We’ve fully reached the “I dindu nuffin!” phase of the investigation

We’ve fully reached the “I dindu nuffin!” phase of the investigation.

Shouldn’t he be focused on the G20? Poor tired old distracted man.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>stop defending yourself, GRAMPF!!!

You people are fucking GHOULS

I love Trump MORE than ever before

The man was the VICTIM of government SPYING

He did literally NOTHING wrong

He should stop getting baited by shills

What's your end game? You just want to be known as the biggest cocksucker in OP history? You're doing a good job

>Implying Trump isn’t the master baiter himself

So we just don’t care about lying to Congress of lying to the special prosecutor?

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We’ll know it’s lying when the investigation concludes

Which it never will, so we’ll never know

>a shitty hotel in Moscow is worth more than Duty to Country.
fuck this turd

Mueller has proven he has NOTHING with every phony indictment. The latest Cohen thing is such a non story its hilarious reading the mental acrobatics being used to whip up the retards into thinking it is

Ok, now i fucking love Trump!

Do you have any pictures of it? Where is it? Do you know what Trump did before he ran for President and won (first time running for any office)?

Jesus christ. Didnt you share blue dickheads already make this thread?


Trump should just turn his business into a charitable foundation and sell kids and military secrets

They're on a big raid ahead of G20 like they have been before every successful Trump trip abroad

oh, gee, drumpf is a kike puppet traitor.


>up is down, the post

>anonymous board

just shut your cockholster

In your dreams pussy boi. ACCEPT REALITY

>sucking drumpf's dick this hard

hi don jr!

cry moar faggot

>hes only pretending to be retarded

let me guess, i need to accept whatever reality you deem to be the correct one?

we are going to hang all you treasonous niggers


He’s literally done nothing.

he was such a good goy

yes, he is a professional expert at believably comporting himself as an absolute retard.

this is one thing we can definitely agree upon

Ah so they pull shit to undermine every time he leaves. And another lawyer. These kikes.

Selective prosecution.

lawdy. no.



>Do you know what Trump did before he ran for President and won
Yeah, he lost a shitty tv show and took loans from Russian banks.

Your "reality" is empirically and objectively a lie

>that which is completely subjective, is patently false, the post

you're terrible at this

>muh subjective reality
How do you live with yourself? Fuck it, don't tell me, I know. By telling yourself that.

And so he should hang for it

>attempting to deflect and derail the discussion this hard

you're terrible at this

come right over, i'll wait for you

this is so stupid, and I wonder why slide threads are popping up today. whats in the worx? jidf is easy to spot

>first time running for any office

>trying not to stand out like a sore thumb this hard, but failing, the post

hi, kike!

You deny any wrongdoing of your own side. What else is there to say? Trump will be the superior choice 100 times out of 100 times until your side clean up its act

There's nothing to derail. You haven't produced one original idea.

drumpfkikes will just ignore that as further evidence of how everyone is just out to persecute their poor, tender, sweet puckered pink asshole president.

You're a sheltered little faggot, aren't you?

And he and his son are gonna go to jail


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No, we don't care about any of it for many reasons. We wanted Trump to win, so if the Russians helped (they didn't) good on them. Also Mueller's calling card is creating perjury traps for people to fall into and letting his friends lie through their teeth. The guy is a swamp scumbag, and the Left rallying around this giant POS that ruined the FBI simply because of their still existing butthurt over Hitlary losing is...telling. KYS

quote the post where i denied wrongdoing on my "own side"

i'll wait

oh, and you're still terrible at this

oh, i'm sorry, did i hurt your delicate sensiblities, snowflake?

lol, look how assblasted you are

I bet you're very tolerated in your circle of friends.

yes, very tolerated, very respected and very popular in general.

any other compliments you want to give me while we are at it, sweet cheeks?

Happy Hanuka fren! You guys got started early today.

Not really. In your hysterical typing, you have neglected to say anything I can be either in agreement or opposition.

deserves another happy Hanukah
HH fo sho!


>you're still terrible at this
What does that say about you retards? You havent moved people off of Trump after 2 years of literal non stop hating. How laughably pathetic you people all are for continuing to try these pathetic efforts. Only 6 more years sweaty!!!!

Precisely. It's to pull the media's attention away from any positive news that may come out from one of Trump's overseas trips.

Get a bangin' trade deal with China? Who the fuck cares, TRUMP RUSSIA COLLUSION is being blared into your face 24/7 for the entire duration of the G20.

well, bully for you for wasting your time one little ole me.

exactly how deep does your inferiority complex go, my yarmulke wearing friend?


Go ahead, arrest him let's see what happens

>sweet cheeks
Since a straight man would never say that, the nose job you got for your 18th birthday is slightly unnoticeable if viewed from the correct angle.

checked for shitposting. arguing with JIDF is always fun

no, only preznit DRUMPF GETS TWO


happy Hanuka

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>jew laziness, the post

Kek. Cry more, faggot.

when you prosecute James Comey and Brennan for lying to congress or literally anyone else then maybe.

>its real
>he actually got baited

Attached: flush.jpg (623x539, 45K)

I've seen dogs and cats make that react

>Trying to pivot to the Trump is a kike shill line
That boat sailed two years ago

It's just unbecoming of a President to talk this way desu

lol, no. it wouldn't stop at arrest if it were me. your mango messiah will get a far better deal from the feds

your bantz are weaker than your little soi wrists

oh so the kavanaugh hearing all the #believewimmins should be thrown in federal prison for perjury too, along with hillary for lying, and basically every single fucking democrat/glow nigger that's been before congress forever.

I mean if that's the exchange rate I'm fine with everyone going to pound me in the ass prison.

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He wishes you a happy Hanukkah and you rage. Fucking kikes.


>being this uncreative and unoriginal

Happy Hanukah

no, that's your job sonny

and i'll be roasting marshmallows while your little conservashit pipedream crumbles before your eyes

did he stop being a kike two years ago?

is rubashkin also no longer a kike?

>“I dindu nuffin!”

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Happy Hanukah because I know that you know what this really means heh

>look how lazy i am, the post

For what exactly?

reported for spamming

Happy Hanukah! I can do this all day and to your face. HH

nice spam job, king of unoriginal statements

LOL I hit a nerve! suck a foreskin

>conservashit pipedream
Then say:
>fuck Jews and fuck Israel
And, don't say "kike" either. I want to see if you can put the negative connotation of a shekel-grabbing genocidalist upon the word "Jew".

Was he supposed to shut down his business before being elected?

look how pathetic and inneffective you are.

you can't do shit to stop me, go salve your hemorrhoids.

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>lying to annivedrigation based on lies about a thing that isn’t illegal

Surely impeachment is necessary think about our “democracy”

Reported for reporting

? Happy Hanuka? You sure dont like me telling you to have a wonderful holiday. Why is that I wonder?

For being bad and orange

i might reply if you can make sense out of that word salad you posted
