Hello fellow white people

Hello fellow white people.

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Has anyone wished him a Happy Hanukkah yet? Wouldn't want to be rude!

On it

Is that a tranny?

yeah i agree. racists can fuck off
we should just kill all niggers


happy hanukkah

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The impact was huge, not just on my writing but on who I am, how I see the world. I'm a dual citizen, born to an American mother and Canadian father. Growing up, I spent the school year in Toronto and summers in small-town Georgia. Quite a culture shock. Also, my father was Jewish and my mother's background is Irish. - Sean Chercover

Schrodinger's jew

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No, just a white author of shitty books.

heres a link since op is a fuckwit

Was he wearing proper dreadlocks? Like the nasty, greasy, filthy strands of tangled shit that stink like ass? Yeah, pretty racist to turn that away.

I never got these. If the point is that he's also jewish and therefore not white, that's just stupid. Jews can be white and identify as such. No dishonesty here

Another one for the folder.

By the way, why do all these rancid, backstabbing twitter kikes seem to make the exact same expression? It's like the fucking soi-face for jews.

Forgot my image.

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Ihe moment I see FELLOW WHITE PEOPLE, I know it is a Kenite stirring up trouble.

Happy Hanukkah

The only time they identify as being white is to criticize "fellow whites".

Schools have haircut codes to stop the spread of head lice and shit like that, and guess which people make for great lice receptacles? NIGGERS.

Fuck, I knew it was coming, but still almost spit out my water when I saw it tweeted to him

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No, you fuck off, jew.

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>fellow white people

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What’s locs? I’m white with real hair so no clue

okay guys so let's say hypothetically i know this guy. said guy is mullato. we'll call him steve. so steve does business to business sales and his hair is slightly long and slightly styled (not locs but curling like picture related). steve pretty much only associates with white business owners. is that type of hair a little too niggerish? should steve just get a buzz cut?

also steve doesn't race mix and is planning on moving out of the us next year.

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Dress code extends to hairstyle.
Always has and always will.
Don't like it? Go to a school without a dress code.

White when it benefits them, Jew when it doesn't. It's like a comedian talking about politics. He's into politically commentary when he jokes about Trump being Hitler, but when you engage in serious discussion they suddenly become a comedian and don't want to discuss politics.

let's get a (((fellow white people))) thread going, I'm building a folder

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>What’s locs? I’m white with real hair so no clue
Dreads most likely or cornrow crap.

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The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic.
Many times I stood there astonished.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: their verbal agility or their art in lying.

Gradually, I began to hate them.

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It would be the Jow Forumsite thing to do.

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Who the fuck is this even for? He's not even talking to anyone, just speaking into the air. Nobody asked for his opinion, he just read a random article online and thought "Uh oh, something bad happened. Better get to Twitter so everyone knows that i'm white and opposed to racism"

And that's basically their career. And somehow they have more money than we ever will...

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Isn't that ron perlman?

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>Ben Shapiro

I fucking hate that rat-faced kike.

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Jon Stewart used to do that. When called on any of his comments, he'd suddenly go into comedian mode.

Hi rabbi

Thanks for these btw

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That's not even close to white, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


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Oy vey! That beautiful nose and that thick curly hair. And a successful writer. I have a niece that needs a husband; maybe we could introduce them at temple next Saturday?

I forgot about hat one.

Have another where feral rioting niggers in Milwaukee start attacking white people ion the streets:

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>Jews are smart
I guess he's pretending

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Exactly what

White when it's convenient, Jew when it's convenient

In my country I notice this problem A LOT!
Muslim scum says they are "dutch citizens" when they need welfare, but as soon as uncle Erdogan holds a vote, they rush to the voting booth (which we somehow tolerate) and go into our city square waving turkish flags

Kill all muslims! Islam is literally an infectious disease and must be eradicated from the freedom of Europe and USA!

your hair is fine steve.

Tell your “friend” to buzz it

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Happy hanukkah

>we we're the first illegal immigrants
In babylon maybe

School and college are training for a citizen's future role as a productive member of society, and is SUPPOSED to prepare individuals for that role. In the Public Education system, we need a mandate calling for the following things without any exception or exemption, religious or otherwise, unless it is a valid medical reason:
>mandatory school uniforms for both genders
>mandatory daily exercise of 1 hour
>universal rule about hygiene and grooming (this includes you, dreadlock-wearers, dreadlocks are NOT hygienic)
>reintroduction of machine shop, wood shop, home ec., and other trade-oriented classes that segue into internships with local businesses
>heavy funding increase pulled from taxing banks and moneylenders directly via a flat tax on profits

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>Kill all muslims!
Add niggers, kikes, spics and insectoid chinks to that list.
We need to bioengineer diseases to specific to those beasts do it.
Take sickle cell anemia... only niggers get it so make it 100% fatal. Ebola only goes so far

>Take this down!
Top kek

That seems like it happened so long ago.

