Millennials are poorer than parents Feds say

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>a 20 year old has less liquid assets compared to 50 year olds

This is somehow surprising.

>I just graduated and am in an entry level job, why am I not making as much as my dad who has been working for 30+ years

Millennials are just as entitled as their boomer relatives.

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>boohoo I deserve a 6 figure salary after only working for a few years doing something a poo could easily replace me for

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>millennials would like to spend money
>but they don't have much money to spend
>also not as willing to leverage debt to spend money like their predecessors because they get fucked with student loans
Not necessarily a bad thing for Millennials when they start out life burned. However, expecting them to ruin their financial health for the sake of a company's bottom line is foolish and an indication that industries are not adapting to their upcoming mass consumer base.

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The influx of workers into the system has completely tanked wages, not to mention the demands of a globalized market. Free-market economics and liberation theory have just dismantled the quality of life in this country. The only reason other western countries haven't really felt the brunt of these policies is because many have a long history of big government and welfare that have allowed for these consequences to be minimized. But their influx of immigrants is going to dry up the welfare, lower wages, and make housing impossible to pay for. Not good.

Next on NPR
Water is wet, Faggots catch HIV at a much higher rate than Straight men, and Promiscuity increase a woman's chances of unwanted pregnancy

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it means boomers in their 20s had more wealth to spend in comparison as well as Gen X (including inflation) to modern millennials you fucking idiots the study is about how millennials are poorer compared to previous generation counterparts in their age then and spending habits

>the fed
Keep blaming your fellow citizens, dumb fucks

Garbage truck drivers used to make the equivalent of $120,000 in 1950s New York City, fuck off. We don't need a dynamic global economy if people are living like it's Blade Runner.

Damn kids with their facts and statistics

this, if you are listening to studies by the federal reserve you aren't looking AT the federal reserve

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>people in a city with high cost of living make more money than people in areas with low cost of living

Imagine my shock

I spend the majority of my money on food, housing and medical insurance for my kids, and am glad to do so. It does not leave me much for myself but my children's health and well-being is all that matters.

Who would have thought that a high housing cost would left young people with no money to spend?

>live during Great Depression 2.0
>have less money
>also the double whammy of chronically stagnant wages and boomers who refuse to retire

Thanks for the fucking obvious analysis you fucking twats

>everyone wants söy-level tech job
>just pay me hundreds of thousands of dollars to do fuck-all in front of a computer plz you’re old and don’t get it, just trust me bro
>market flooded with söy programmers and sysadmins
>oh you’re only going to pay me what the real value of this job is
>oh I don’t have money to buy a tesla and the new ipad wtf
>fucking drumpf

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>being this much of a brainlet

Modern day New York City garbage truck drivers make half of what people in the 1950s got paid, not to mention that cost of living has skyrocketed everywhere. I live in a suburb 30 minutes out of Chicago, and some okay apartments that they just built near me are going for $1800 for a 2 bedroom a month. The cost of living is skyrocketing everywhere, and it's bullshit. How can people be expected to be good members of a community when you only have 1/10 of your paycheck after all your bills? How do you build a family?

Economists long ago figured out how to compare purchasing power across decades, fren.

Millennials are 37 now? This is the new six million.

When do boomers fucking die? If you are over 60 reading this: Fucking Kill Yourself.

Move over you fucking selfish fucks.

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These are actual issues ignoring them won't help anything

Because everyone just buys stuff online and doesn't pay sales tax, so of course the feds don't see it. It's off the record.
We aren't broke, we're just not idiots.

Could you repeat that post in proper English this time rather than typing like a meme obsessed Reddit fag?

>How do you build a family?

You don't they import poo in the loos who will live 37 to a 1 br appt.

Obviously importing hundreds of thousands of 3rd world immigrants & """refugees""" will help fix this

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>The cost of living is skyrocketing everywhere, and it's bullshit.
Naw. It's super cheap out here. 4 bedroom 2k square foot place for $800.

Faggots just pay a premium to live in a big city.

