How would you solve the school shootings problem Jow Forums?

How would you solve the school shootings problem Jow Forums?

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if one existed I would start with banning circumcisions and segregate schools again

Ban schools

lol what kind of fucking idiot would shoot up a school with just a hand gun in the U.S.A.?

Haven't they been paying attention lol high score holders all had rifles, shotties and generally long barrel firearms.

Bring back segregation and White-only schools back.

Segregate schools again. Allow teachers to hit the kids with a stick on the ass for talking back, chewing gum, speaking too loudly, etc. Basically, make schools like it's 1950 again. I would fucking crush all rebellious students with bouncers and cops. Post retired gulf war vets at the doors with full loadout and AR 15s

Ban Children of Jewish decent and their families the ability to buy guns.


Our problem is single mother homes. We need to make sure that dads stay and raise their kids.

Make gun free zones illegal.
Problem solved.
There where never mass shootings before guns where illegal.
Shooter in gun free zone = lots of dead
Shooter in gun zone = dead shooter.
How to stop a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun.

>Roll back the "zero tolerance" policies
>Roll back "gun free" zones laws. Treat firearm offenses on school grounds like any already existing gun crime laws.
>Cut number of administrators by half in most school districts
>News is only allowed to report location and number of people involved from time of event until 6 months afterwards, no interviews, no reporting on suspects

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By shooting liberals

Armed security and building fortification, the former technically wouldn't prevent gunfire, but where implemented, it is shown to prevent deaths of students and staff (and if the school shooter dies, oh well). The only exception being Parkland, where the guard was a massive cowardly cuck.

Chris Hedges says you rightwingers have a death wish.

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Give all the children weapons. Training as of 3 years old.

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Ban the prescription of psychotropic drugs to kids
Remove social marxism from curriculum
Phys ed every morning
Segregate schools

true, I would rather die than listen to a retard like him

I read a gun magazine on a plane once. Should have seen the triggered people around me. The guy sitting next to me was a good Texas man and lold when Mexicans shrieked as they walked by. The stewardess was legit worried. I was just reading a fucking magazine.

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this, but unironically


>How would you solve the school shootings problem Jow Forums?
Ban niggers.
Ban Jews.
Ban divorce.

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>get rid of problematic minority communities
>Mental Health help for kids
>stricter gun laws

This can't happen though

By getting a retainer then going back to the detest abf thst where all the happiness comes ftom

You see a potenti school shooter I see a potential school defender

No guns for (((them))).

Wouldn't it make more sense to ban white males between because they are the overwhelming culprits?

Give everyone guns, so who's left in the end

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Based and Wildwestpilled

K-12 is designed to drive you crazy. Homeschool is redpilled.

>Allow teachers to hit the kids with a stick on the ass for talking back, chewing gum, speaking too loudly, etc. Basically, make schools like it's 1950 again. I would fucking crush all rebellious students with bouncers and cops. Post retired gulf war vets at the doors with full loadout and AR 15s

You're a retarded, brainwashed, boomer faggot. STFU

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Stop sending your children to government camps.

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The homeschoolpill will unironically fix all the Wests problems

Privatize schools.

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any more resources on homeschooling?

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Homeschool is the only answer. Schools fuck up so many people's heads. 99% of SJWs still whine about being picked on in elementary school. Like school shooters, they're psychologically damaged from their experiences, and they have a giant ax to grind.

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Classes will be online-only within 50 years, so that'll cut down on school shootings.
Kids will probably end up even more socially inept but that's not my problem.

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Arm the faculty and bring back school rifle teams.

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Boomer detected

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Disband the CIA

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>trusting faculty

I swear right-wingers are so fucking dumb it hurts.

>I'm a fucking dumbass who wants to build a society full of boot lickers to pave the way 50 years down the road for my entire society to be subverted and replaced with sandniggers
Make parents teach their kids again would do more than any of that nonsense

school shootings are symptoms of something wrong in the society it happens in IMO

that obvious kike nose

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K-12 is designed to dumb you down into a slave.

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ban niggers

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Dismantling fbi would be a good start

>i don't know basic crime statistics

Would you hit an adult? What makes you think it's ok to hit a kid?

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This. No one cares to admit it, but the real reason for school shootings is multiculturalism. It takes away for the human need for a sense of community. Lacking a community leads to hatred against everyone. As an artificial substitute, people turn to sporting events to cheer on their saccharin substitutes of group cohesion. It is modern society. There is a massive hole in our lives and it's hard to tell it's missing since it's been taken away since birth.

God fuck this jewshit.

shoot the jews in mindcraft

t shirts

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the same way you solve every other societal ill, user...

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Um probably Cho who got the high score for awhile but you're not old enough to remember Virginia tech you nonce

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mandatory state issued gf

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Oh no!!!! He's looking at a website with guns on it!!!!
Call the police and burn the constitution!!!!!!

