What's some advice you wish other people knew?

What's some advice you wish other people knew?

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Being yourself doesn't mean that by being yourself you will get the girl, it means that by being yourself, whoever you end up with will be the right person.

Pretending to be someone you're not is exhausting. If you can be yourself around someone, and they decide that's not for them; that's a good thing.

Life is too short to waste your time on people that you always have to wonder what you mean to them. Doubly so, if you have people in your life that you don't have to wonder about.

Be kinder to people you don't know if they have a gun.

Confidence is consequential. You do not gain confidence first to do the things you want, you have to FORCE yourself to do those things, and earn confidence from doing them.

So many times I see people ask "How do I become confident?" when they have nothing to be confident about. Of course you're not confident; there's nothing you've done that could ever let you have pride in yourself.

Brush your hair even if you are a guy.
Buy a exfoliating brush for your beard.
Floss daily even if you dont brush. Its better to floss and use mouthwash than to do nothing.
Take up running 30 minutes every day. Its so easy to just run for 30 minutes even when its cold.
Buy the cheap comfortable car instead of the middle income car. Eventually you will be able to afford the high end car that suits you.
Use fabric softener.

So much projection in this thread

The thread is pretty much advice you wish you had when you were younger.

the only advice i wish i had when i was younger was "don't be afraid to get suspended from school"

should've gotten into more fights as a kid desu

Don't overthink

Carry a gun.

There's no such thing as overthinking. It's thinking. It's man's greatest ability.

Anyone who "overthinks" and thinks they're coming to a conclusion that makes them freak out isn't thinking too much, they're just not thinking enough.

That probably means you are young (or basic).
I wish I had known to sit in on a HOA meeting before buying a house under it.
Or to buy the shoe spray that the employees use at foot locker.
Shit I didnt even know about baking soda for the fridge until I saw it at the store.

>There's no such thing as overthinking.
Yes, there is.

mostly this advice would be for young people
-people are not disposable
-promiscuity is okay *if* you are aware of how it will warp your lifestyle and values
-not all religion needs to be taken literally
-no lasting happiness or life stability will come from comparing your worth to others
-con artists and manipulators in general are the most immediately powerful kind of person, so be as careful as possible


>-promiscuity is okay *if* you are aware of how it will warp your lifestyle and values
Can you elaborate on this a little?

>You only know what you have once you've lost it.

Promiscuity has consequences. You may be looked at in a negative manner by friends, family, coworkers, or strangers. Some potential relationship partners might also not want to be with you, and some others would be okay with it.

To say it's "okay" doesn't make any sense, but it's more like:

>Promiscuity may result in this, this, and this. Before being promiscuous, it would be wise to understand that.

The easiest life isn't the laziest life, it's the most natural life. Explore yourself, trust yourself, find your passions, and follow them.
>buy the shoe spray that the employees uer at foot locker
Fucking hell, I never thought about doing this until now. Thanks user.

That's some aesthetics photo.

Beautiful women are evil, men are willing to do anything for them, the most virtuous man in the world would squeal like a pig and bath himself in mud for one
And once they stop being beautiful the state takes that place and keeps giving them everything and they never have to pay and they never experienced any consequence

I should get a gun

If you don't compare yourself to others then how will you know if you are doing the right thing and you are in the path for success
I want to be an artists, I'm already 27 years old but I guess I can start in my 40s, is that a good idea? Is it bad? I don't know, I dont compare myself to others

Not everyone who is old is wise

I always give this advice, here's the phrase I use:
>if do the things that you consider admirable, then you will start admiring yourself

Just because you help someone doesn't mean they owe you anything in return. That includes you maybe needing help later from them. If they're good friends/family they will return the favor out of love not out of debt

really needed to hear that, thanks

the left lane is only for passing.

save as much money as you possibly can, as early as you can. utilize tax-advantaged savings schemes like the 401k, roth ira, and HSA to reduce your tax liability.

Whatever you decide you want to get good at in life, pay out the ass to get a phenomenal teacher. A good teacher will think about improving at this skill, and think about this skill in general, in a way you never would have thought of even if you tried by yourself for like 30 years. Do not try to get good at something by yourself. Get a teacher. Always.

I found that image on /wg/, but I suspect someone on /p/ took it. I have a folder filled with pictures like that.

If you're looking for something specific (a skyline at night, a sunset, a landscape, a specific ambiance, etc), let me know and I can try to find something you'll like.

"Enjoy taking unreasonable amounts of dick? Ask your doctor is Promiscuous may be right for you."

If they're good friends/family they will return the favor out of l̶o̶v̶e̶ social obligation not out of debt


There isn't. There's no problem with processing possibility, but there is a problem with what you choose to do with the knowledge of that possibility.

Acting like a retard is acting like a retard. Acknowledging a potential outcome, and determining the likelihood of it's outcome based on events as they transpire can be very useful, and help you avoid undesirable situations.

