This is what happens when you let women decide reproductive`s policies: society crashes

Women breed for looks, not for brains.
Because in the current hypergamic market, women don`t need to concern themselves about a successful-stable partner, since the state will take of them and they can divorce a husband at any time, women breed for looks. Women look for men that are tall and handsome, although not necessarily intelligent, resourceful, or even masculine (beyond looks, that is).
If they are single, they will a child of the most handsome man they can find (disregarding all other virtues), if they are married, they are likely to cuckold the husband with another man that has the characteristics they look for.
This trend has been ongoing since at least the 70`s, and the results are there for anybody that cares to look. Hypergamy kills male´s genetic diversity, since it only favours a type of male phenotype, one that can be even influenced by things like fashion and trends, and that are superficial in nature and not beneficial to society or civilization in the long term.

Height in men is increasing (no surprises there, women like taller men, and so their chances to have offspring are greater, thus breeding another generation of tall men).,8599,1820836,00.html

Declining Testosterone

IQ decreasing (surprise, surprise, since the hippie generation, after the pill):

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Other urls found in this thread:


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This is absolutely true, we also need to combat the evolutionary strategy of women, that is emotional manipulation, gossiping, shaming, that puts men against each other, while our best strategy is to control these thots, and the next step, selecting better genes for women

snownigger makes some valid points here

No this is what happens when fathers let their daughter be whores

The problem is men dont want a woman who can cook clean and have kids
They want a woman that will sleep with them without marriage

We have to get rid of those men

You forgot smelling cancer

OP is right. Sexual freedom is breaking down stable society. If I had a dime for every time a sheboon had children with random men and received welfare from the state, I'd be richer than Jeff Bezos.

Guys, I know this is not that related to the thread, but check this out:

Is it true? Do (((they))) are really infiltrating in our community and brainwashing us into getting a asian wife rather than a white wife so they can finally exterminate white race???I mean, I think even I fell for this trick...

Nigger and nordic cucks are tall, while the best countries like Italy and Japan are short, why is that?

I think we have to make our women more “asian”, or at least the asian ideal, opposed to the niggerification that we are seeing, but we shouldn’t get girls from Asia

The IQs decreasing is because we let in a bunch fo 3rd worlders

>framing the OP in not so subtle seething manlet rage

really makes you think

based OP

You are absolutely right

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What’s the good thing about height for a society?

Nothing. But dont tell me increased height is because of hypergamy roasties.
Not when you import half of Africa and no longer only eat bread and drink mead.
tl;dr its because of changing demographics and improved food and medicine

pic related is statistically significant proof giving women rights kills your civilization.

Attached: jewish birth rates (courtesy of jew anon).png (1382x850, 224K)

Attached: fertility rate vs gender inequality 2 - save.jpg (615x486, 114K)

>its because of changing demographics and improved food and medicine
I think nordic people are naturally taller, but to a certain extent, I think people are getting even taller because of selection of women, and women are becoming uglier and thotter because men are being selected and they are almost doing no selection on women

>nigger and chad on top
but ofcourse

Universal suffrage and feminism is all about flooding the market with women eager to work which depresses wages for everybody and then hooking them on addictive consumerism for the dumb bitches to waste their wages on. If you ask a woman what's her favorite hobbies nine times out of ten she will say binge shopping. Who wins in the end? The jew of course, who gets to paypay his workers less and has a larger audience to sell his useless gimmicks.

To me it’s more complicated, I think northern Europe and Africa are becoming more and more similar, masculine and ugly women, tall men, less intelligent men, single motherhood...

Is the same all around the west even in places were they are fully europeans like in iceland
The" empowerment" of woman has been a horrible disgenesic mistake in the long run
In iceland for example the iq has descended 5 point from 102 to 97 in 50 years and the doctors simply said that the the genes of iq were dissapearing

I think technology in the form of electronic appliances like the fridge, dishwasher, whasing machine etc. have led to this, the Jews have became a lot more powerful because of this.
Jews have a lot more power on women, their mind is also very much like a woman, they always manipulate, emotionally, they don’t do any productive work, they make themselves look like victims to gain power over you.