An entire generation has bought into the crushing nihilism and apathy of postmodernism. It’s nobody’s fault millenials are skill-less and broke. Alternative lifestyles lead to alternative prosperity and alternative happiness.

Millenials aren't prepared to fight and die for their living standards. They're quite happy to exist in squalor alongside the foreign hordes that have been imported specifically to drive down wages and disrupt the local culture.

Is that the only way they track spending? State taxes?

It's not the sjw who caused this

If cities are so expensive, then the work should also provide enough to live in said cities. Everything has to be synch, otherwise you start have mass exodus movements like they're having in California. Now places like Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico are going blue forever.

There are plenty of people your parents’ age who wound up losers, living their whole life in a studio apartment, maybe dead with a needle hanging out of their arm or catching some nasty faggot disease. You just didn’t hear people bitching about it back then because twitter & Facebook wasn’t a thing.

Vives en la capital?

i declined an 80k€ job. fuck working for refugees and getting marked as nazi.

Not surprising since they steal from younger generations via Social Security. Basically they sold out race nation and culture for shekels. Social Secuirty is a entitlement, just like welfare, and other Socialist programs. However if you tell that to a boomer they will rage. The Truth is it is welfare, older ppl simply dont pay in enough to warrant the amount they get back as SS. So who pays for it? Well right now no one, its all debt and its essentially printed cash, that devalues everyones currency. Older Generations didnt have enough kids to sustain SS. So therefore they accept migrants to replace younger generations all so they can get their sweet shekels. Its actually pathetic and no its not suprising older gens have vastly more than the younger ones, and no its not entirely bc they worked for it. They stole alot of it! I for one absolutely HATE the SS welfare system and i either advocate for one of 2 things.
>Either ban all socialism entirely
>or adopt a national Socialist system that will enable younger generations to reproduce at sustainable rates to prop up SS."

reminder that millenials have been systematically robbed to prop up the boomer lifestyle

>wages haven't risen since 1970
>"why are younger people poorer"

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>double the work force and import millions of immigrants making labor worthless
>hmm why dont those zoomers just work harder like i did?

Boomers are more entitled by far, younger generations are literally competing with foreigners to boomers let in to replace us to prop up the most greedy thing on earth besides Jews...Social Security

Zoomers need to start doing jobs that women and immigrants can't do. Gaming.

Younger generations will grow to hate the old as Demographic change sets in further.

Arent most states now collecting that?

>free market n shit
>wtf why are people not spending their money the way I want

Yup. They think they have a RIGHT and NEED to live like the characters of the show “Friends” or “Sex in the city”

>claims to not be an idiot
>thinks the feds collect sales tax

>apply for job as soilet seat programmer
>get hired for minimum wage
>after 1-year contract is finished
>"oh by the way we've got Pajeet/Pablo/Patatsha here, would you be so kind to show them the ropes for another 6 months"
>can't refuse because of references and future job prospect
>6 months pass
>be made redundant
>fug :DDD

Maybe you are just dumb, first job and I make 55k

yeah i'm sure it has to do with old ass tv shows nobody fucking cares about and not the fact that there ain't any goddamn jobs out in the country.

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Housing prices are high asf right now. The midwest is the best area, but many properties are still too high. Younger generations are told at banks 30 year fucking loans for houses are the norm. Anyone who takes out a 30 god damn year loan out is retarded, it like saying

>yep nothing bad will happen financially or socially in the next 30 years.

Hell to buy a used car its like atleast 3-5 paychecks you'd have to save to buy one, repair costs are expensive, esp if your born to a single mother and never had a dad to teach you about cars.

My grandfather said he bought his first used car for 20 dollars. And guess what it was more like 1 fucking paycheck to get a used car. So yeah boomers and young ppl live in 2 different worlds.

I say we need to force all pajeets etc out , otherwise we will be flooded with them for years to come, there is no justifying it really.

ty feds ty parents.
thou shall not kill.
borrow from the
future to live in the
present kills the
future. ty old ppl.