This was something that I didn't understand when I was younger. I failed to accumulate enough information, and rushed into situations with emotional bias. This is what caused problems, and that is what people think of when they hear the term, "Over-thinking".

Overthinking is really just underthinking, or over-acting.

>Overthinking is really just underthinking, or over-acting.

This. It's annoying, and it leads people to retrace their steps and narrow themselves down thinking they've hit some sort of limit which they can't see past, rather than driving forward and thinking of a solution.

It's deep thinking, but not clear thinking.

Buying shit wont make you happy.

Lol nerd

Sometimes you never really move on

How to deal with resentment?
And how do I deal with emotionally manipulative people?

If you think you're right.. You're wrong

Turn signals are intended to be used before you initiate a lane change or turn

>manage your time you fucking degenerate
>clean up after yourself everywhere you go. no littering
>get involved in a political cause
>everything you know and love will die one day
>help each other out. no one likes you if you do your work and leave before everyone else
>the cashier at work doesn't give a fuck about your inconveniences because they get paid a shit wage
>all authority has to prove it's legitimacy and ought to be dismantled when unable to prove itself
>take more risks when you're young
>just fucking ask her out

You got to get up get out and get something

Don't waste all your days trying to get high

this was great. thanks.
any advice on how to clear your mind in general?
I kinda tried that, never been good at it. I spend lots of time cluttering my mind with the feeling of overthinking everything, and it drops my peace. It's led me to some interesting conclusions and helped my emotional state more often than not, but it's really tiring and I feel restless

Respect other peoples time.
Don't waste your own.

this guy here
this bang-up fella,
and this guy,
but really
gold medalist.

>Whatever your actions, the consequences are yours too.

At what point/age did most of you give up on your dreams? And I mean really, really your dreams. Not the 'urrr I got my job and Im going for a carreer and extra study to be manager one day, get a nice house and a good family, hurrr that's my dream teehee' type of dream. In my personal surroundings it's around 25, some a little earlier, some a little later. They 'give up' and settle down, so to say. It hurts to see, even more that on the surface they seem to be happy/content with it too. Is there a point where you should 'give up' ?

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I've never had a dream before.

I guess at one point I wanted to be normal, but that's not really something that's entirely possible to accomplish.

i just want to make some badass art before i die. i dont give a fuck about anything else. why should i? im too fuckin unstable to be a normal functioning member of society. sure, one day, i have great conversations with people,i almost feel normal. The rest of the week, im freaking the fuck out and want to kill myself, and i feel trapped and scared of living another day. for some of us, life is just fucked. ive been put in social situations to "get better", it doesnt work like that. my family was obsessed with forcing me to be normal. im good at making people laugh but im too damn inconsistent and unpredictable at going anywhere in life. my dreams died with my brother when he commited suicide. its hilarious how we are programmed on what were supposed to give a shit about. some of us were born to lose.


Also if someone's wrong about one thing, don't automatically assume they're wrong about everything else.
Don't let people decide what you think of others. Keep what they say in mind, but decide for yourself. People will too often come to conclusions based on what they hear from others without giving people a chance.

That famous quote:
>Be the change you want to see in the world

>If you don't like certain aspects about people, just avoid doing exactly the same things as them

>Control your rage by realizing how useless it is in a social situation

>Realizing what makes you unhappy and what you can do to change that is a great first step

>Look happy, keep your head up while walking, correct your damn posture. Don't use headphones. Carry a book. People will be more likely to strike a conversation with you if you don't act like a loser.

>Dress nice. Not fancy, just be goodlooking. If you're fat, try a Ketogenic diet. If you're ugly, grow your hair and beard to hide your face.

>Realize that you have small windows of time to do shit you like (read while on the train, play a podcast while driving)

>Make people enjoy your company by not being openly pessimist

>Do not judge others if you don't want them to judge you behind your back.

Love yourself, user. If you don't, why the fuck even bother? If you don't love yourself, make that your number one goal.

Dont care about what strangers think of you. You should care the most about what YOU think of yourself. Only you know what you actually are, you cant lie to yourself.

I like to stop, take a deep breath, and consider all possibilities. What are my choices? What will happen if I go with X? What will happen if I go with Y? Okay, let's assume I'll go with X; what are the results X can bring, and what will happen because of it all?

It's difficult to think this way when you're emotionally vulnerable, as you may possibily disregard reason in favor of what you may feel at the moment, but yeah.

One other thing you could do, is something the Stoics practiced, though I don't remember its name. When considering a situation, don't be afraid to acknowledge the worst possible situation and understand that, no matter what happens, you will always have a choice. Let's assume you believe your gf is cheating on you:

>can either try to find out if she is
>can try not to

Trying to not to will only make you anxious and restless, so you decide to go with the first option.