More people die from being stung by bees every year and you faggots aren't wringing your hands about that being a "problem" requiring everyone to give up their rights.

Wait...source and spoonfeed.

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Ban schools.

I have this weird fantasy where there is a mass shooting at my school and I manage to stop the shooter. However, instead of grabbing his gun so he can't shoot anyone else, I grab the gun and start shooting everyone. Not because I want people die (in fact, I would feel pretty shitty about having to kill them), but because it would confuse the shit out of people and stir up so much shit in our already shitty, divided country.

Charging the parents with a new crime equal to accessory to murder for not ensuring the weapons were absolutely unobtainable to their child.

Develop penalties for known bullies and their parents to be charged with hate crimes for cruelty. Same for sexual manipulation. Meaning leading one on for cruel purposes or using your attractiveness or body to garner gifts or favor in an extreme and abusive manner.

Likewise at risk individuals must be given access to mental health treatment and families or school employees who ignore overwhelming evidence of mental health issues in an at risk child will be charged with negligence with stiffer penalties.

Allow volunteer security, highly vetted, to patrol the perimeter of the school grounds. During school hours and events.

Develop a mechanism for at risk youth to remove themselves from a school and be placed into a specialized program for education.

Most importantly, allow religious groups to form clubs on campus. It shall be monitored fairly but held to a non discriminatory manners policy. Meaning, you cannot use this club to openly shame, judge, or intimidate others of different faiths or of none. Also aggressive recruitment shall be forbidden but basic level promotion in a regulated way will allowed. No external meddling from churches or active participation by adults or faculty. Only student lead discussion and practices to be monitored by a faculty member.

Perversion in any form shall be grounds for expulsion. This refers to the promotion of anything based on gender or sex. No sex education, no condoms, no gay out reach, no school dances, no valentines day crap, no special bathrooms,

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Achievement unlocked
>Fits Like a Glove
Meet your new best friend

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Bite the pitbulls
Breed war now

I would work to ostracize anyone that attempted to sensationalize or politicize these acts. There could be discussions on the root causes of insanity, treatment, culture, etc. But the very first thing that I would do is clarify that individuals who promote these are advertising them.

based brown person

>privatizing schools
that didnt stop college campus shootings

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>one entrance/exit
>gates/perimeter walls
>armed guards
>more schools with lower pop.
>teachers identifying troubled kids
this is pretty much every private school, and the environment i grew up in. with a lower kids:teacher ratio, it would be easier for teachers to give a fuck.

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sounds like you wouldn't be a faggot if daddy beat you enough ya retarded zoomer

stop staging them

yeah, especially on those that don't have gun carry restrictions
amerimutts deserve these shootings, prohibition didn't taught you anything

how the fuck a mountain could do that ?

First punish severely any officer or FBI employee that does not act on a tip about potential shooters. Multiple cases have come out where it was revealed teachers and students reported kids weeks before they attacked.

I'll get backlash, but also hire counselors out the wazoo that are competent and caring.

In a study 50 boys who acted up in school were given counselors and 50 were given nothing. Out of all of them, every single boy who was given a counselor improved and graduated high school. One even told their counselor they didn't know where they would be if they never met them. Pretty scary of those hundreds of boys they had the chance of a flip of a coin which group they were in and how their life turned out.

Find the root cause and nip it before it starts.

Finally, fucking make school doors lockable and install bullet proof glass. Install shooter alarms everywhere that alert the local police automatically as soon as possible. Install security cameras teachers can access from their laptop in the classroom that police can also access so the target can be narrowed down and found quickly.

Hell, if I had unlimited funding I'd stick guards with dogs at every entrance trained to sniff out gun powder.

>News is only allowed to report location and number of people involved from time of event until 6 months afterwards, no interviews, no reporting on suspects
They already try that in the EU. It's bullshit, and it prevents them from realizing that every time there's a mass Killing in their country, the killer is Mohammad Al-Mohammad

>one entrance/exit
Didn’t that use to be a huge fire code no no?

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Shoot first before they begin?

>Finally, fucking make school doors lockable and install bullet proof glass
In addition to that, schools should also install automatic locking security doors in the halls that would automatically close and lock if the alarm is tripped. That way the shooter can be trapped and unable to escape and cause more problems.

Are you looking for an honest answer or are you baiting?

>How would you solve the school shootings problem Jow Forums?
Enact Australian style gun control laws.


The shootings are the solution to the problem of schools.

Although maybe if schools were fixed, school shootings could theoretically be rendered unnecessary? But that's never going to happen, so...

It’s bait
>1 post by this ID

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His accuracy was insane. I think all but four of his shots were headshots. Just pure insanity.