Moonman’s Mask is for sale and already the Twitterstapo are banding together to ‘prevent it from falling into the...

Moonman’s Mask is for sale and already the Twitterstapo are banding together to ‘prevent it from falling into the hands of racists’.
Can we prove once and for all that black lives don’t matter?

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Other urls found in this thread:!xBwlwIpa!f_KcCCrZQKQv1q0aPBZkFw!AEIWHCTL desc

Moon man has been my hero since the commercials aired when I was a little guy. Time for you faggots who claim to be rich to put your money where your mouth is!

So anybody can enter this auction just to drive up the price, and then once the auction is closed, you have a certain amount of time to come up with the money, but if you don't, then there's no penalty, right? It just goes back up for auction, right?

Isn't that how auctions work? Just because you have the winning bid, there's still no obligation to buy, right?

>those eyes
Jesus Christ, that's terrifying. It's like he's using the Aryan Penance Stare on me to punish me for every time I fapped to ebony porn.

You have to give them your credit card number


Yeah I still have my moonman toys.

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Well who has 1.5 - 3 grand lying about?

Jow Forums

watch as nu/pol/ does nothing

Let’s just find a Jow Forums investor who will buy it now then sell it to the highest bidding user

I can go in person, I live in Southern California

>moonman mask
>not banana face

to go with the banana clips

What does moonman mask have to do with racists?

bitcoins doesnt count

A nonpartisan Jow Forumsinessman could probably make a killing by pitting Jow Forumslacks and antifa against each other in a bidding war for it.

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Google it

Yes we can!

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Is that it?

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What a pathetic shit Randy is.

>In a popular television advertising campaign launched by McDonald’s in 1986, Mac Tonight (actor Doug Jones) wears his signature crescent moon head while parodying Bobby Darin’s song ‘Mack the Knife’.

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Shill bid the auction up and make Randy boy here pay 6 figures.

You can buy a moon man mask for like 5 bucks what are they trying to prove?

Yep look on the website link it’s an auction


and apparently your monitor from 1996

moon man = butt man, you're asking to get

Make the left choke on their their own virtue signalling by pointing out the 6 trillion they just spent could have gone to help a childrens hospital.

Oh boy you're in for a FEAST of sound and music

Got it for free on CL, from somebody in Valencia interestingly enough. it's a good CRT.

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I only watched like 3 episodes of it but he seemed like the only good character on the show

Can't beat those old monitors, they were built to last!
Heh, you kids and your flat screens don't know what you're missin'!

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Jow Forums should make a fake gofund me to purchase it, not for the sake of purchasing it but to make these faggots pay more by raising the bid constantly.

It might be cheaper just to hire a small company to make a limited run of the masks and pay the company for the rights to the intellectual property.

"Accidentally" break the item. If we cant have it no one can.

>being this new

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do I look like a nigger?

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This, do a proper Hitman Blood Money job on it. Make it look like an accident and then ghost the fuck out of there. I would 100% do that, but only because I can afford to pay the damages if shit goes pear-shaped.

I can actually afford the mask due to recent inheritance, but I am not willing to unless the highest bid is actually 100% verifiably an Antifa and not a collector.

moonman moonman what do you see?

how is that the original
the commercial shows his mouth moving
that isn't even a mask

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If we raise the price a little bit more the niggers and antifa wont be able to afford it anyway

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i can create real person out of nothing in 5 minutes complete with biometrics credit score and everything the system considers a real person. this shit is going to 1 trillion

They're not missing anything. Especially their money ya dumb zoomer.

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cringe tier meme
let it die

If Sven goes through with this, I'll take back everything bad I ever said about Sweden.

It's white and certain goyim like it.
Thus it's waycist.

>antifa losers spend days in a bidding war
>some retard ends up spending thousands of dollars on a useless mask
>someone on Jow Forums just makes a replica
capitalism wins once again

You are forgetting the rare breed: Rich Niggers who wear thick framed glasses (decorative, without any magnification for eyesight) who no one has any idea how the fuck they got rich other than some kind of supergibs loophole

Fucking checked mate

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oh my sweet summer child

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the mouth isn't hinged, it's flexible foam. watch the commercials again

Okay, this works. I think we can arrange a replica to be made.

To make this worthwile, we have to pretend to express an interest in it. Make the Antifas feel that every bid is an Alt-Right one and not just another faggot thinking they are stopping rayycism. Get to twitter and express an interest in out-bidding them (but don't actually bid)

Quads of truth

>tell me about Moonman, why does he wear he mask?

the sad thing is that it's not even easy to show newfags like you what the meme is because it has been so thoroughly purged from youtube due to its effectiveness

We could get a bunch of replicas and when the losers get their hands on the overpriced old peace of shit we can do something like flood tik tok with videos laughing at the loser while dressed as moonman just as xhe buys it.
Might be funny, might be cringe

Fuck I'd buy one

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Fuck off newfag!xBwlwIpa!f_KcCCrZQKQv1q0aPBZkFw!AEIWHCTL desc

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Lets start a GoFundMe to save MoonMan. He needs to be with his people.

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Bump for based pills with big wallets buy buy buy buy!

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This, but privately share the link.
Donate to museum that won't faulted to the SJW weenies emotional turmoil.

>when she gives you that 1000 lynch stare

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KikeTube has literally Shoah'd all Moonman songs.


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New songs when?

I recognize Moonman and Zyklon Ben, but who is star-face and the bumpy guy?

>fool and his money

Make more and sell them to Dims

Jow Forums more like /broke/

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N-no s-sir

>censorship is a sign of strength

Wont last much longer now

The songs are banned from youtube so people lost interest.
We could resurrect some interest by doing a 24/7 stream of moonman songs on
It would be pretty easy to get moonman 24/7 stream to be on front page at all times

I might look into doing something like this

ITT: A leftist tricks right wingers into thinking "the" real mask is for sale, selling a shitty replica for inordinate sums, after which there will certainly be a huffington post "how I tricked and defrauded stupid nazi trolls" post.

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ayy a traveling man


I know, its fucking patheric

Just drive the price that high, just enough to get one of these idiots to bern through their college loans to get it. They'll put it back on sale when the reality of the pyrrhic victory sets in.

>I still have

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Depends, are their sales anonymous?

johnny rebel or moonman?

Sorry, I still have my McDonald's Mac Tonight© Happy Meal® accessories.

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He’s a big racist...

Let's go to Baltimore, to start a super race war!

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For jews.

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>implying that's not what's happening here

unless you have a 144hz oled monitor you don't have shit that can compare to a crt (if you have the space for one)
Lcds are nice because of reduced glare and size, but otherwise they're cheap garbage.

Star Man and Cloud Man. They're featured on a couple of tracks as guest artists.

I cannot believe that was just asked
>mfw I have lurked long enough to see reddit completely overtake Jow Forums
>mfw I didn't do anything to stop it
>mfw I have no face