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30 year mortgages are the norm, though. they're literally one of the two pillars of the postwar economy

For real. Is the faggot going to cry about how he can't buy and build a house from a fucking retail store anymore?

Its insane is what it is. Any1 who does that must think the future holds nothing but rainbows and fucking unicorns.

>I say we need to force all pajeets etc out
Or just be slightly better than some poo in the loo nigger. It's not that hard

>it's insane that I have to pay for my house!

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Markets differ across nations.
In fact, loads of IT graduates move to America because businesses don't want to pay them a competitive enough wage.

but I don't own a bible

Oh wow... who would have ever guessed this....

Gee I wonder if it was a good idea to give the jews everything they ever wanted.

fuck off
t. US IT graduate

>tfw moving out to Iowa from suburban Illinois
>Median rent for the area is cheap as hell
Coasties can meme all they want about flyover states, but at least I'll be able to afford a home without being worried all the time.

Why no just keep the poos out and nationalize the industry to serve us citizens

I avoid spending my money unless I have to, or want to. I don't watch ads. I don't follow fashion. I have all the money I need in the world.

Not my problem that people have this silly notion that everyone should "work for their money", creating loads of totally unneccesary products that they can't sell.

Only about 20% of people need to work in modern society. The rest is just people wasting time and doing silly stuff.

>US tech job market
lol no, Jow Forums posters would have you believe it's filled with cucks and pajeets, but they just can't land a job with their crippling autism.

Tell that to your kids , when they are a minority competing with tons of shit skins. Besides its not like whites will stop being demonized when we are a minority.

Shitskins are replacing us and wages are lower and birthrates are lower all bc we are trying to compete with floods of them. Also affirmitive action ensures fags, shitskins etc all get preferred hiring status over whites.

No its not that, id rather have higher wages, less foreigners, and loans that dont take 30 years to pay. If anything it would be more responsible that way if a loan was for 6-10 years like boomers and older generations had.

Instead you seem to want it to be all about the shekels, you want minorities or something? I say we do what Japan does.

>dad partied his way through highschool
>no higher education
>could afford a house, a car, a stay at home wife, and two kids, when he was 27
Imagine having such an easy life.

Gladly. Dutch IT is fucked because of it.

Because muh legal immigrants are nice and have good food. And muh immigrants work harder than white people.

>real boomer arguments

>ov vey goyim just take this loan! your house will always increase in value!

import more niggers and spics if you want tax cattle, you're getting nothing out of me

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>id rather have higher wages,
The get a better paying job and get a better work ethic. You sound like the type of guy that complains if his lunch break is postponed for 10 mins

>you want minorities?
I want less minorities and fewer lazy entitled Americans. We have so many minorities because people like you bitch and complain all day

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Nigger i work in tech in Bentonville Arkansas, with companies affiliated with Walmart, your a god damn retard if you think Pajeets arent flooding the US tech industry. Id say we are over 40% Pajeet and it increases every year. They ar all lying SOB's also, not one of them knows their job inside and out, isntead they basically share each others jobs and when they fuck up they blame other Pajeets. Hell i have 1 black guy that works with us, and he hates them bc he cant understand what they say. Diversity is a damn fucking joke.

They are comparing them to when their parents were their age you mong

Here in Montreal the infrastructure is collapsing, even if we triple spending we won't eliminate the maintenance deficit until the 2030s. Fuck Boomers

>good goy just sit there and complain! Don't work until your boss gives you 6 gorillion dollars a month

Honest question, how do Europeans, especially bongs, even fucking live? I've seen mid-level sysadmin roles for a petty 35000 pound salary which I'd imagine is nothing when living in a city there combined with taxes. Does everyone just not have take home pay to work with after taxes?

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So your a Civ cuck nationalist, hate to break it to you but not everyone believes in a system that throws race nation and culture under the bus for muh shekels. Im willing to fight for what i believe in i doubt you would, you just want ppl to work to pay your ss when you older why else would you care. What do you believe in besides shut up and work like me goyim, i want Mexicans to work for my social security oy vey.

