Can someone provide an explanation as to what the fuck is going on in this video? I had a friend say it could be a diaper. But I'm at a loss here. It looks like there's a swinging nutsack in her pants.
Michelle Obama is a man
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Nothing to explain. Michelle is Mike. That's why Joan Rivers was killed
It's a battery pack for a microphone.
not sure
Looks like a damn ape.
It would be strapped to the back of her pants aligned with her butt crack
>just align this battery pack against your pussy, mrs president
doesn’t happen that way, ever
dam look at Michelle's penis he must be 6 inches
Battery pack for a vibrating egg?
His name is mike or Michael.
chegged, benis
Barrack confirmed power bottom
His name is Michael Robinson
Many of the idols you are trained to worship are crypto tranny kike sodomites.
You think spotting jews everywhere is bad? Wait til you learn the human skeleton and start seeing trannies everywhere.
Look what happens when you put /\ (male) and \/ (female) together
So close
have you considered that MrE might be controlled opposition?
I mean, I can't prove it, everything he says makes too much sense not to be real, but he seems not to focus on the JQ almost at all, it's always the masons or the illuminati trannies
Let's just calm down
>he seems not to focus on the JQ almost at all
Now, WTF do you know?
The Noahide World Order
Jews=Illuminati=Masons=Luciferians - it's all the same shit.
Could be colostomy from Crohn's or GI cancer.
Is this seriously what wine aunts watch all day? Some tranny nigger dancing with a jewish dyke to a wooooing audience?
based charlsposter spotted
women aren't divine, stop that stupid shit, women are ruining civilization . still want kids tho
"Michelle" has a penis
What do you think guys did Dan Bongino leak this? How can Obama be so weak?? Does he have the GAIDS?
Its a distraction to waste your time, op.
Before the dancing, Ellen interviewed 'her'. When Michelle Obama stood up, it looked like something happened - she had a look like she just shit her pants
What actually happened was that when she stood up, she became untucked. Her tape on her dick and balls came loose
Nothing she could do but go through with the dancing and hope for the best. If you notice her posture too during the dancing is hunched over as if to hide something
This is all about the JQ, you're just not paying attention.
I've heard several people say MrE is a shill. Never seen any good arguments backing it up.
that image was from google image search, that is the enemies perspective
Why are they feminizing men? Why are they turning the frogs gay?
Why are women fucking up their eyebrows and wearing tranny make up styles?
Why are all women so desperately insecure?
Why do all women you see in media look a little... off? Same goes for men, why are so many of them total fucking fags?
Why did women in media all become super skinny over the past few decades?
We know the (((elite))) rule through blackmail. This is how. They sodomise their recruits. Film it. Own them for life.
Why has nobody posted this little gem yet (see pic related)?
Jow Forums, I am disappoint
Well to be fair she was older than dirt.....
Why do you think "her" book is called becoming Michelle Obama?
One of the most popular books on Amazon right now is "Becoming Michelle Obama".
Notice the clue, "becoming", i.e. a transition in to someone, rather than just being born that way.
t:amazon wagie
Bro that's a rare one. I knew about this and believed it, but haven't seen this pic before. Quickly saved.
It was really funny a couple years ago when this ignorant liberal hippie I knew from school got mega-upset when I remarked that Obama was a gay commie. Nothing more or less than the truth, simply put. I even provided sources but of course people attack the source as part of their brogramming.
Mah nigguh helen mah nigguh helen
Penis or a massive clit. Maybe even meat curtains.
It's not really rare at all, m8, that's why I express my sincere disappointment that nobody has posted it all so far.
HOWEVER - the picture of Barak, with a bag of groceries in one arm, and one hand down the front of his "daughter's" trousers, touching her cunt (with "Michelle" in the background) doesn't get posted so often. I wouldn't have that shit on my HDD, so here's hoping some user posts it up to expose the scam of this manufactured "family".
>implying traps and tomboys aren't qt
She probably tore something when giving birth to one of the girls and as a result is incontinent or at least partially. As a result she has a mini bag to handle urine leakage or worse. To back it up there was a study (no I don't have it) that showed that mixed childbirths were more likely to require c-section, due to complications, so it could be seen as a point adding to it. Might also explain why she's so obsessed with health, having a medical condition makes you more conscious of that sort of thing.