Is it hypergamy to only like medium height brown boys with long hair and only a little muscle?
I also hate Chad faces and I think facial hair is disgusting.

When I talk to other females they think this is weird, but even though it's not a typical preference, I am pretty darn picky.

Pic related are only requirements for ideal bf

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Height does not matter when finding a partner, you fucking dumbass teenagers

t. 6'7 23 year old permavirgin

>This is what happens when you let women decide reproductive`s policies
>implying father of that qt you crushed on will give her away to marry beta cuck on a minimum wage part-time job (you)

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No one likes disgusting lanklets. The ideal height is between 6'0 to 6'4

If women didn't sleep with men before getting married, then men would get married in order to get laid. Hm, if only there was some sort of historical example of a system that operated in this fashion, like fathers selling off their daughters to suitors or something.

Oh yeah, before I get attacked, I totally agree with thus thread. I wish the sexual revolution never happened. Still want a brown boy with long hair tho. Sorry.

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Because you cucks can't grow.

Not a lanklet for the 6 millionth time. I am broad-boned and big

>best Country
lawl. whatever helps you not collapse, I guess

We don’t care about what you want, thot

Or how about fathers actually telling their daughters they need to remain pure

Let’s talk about it in 50 years when you are 100% muslim, I don’t deny you are still better right now maybe, but you’re headed in the wrong direction

Are you a fag or something? There is something wrong with you faggot.

Why given women a choice? What's the upside to female emancipation? The only arguments I've ever heard in support of it include the word "equality" which is unpersuasive.

Where did I say you should?

Then why does this thread exist?

Pic related is probably you.

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Telling your daughter to do something may mean that she will do the opposite, a lot of people don’t like to be controlled and that’s right, we just shouldn’t give them a choice

Rate your face

>3 images about height

Low t manlet detected, chicks don't want to fuck dicklets that are shorter than them.

Sure we are trying to understand you but in the end it’s better if we don’t let you decide

Why is this top 10% of guys meme still a thing. I have mantits and no car and I smoke cigarettes and my girlfriend sends me nudes on a regular basis.

Emotions making laws.

And why should we care about what women want? Do they care about what men want? You are all manipulated by women for fuck’s sake

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>Telling your daughter to do something may mean that she will do the opposite
Not if she actually respects you

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>And why should we care about what women want?
Because you are actively trying to court then and convince them to be in A relationship dumbass.

We are 10% muslim by 2050

Then you failed as a parent.

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are we women now? Rate your face... get out with that r9k shit

I ain't reading all that shit nig give me a tldr

What the fuck does it matter if height is so important?
Without my thick glasses I would say 5/10.

No, I'm straight.

I don't disagree. Take away our right to vote them. The world would be a better place unironically.

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6/10 permavirgin detected
face>the rest of the body

there's your problem

>you are actively trying to court then and convince them to be in A relationship dumbass.
That’s the problem, men right now are spending their time being how women want them to be, while women are doing whatever they want

Lmao, have you never seen pol ripping into fake trads? We even have a term for the Lauren southern type, tradthots

tl;dr shit's fucked bruh

If face mattered, why can the ugliest race of men - niggers - get the prettiest of white women?

Height can matter but it's certainly not everything. My brother is shorter than me at 5'9" but he still get laid. Personality can easily bridge the height and physical appearance of a man. The problem is that most poltards are high functioning autists that can't into social interactions, and in their immaturity and rage they blame it all on physical appearance.

>Take away our right to vote them.
If we do this and we expell all the jews from our countries we could recover

The problem is that women and men of a given ethnic group are closely genetically related. This means that whatever physical and mental defect the men have the women also have. But whatever flaws a woman has doesn't matter she can still get a man

because you've been watching too much porn and the reality is different
the niggers who actually get white women are the top 5-10% and even they will often have to settle for a whale

Why buy the cow when the milk's free?
I know it's pasteurised, fat-free soi milk, but it's so fucking cheap that quality milk can't compete on a mass market scale.

correction top 1-10

You need to get out more, the thots and roasties always get burnt out and used and no one wants them after 28. Men stay attractive into their 60's at times.

