open wounds.

r9k didn't cause him, it perpetuates him, so it needs to be cut off and replaced with something more healthy

>if we silence them, they'll just go away
Did you ever consider fixing the reason r9k exists in the first place?

What reason is that? r9k has nothing to do with incels, they just hang out there. Fixing incels would require forcing them to therapy due to their mental issues. They do not want to succeed, they do not want to be helped, so they must be forced to.

I want to succeed and want to be helped.
But when I ask sommeone for help they either ignore me or say that I'm imagining things and can go fuck myself.

Who are the people you've asked for help?


Shitty family then, which can happen. Have you thought about seeking someone more designed to help you succeed like a counselor?

>Society created OP
Not really. People have stomached far worse lots in life than OP and have managed to take it all on themselves. They seek help through avenues available, take what is there for them and do not attempt to claim what is not there.
They most certainly do not threaten to harm innocent fucking people over it. "Guilty by association?" Eat shit, nobody's more guilty than the criminal. That faggot in Toronto is facing probable life in jail, and that's about just desserts. I hope his colon gets fucking crushed. Death is not a joke. It is not a tool.

Jow Forums exists because misery loves company. Nothing more, nothing less. People have lived with involuntary virgin status before and they're sure to do so going forward.

Demanding we all foot the bill for their inability to A) pull their damn foot outta their mouth and B) respect that their parents are about the only people obligated to do anything for them and only til a certain age is neither a solution to the problem, nor even an alleviation to it. If we could help these people, don't you think we would? Don't you think we've tried? There's only so many times I can tell fat people that overeating snacks and avoiding sunlight will make you unhealthy and unhappy; there's only so many times I can tell scrawny guys that without proper nutrients and exercise, their body just isn't going to have the juice it needs to run. You tell them again and again and again and it circles back to the same two things.
>girls won't arbitrarily put up with the flaws that the incel themselves abhors about themself
>since hard work and dedication is really the only answer to anything besides lucking out on the lottery or some dumb shit, suicide is basically the alternative

We want to help. We want to "fix" things. But there's a certain, inalienable truth about people like that, and like social justice warriors. They will always want to be served, and every inch given is a mile taken.

I was thinking about it, but I think that he will say something like "be yourself", so that's not much of a help.

>I want to be helped
>possibility of stupid advice completely cripples me from going
bit of contradiction, don't you think

You have been brainwashed by the Jow Forums cult. Leave there and try rehab before you are irreversibly damaged.

I posted a SHITLOAD of advice regarding this subject, last night. It seems to have vanished. For some reason, the originator of the thread posted their "22-year-old virgin" comment in the Business/Finance section. It was accompanied by a photo of Elliot Roger, if you can find it.
Ennywayz, I'll try to summarize my proliferous comments here. Basically, don't let the media / Hokeywood / popular culture brainwash you. IT'S OK TO BE SINGLE. Stop paying attention to the PROPAGANDA. ... TAKE CARE WHAT YOU LET INTO YOUR HEAD. Get a hobby, play sports, take classes, meet new people, travel. LIVE. You don't need another person to validate you. BE HAPPY. Your personal happiness is NOT contingent upon others. Remember, we live in a Relationship-Industrial Complex. The Global Relationship Industry is a trillion-dollar industry. Think about it. Dating, dinners, movies, trips, Valentine's Day. jewelry, flowers, gifts, engagement rings, wedding rings, weddings (the AVERAGE wedding these days is upwards of $35,000), then houses, condos, diapers, baby food, kid's clothes (kids are always growing), iPhones - iPads - iPods for EACH child, trips (Disneyland, etc), then CARS, CARS, CARS - these days, every 16+ member of the family has their own fume-belching car. It all means MONEY MONEY MONEY for someone. No wonder they try to make you feel like a pathetic loser if you're not in some sort of relationship. The money addicts of this world don't care about the future. This planet is already overpopulated. The human race is on the verge of breeding itself out of existence, and they just want us to "eat, drink, and be merry" ... and hook up. All they want is your $$$. Hence the propaganda. Learn to tune it out.
Fact is, there are perks to both. Sure, it's nice to be in a relationship. But singleness has at least one awesome advantage - FREEDOM !!!
Am I an InCel? Nah. I'm a UniSol - Universal Soldier.

The way you wrote this sounds a little like you're a maniac.
But I agree completely.

By the way, to anyone who may have erased and/or ordered the erasure of that "22-year-old virgin" thread: You will suffer from severe itching, then contract chlamydia, then be consumed by maggots, regardless of whether or not you return that page.
Have a nice life.

PS ... Same goes if you delete above comment or any of my comments.

Improve yourself. Be a person others want to be around.

Your porblems and failures are your own. Own up to it and then move forwards. Little by little you shall piece yourself together, becoming better than you once were.

Get off of Jow Forums. Get off of Jow Forums. Stop taking advice from those who are the same as you.

This nigga's a little crazy but he's got it. There are millions of dollars invested in making sure you feel miserable and incomplete so that you buy things trying to fix problems that you don't actually have. Even if you did have a girlfriend, it would never be "enough" if you let that poison into your head. I've lived it. You'll never be rich enough or muscular enough or have the whitest teeth or have enough friends to satisfy the hole that those sick fucks want to put inside you. Women are not the enemy.