Go back to redit civ cuck

Dude you live in fucking Arkansas. MOVE. There's jobs but you gotta be willing to move. Tech hubs are all in the west.

Shut up and work, and you better be bitter and bitch at everyone else to work around you goyim. How else you gonna get your SS shekels. Diversity is our strength faggot.

>So your a Civ cuck nationalist,
I literally just said I want fewer minorities. No wonder you aren't getting paid shit it's because you're fucking retarded and lazy

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>I want more money!
>I also don't want to work hard because working hard means you're working for the jews!

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Benton county Arkansas is one of the fastest growing in household income in the USA. Stop being a retard. Its also a browning county with unsustainable levels of Mexican migration which is ruining everything.

I graduated and have been working for the last year now. On a grad salary of 35k, I saved 30k.

Only retarded libshits spend their money on shit like the latest iPhones or go out for Starbucks every 5 minutes because they "need their fill".

Do what I do lads.
> Live at home,
> Bring homemade food to work
> Don't go out and spend anything over $€£10.

Save it all.

The next housing crash, I'm buying a fucking mansion.
I would have done it by now but stupid central bank mortgage limits Ireland forbid anyone borrowing more than 3.5 times their income. In other words, I have to make 100k a year to borrow 300k.

Magafaggot, this is high usury

Cry more faggot. I'm sure all the crying will pay off some day

Working hard is great, its just retarded if you think its ok to flood future generations with shit skins. If you worked hard and strive to preserve race nation and culture and work ethic you'd be a saint, instead your a civ cuck, you dont care about shit aslong as ppl are working for your SS. Hell you'd bring in a hundred million Mexicans if you thought it give you more shekels.

Besides i work and the Pajeets dont, there is only so much of that you see b4 you start to question the path this nation is going to take if it continues that way. They get paid way too much to fuck off liek they do, but hey us white guys are expected to pick up the slack, i say send them all back Fuck them and fuck the Social welfare state.

It's just IT that gets shafted really.
Imagine a bunch of people who are not tech savvy, know even less about what sort of digital infrastructure they need for their business to operate, and happen to have the classic Dutch sense of frugality.
They vastly underestimate the value of IT, so they don't wanna pay for it. At all. Ever.

Of course there are some exceptions. I know a business owner who does value IT greatly, pays a good lump of money for his software engineers and IT departments but he's only one guy in a sea of thousands.

Its rage thats building among young white Americans that are disgusted with civ cucks and how bad they are selling us out like boomers. Shits going to build into a civil war one day guaranteed as long as Demographic apocalypse keeps setting in.

Internet has a free bible. There's even something called Christ-On-Disk that fits the a whole bible reading program on a floppy disk.

>You're telling people to work hard so that must mean you want to import millions of shitskins into America

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I am so glad I am sitting on an investment I made in crypto

I make a meager sum of $ daily but it is never going away, and what's more I don't exactly have to work anymore

fuck society as we know it, they designed it to impoverish the entire milennial generation

Your a civ nationalists, they work hard, expect others to do the same, and they literally dont care if the nation is over run by foreigners bc thats how they think they will get SS.

How am i wrong about that...

>Shits going to build into a civil war
Yeah yeah and the communist revolution is just around the corner too lmao. What's the deal with lazy pieces of shit having day dreams about sudden power grabs

>They vastly underestimate the value of IT, so they don't wanna pay for it. At all. Ever.
This is also where people profit massively when said IT infrastructure completely shits itself silly and they need a fix right about yesterday. You know any way to make a house-call enterprise IT support business work?

This white guy I work with lives paycheck to paycheck and asks how much I reserve for fun money and if $100 a month is enough.

I told him $100 is a lot for spending money and people normally don't even have anything allocated for fun. He looks at me and then changes the subject.

I'm in my mid 20s now and it seems like 90% of people I meet have awful credit and lives paycheck to paycheck.

Whites are especially bad when they've been here for hundreds of generations and still seem to be struggling.

I made a fair bit off of BTC an ETH, far more than my original investment. I only wish i had made more, i made enough to have another house build on my parents land. But thats it..