It has always been this way, their are plenty of good natured girls out there that are not thots or sluts, but poltards don't notice because they are looking for sluts and then complain that all women are sluts

Race mix my dude it is the shit.

That's one explanation.
Another explanation is that our society is pretty stable so the chances of our offspring surviving is really fucking high compared to africa, which means we only need for example 1 child on average to secure our genetic legacy whereas africans would need 5, only for one of them to survive in the long term.
It's kind of a self balancing situation.
We can only hope the african population growth will reach an equilibrium soon because we're fucked if they keep on growing at their current rate.

I do want that

What a dreadful realization. There is literally nothing we can do to stop this. Most people won’t even acknowledge the problem.

This is retarded. Of course women are used as sows in uncivilized countries.

Why does every chick need to pump out 5 kids? The world is already full enough as it is.

like i said, fuck off to r9k
>only a few inches of bone can make all the difference bruh
kek. take a shower

>men right now are spending their time being what women want them to be

Uhhhh are you okay?

Stop watching porn, playing vidya all day, dressing like a autist, and hating religion.

Unfortunately most "men" these days don't go outside and don't work hard. They aren't leaders. I can kinda see why cause they've kind of given up on us women because we kinda fucked everything up, but still, get your act together and we will too.

Also, women couldn't have fucked everything up without men giving in to their manipulation. Y'all need to live up to that "begone thot" mentality.

Don't give thots your attention or money. Aka STOP WATCHING PORN. YOU ARE ENABLING THE CULTURE YOU HATE.

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No I actually had an ugly American negro as my teacher. He was violent, had poor impulse control, thought he was intelligent (lmfao), had big dick sucking lips, flat nigger nose, medium dark skin (he was 1/4th black or whatever), long limbs, curly afro hair.
He had a blonde Scandinavian wife with kids. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. When she entered the room where the school children were we all lost out gasp when we saw her.

How did this ugly monkey get her when he's so ugly?

>There is literally nothing we can do to stop this
We could create some groups like the Amish did, we could get rid of technology and have stricter rules on marriage like muslims.
There are ways we can stop this, but honestly I wouldn't even trust you to create something like this

Adding to that, having fewer children allows parents to give the children they do have more attention, giving them the potential to achieve far greater heights than some neglected african nignog that has a dozen siblings.
So that chart could even be interpreted as positive for us.

Because some women like darkies , they always have

The problem is not the number of children per se, it's the fact that other people will outbreed you

So physical appearance is not what matters because he was OBJECTIVELY ugly. I mean really monkey ugly.

Female liberation isn't the whole story though, just imagine all the chemical pollutants that that has been spread since 19th Century and especially from the 1960ies to today.

>the evolutionary disadvantage club

>people who cry about the status of the world rather then being on top

>people who cry about the status of the world rather then being on top
Organizing is a way to get on top

Perhaps. But populations that grow too quickly collapse, while we are at a pretty stable replacement rate for ourselves.
Whether we will be dragged down in the collapse will remain to be seen.

To you maybe. What people find attractive varies wildly from person to person

Anyone got problems trying to not watch porn?
Think of it this way.
Fucking that woman won't make you more comfortable.

yeah, it is, tell that to the white knights too, they have the same strategies as you do too, the diffrence is just the massage

>we are at a pretty stable replacement rate for ourselves.
Who? It looks like in most nations in Europe native people don't reach the replacement rate

Also I was saying that if smart people don't make children, stupid people will outbreed them, I wasn't talking globally

Are you mentally retarded?

All the 25-44 year old data is useless since those people are older than the incel phenomenon - just look at the finish study in my picture and you'll see it's very recent.

Also share of men with no sex in past year is 20%++, not 14% and for women it's 15%.
Share of 22-35yo men with no sex in past year will continue to skyrocket as the older generations go beyond the age data range.

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>white knights too, they have the same strategies as you do too
In what way their strategy is the same? Was Hitler strategy of organizing against jews the same as white knights?

My solution to porn is jerking off to pictures like this

Attached: tk-md040490_4.jpg (640x854, 60K)

You'll want only what I give you bitch. Just enough to satiate, not too much to spoil, you're already rotten.

Now back to the kitchen bae