>Just ignore the problem bro.

OP, this isn't the be-all and end-all to your problems, but there is too much negativity on Jow Forums. Talking to other sad people in britfeel may make you feel better for a bit, but it will ultimately make you more reclusive, and only extend the gap between you and what you aspire to be. Cutting Jow Forums out helped me a little.
Maybe step back and think about what you want to be. If you were like me and had nothing to do but play video games, then slowly try get into other things. I've gotten back into reading. I've tried improving my cooking. I got my friends to drag me to a nightclub. Maybe I can finally push myself to start doing a sport and going to the gym in the next few months. It's little steps that make everything less daunting, and once you have found peace with yourself, other people will view you more favourably. The people I cannot stand are those who don't even try to improve themselves and are completely fine wallowing in their own filth- you have to be above them.

stop giving a fuck

act like a big child, embarrass yourself in public

the problem with incels and foreveralones is that they have all their insecurity and self-doubt, but they also have a dash of entitlement, because if you are depressed and down in the dumps, you can always look at someone who is worse off than you for motivation in a time of need.

its why people get tattoos, wear shitty clothes and make themselves look shameless, because they are regularly putting their hearts on their sleeves


"When I'm watchin' my tv and a man comes on and tell me
How white my shirts can be
But, he can't be a man 'cause he don't smoke
The same cigarettes as me
I can't get no satisfaction"

Those words were written in *1964*, and what they're talking about has only been amplified 100-fold in the internet era.

This is very very good.
I always had this in the back of my mind, but never saw it this way.

Still, I'm not like OP, nor a potential Elliot Rodger, but I feel so loveless and lonely.
I can live the single life alright when I'm actually left alone, but when I fall for someone, try to pursue a relationship and fail, I feel like all these negative emotions go out in full force.

get good at something you enjoy doing, try to become part of community of people who do said things, making friends will be easy if you like said thing and find it very interesting.
alternatively you can try to make friends via vidya online.
also you NEED to stop browsing Jow Forums, if you don't then just accept the fact that you will never change forever. the more you surround yourself by robots the more you will be like them.

You need cognitive behavioral therapy, not just regular therapy.

Regular talk therapy is helpful but does not address the symptoms of a downward spiral. You need to learn to create good thinking patterns and how to break the shitty ones you get stuck in.

See a CB therapist

You will become like them whether or not you have opportunities with women if you’re already that insane.

practice martial arts, they are much more social than just lifting or running by yourself.

Go back to school or take some courses to meet more people

talk with your neighbors, organize parties or sport activities

While online gaming can be very toxic, there are some co'op online games that can be very social , like FF XIV or others mmos with friendly comunities.

Work out, seriously take that extra energy and burn it all in the gym. Your health will improve, you'll sleep better, just make sure you don't eat like crap and you'll feel better and when all the baseline elements in your life start to go up gradually so will your confidence. Hang in there, keep forging yourself into something better and turn away from the dark. This the good strenuous life you were built for.

First, discard the "1984" mentality. In other words, deprogram yourself. Undo the brainwashing. No one needs love except a newborn baby. Really. What every individual needs is respect. Demand it. Love is like champagne. Get it when you can. Respect is like water. You can't live without it, nor would you want to. So DEMAND it. Always. If you reach out to get into a relationship, fine, but prepare for the worst. If you are hurt, that's fine too. You will recover. Pain is a part of life. A small part. Don't let it define you. Don't turn pain into a lifestyle. Nor fear. Nor anger. Though those emotions may be appropriate at times, like "righteous indignation". "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." And the love that really counts is the love that comes from you. So if you have no partner at present, express your love to the world around you. Make someone's day. Tell a joke. Make someone laugh. Help a little old lady across the street. Help whom you can, when you can. You don't have to be Mother Teresa. Maintain a positive attitude. And remember, relationships / marriage are not all they're cracked up to be. There is a lot of hype. Marriage is not some magic portal that changes everything when you walk through it. Sure, it may be fresh and exciting for the first coupla years, but things can go south real fast. And they do. The divorce rate is now over 50%. Someone talked about the "Relationship-Industrial Complex" being a money machine. Well, tons of people make money off divorces, too. They literally get you coming and going.

quit being an incel loser sexless beta

......... I've heard lots of horror stories, especially from guys. In this society, it's the man who really gets shafted in a divorce. She gets the house, the dog, and the kids, and may even shack up with another dude. He gets to support her for the rest of her life (quite bizarre, since they're no longer related, no longer married), and pay child support for kids he rarely, if ever, sees again. Nice scam. Trust me, I'm in no hurry to tie the knot. Especially these days. A lot of people are in unhappy relationships. And that's not the worst of
it. Just watch CrimeWatch. Half the cases involve husbands killing wives or wives killing husbands. And I'm supposed to believe that getting married or having a girlfriend is an automatic magical portal to happiness??? Ha! If love comes along, great. If not, fuck it.

... Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying a man does not have a responsibility to support his own kids. It just sucks, and is a gross injustice, that many men never get to see their own children after a divorce.