>That's why Joan Rivers was killed
Rivers was eliminated shortly after she made public comments that Obama is gay and "Michelle" is a man.
Looks like trump needs to investigate
He had to make sure it smelled good
michael lavon robinson
>michael lavon robinson
michael lavon robinson
>michael lavon robinson
michael lavon robinson
this is old news user
hahaha, excellent snark!
Also, AFAIK there are NO photos of "Michelle" pregnant. And it's well known how important maternity photos are to a woman.
i wont be surprised if he/she runs for the office.
npcs love her/him
it's balls swinging around in a fleshy sack.
>It's a battery pack for a microphone.
Battery packs are meant to touch the public hair and vagine of women?
I saw someone yesterday with a "Ellen" license plate wrap around. I purposely pulled up next to them in traffic to get a look at their face.....the person was a man and looked like he was suffering from severe mental issues.
Poor guy.
Hey shill, getting harder and harder to explain away clear and present evidence of a penis and testicles on your anti-American puppet masters?
Cohen, korovin, bankulla. Every. Fucking. Time.
fucking this. im not the only one who believes this. kek confirms.
This is the funniest shit. Your sides will be in orbit.
Ebin my fellow qanon
Twig and berries. Frank and beans... Microphone and battery pack.
That's actually a good point. Also, turns out according mo she had a miscarriage and had trouble conceiving and had to turn to IVF. If that's the case, you'd think their would be even more likely hood they took tons of photos. I couldn't find a single one, though, when searching.
If I were to entertain the theory. I could maybe see she's hermaphroditic. The bump is the stub from early corrective surgery. It would explain the difficultly conceiving, and the lack of pregnancy photos, as they might have used a surrogate or something. Regardless, that's spinning out into the ether with nothing to go on, and I really doubt she's a man; there are childhood pictures showing a fairly female looking young mo.
>provide an explanation as to wha
yeah its a dude
rip joan rivers
The weird thing is, I usually wear underwear, which keeps my package nice and tight.
Was Michael going Commando-Style?
>Look what happens when you put /\ (male) and \/ (female) together
as above
/\ \/
so below
it more common than you might think
Do you guys legitimately believe that every woman who doesn't look like a perfect 2D waifu is actually a tranny or am I being taken for a ride here?
get real nigga
I think Jow Forums might have damaged your mental health, you should probably get help for that
I'm serious, user. Go take a look outside and see what 3D people look like, maybe then you'll get this nonsense out of your head.
Yes, Oven Goddamn Time, but it was Hollywood - and *all* the power players, and their service entourages, are Jews.
no u
that's just nuts!
Also, czeched
I unironically love this image. President Trump's contented smile warms my heart.
Even if this was true, 51% of the country would find it normal, woke and a step forward.
underrated image
wtf is that thing?
mrs schumer
>The weird thing is, I usually wear underwear
Obabo leave Jow Forums.
You clearly hope she is so you can jerk off to tranny porn like usual but now you can pretend you’re deepthroating the greatest women to step foot in the whites house.
You sub cuck faggot
>start flinging your dingus
>stevie wonder doesn't even know
the kids aren't his either
they belong to that couple they always go on holiday with
Here's to you Mrs. Robinson...
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home
Hide it in the hiding place where no one ever goes
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It's a little secret just the Robinson's affair
Most of all you've got to hide it from the kids
This always seems like a boomer tier meme. The gif is weird, but to make the leap that she's a he seems like a brainlet thing to do. This is on par with calling Obama Obummer.
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates' debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose
fake news, barrack and michael both fathered a daughter with the same surrogate
Niggers all look alike, I'm not sold. They also look like Michelle Obama too.
Shit like this is still possible.
This guy still have a regular channel?
Black Bull ahead be ware wh*toids
Confirmed, Barack wasn't only the first nigger president but the first homosexual president
I always wondered what woman would be insane enough to be Barry and Michael's surrogate, since doing so would mean she'd be killed afterwards.
checked, maybe its the lady in this pic
Like how this "exercise" basically represents his 8 years, trying to do multiple things at the same time failing at them all and looking like a buffon in the process but everyone ignores it because you are "le cool hip negro president"
The daughters certainly look more like that couple than either Barry or Michael.
Her big labia, that's who.
Remember when this tranny stuff started going mainstream. It was after Obama was re-elected. Think this is an accident?