>ask/pursue; she's not cheating
>ask/pursue; she's cheating
>ask/pursue; she claims she's not cheating but provides no evidece
>ask/pursue; she dodges the questions

And so on, and so forth, until you come to a resonable conclusion. Keep in mind, the conclusion varies from person to person, and will depend on the COMFORT and REASSURANCE that YOU feel; what other people tell you is useless.

This obviously applies to all other things not romantic, like your social, financial, academic, and professional life.

can someone elaborate on this? i cant imagine its as black and white as i'm reading it.

It’s about not just assuming you’re right. A lot of people take it as a given and move from there: a start to logic, rather than a conclusion of it

What If I am a timid, shy guy and that Is my true self?

Life's fucking short so don't be so uptight. Having a good job or being rich means nothing if you dont know how to fuck around with some friends or the person you love and just have fun man

then it's okay. don't force yourself to be someone you aren't. that's not to say that you should just be a shut-in. if you aren't happy with your social life by any means change something but not by faking a personality that's not yours. you will eventually find someone that likes timid, shy guys and it's one of the best feelings to be able to truly be yourself around a person who you know appreciates that.

weird, cause i've actually thought a fair amount of what i would tell my younger self if i could give him some advice.

the weird thing is that i have no idea though. probably i would tell him to just kill himself so he doesn't have to go through all this shit ,since it's not worth it.

don't think of anyhting i would have done differently. of course all the stuff like "read more" "exercise" "play less video games" etc but knowing myself i have no self discipline whatsoever and my younger self would probably be like "yeah that's a really good idea" and still do nothing to change it while being miserable about it.

i hope it becomes better sometime but i don't think so. i've promised myself i'll wait until i am 30 and if my life is still shit by then i'll catch the bus.

translation: men are fucking retarded

You can do that, yet you are implying you can't, why is That? Could it be that you realize that your likelihood of success goes down the later you start? Or maybe that you won't make enough money between now and then? Either way you are using reasoning between cause and effect. How I live my life has no effect on that.

This. Just because I decide to help doesn't mean you owe me that was my decision and vise versa.

sure. its kind of the thing literally hitler keeps going on about. we almost all dream of having an ideal marriage, but then we usually don’t do the work to attain it. it’s not as simple as making a grocery list, you know? it’s a very emotional process and so, although this may sound too puritan, a person can cheapen themselves easily. it’s not politically correct to say so, but whatever.

I was talking about comparing worth. Excessive judgements bring us down. Buddhists know this.

so, what does cheapen mean? is it a value judgement? I meant it more from an economic standpoint.

one example: how can partner 27 be as important as partner 2? especially if a person was fully invested in the entire previous 26?

also, look up the real number of partners stats. amy schumer and friends all want you to think that being a bangbro or a partyslut is the norm. it doesn’t align with the way our society functions.

Make sure whatever you do and don't do, it won't be something you regret. Also, calm the fuck down.

Also, stop jerking off to weird shit.

No fuck you. You're in no position. I'm fucking not ok with this shit.

You think I'm fucking playing.this shit is not a funny

to leave me alone.

>you're in no position
how do you know?

Correction: stop jerking off to weird shit if you don't want to. In other words, don't go down the rabbit hole of degeneracy.

Get the fuck off my cellphone

What app are you using. How do I delete it. You

Do not trust strangers. People are worse than you think, lots of criminals. Don't be nice to people indiscriminately, especially if you are a woman.
Xenophobia and racism are good things.

You can't be normal because you have clinical depression and a chemical imbalance is preventing you from that. Seek medical help and psychological treatment. Don't let 99 bad professionals ruin your expectations and look for the 1% that gets the degree but are also outstanding at their passion.

Your situation will improve miles.

>Xenophobia and racism are good things.

Well aren't you bright.......

few people are truly xenophobic. for the most part it's just undesirables behaving like assholes.

>thotties are a-okay
illegalization of sex before marriage when?

People are absolutely disposable, if anything that's the thing that more people should understand. Everyone is replaceable, even yourself. But that doesn't meant there aren't consequences to replacing people or that nobody gets attached along the way.

Internet addiction is incredibly real and you should limit your daily use of video games and addicting sites like Jow Forums, Reddit, social media, youtube, etc.

>one example: how can partner 27 be as important as partner 2?

Thanks for the reply.
This is something I think about a lot. I'm inclined towards an opinion that serial dating is far worse than serial sex: How can one possibly connect and then break with so many people and be psychologically unaffected; still be able to value subsequent relationships

But, on the other hand, we look at porn regularly. As far as the brain is concerned, the images and our hand are a real women - that's how fapping works. I can't speak for other guys, but for me, it has not affected the way I look at or interact with real women, in any capacity.

So hypothetically, setting aside the risk of STI's (which *is* material), is it not tenable to have sex without relationships (eg, one-night-stands; legal escorts), and then when one is ready, ideally choose and settle down with only one relationship partner? (realistically, it may take a couple tries, but the idea is to minimize the number of emotional connections-and-breaks)

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