>i'm tribal
No shit

Confirmed Jew and leaf

>Sean Chercover:The impact was huge, not just on my writing but on who I am, how I see the world. I'm a dual citizen, born to an American mother and Canadian father. Growing up, I spent the school year in Toronto and summers in small-town Georgia. Quite a culture shock. Also, my father was Jewish and my mother's background is Irish. To Jews, I was not a Jew because my mother wasn't, and to Gentiles, I wasn't a true Gentile because my dad was Jewish. In the eyes of both groups, I was Other. And I also got this, to a lesser degree, with the whole American/Canadian thing. It gave me an intense dislike for tribalism of all kinds, and it also made it more difficult for me to classify any individual as Other. And it gave me the feeling of being a bit of an outsider, no matter where I was. Which I think is valuable to a writer


Okay and why do I get that reply for mine?
Or are you just one of the usual ignorant faggots that ruin everything for all of us?

nobody is ever going to say anything like "I HATE THAT FUCKING NIGGER STEVE" because of your hair. If they say that it's because you're doing some niggerish stuff, like being late to everything or blaming failed sales calls on racism. If you, i mean steve, conduct yourself like a proper businessman then nobody will care what your hair looks like within reason. The hair in your pic would qualify as a business-class haircut for a person with tightly-curled coarse hair, and like any hair would start to look like hippy/rasta shit if you, or he, let it grow out too much.

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I seriously can't express how much this shit frustrates me. Notice it's never like a black guy telling us what to do, and yet because they're "not white", Jews get to speak for black people somehow. Jews are the most privileged race in the world and they don't even know it. I have a lot of Jewish friends actually, and they are all soooo goddamn rich that they use social justice to avoid feeling guilt about their wealth. Then when challenged about their inherited white privilege, they bring up the holocaust as if they experienced it first hand. They all go to expensive summer camps together, they take expensive religious studies together, they pay thousands of dollars for temple fees, and they only hire each other. If Americans knew how expensive it was to be Jewish, they'd revolt tomorrow. Being Jewish is itself a privilege, a GREATER privilege than being white. Here's a funny test, go up to any jew on Twitter, and ask them about any actual hardships or oppression they endured as a result of their Jewish identity. Take a drink every time they mention their grandparents (who are by the way always still alive and VERY wealthy).

This white privilege stuff is simple projection because jews are the most racist people I've ever met. Sure they "fight" for minority rights, but they never take the back seat. They never join anothers cause, they force everyone else to adapt their cause. They take up positions of leadership because they don't trust black or Hispanic people to succeed on their own. Because they really believe they're the chosen people. Every time a jew walks into a room, their first reaction is to "fix" it. They don't even realize they're doing it, but they assume leadership the moment they step in. If someone offends them, suddenly it's the most important issue in the room. If they have an idea or advice, they expect everyone to follow it immediately. It's not even malicious, they've been doing it for so long that it's just their nature at this point.

Hello niggers, get the fuck out of our countries and you can wear your shitsticks on top of your head however you like

Twitter is just one big room. That's why people like this make these random condemnations of racism to the open air. It's not even virtue signaling, it's just their nature revealed. They believe they were made by god to rule the other races (which is why they never perform labor), and they reveal this every time they open their Twitter accounts. They're not virtue signaling because they don't need your approval, the way they see it they were already in control and it's you who needs THEIR approval. That's why they do shit like this, they act like your disappointed father because they view us goyim as children.

"Oy vey fellow white people, you're not supposed to be racist! You're supposed to me listening to me! You're not one of those evil nazis who DON'T listen to me, are you goy?"

We say on here don't reveal your power level, but Jews reveal their power level every time they open their mouths. They can't help it.

Most of these comedians are Jewish. It's their dialectic.

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One more bump because I wrote a lot and want (you)s :(

Happy Hanukkah

this and only this

Dear Niggers,

Remember how you stopped white people from trying to integrate "locs" into their culture? Well, this is what happens: you created a stigma that translates over onto everyone because people have to be held to the same standards.

Not that I'm mad: fuck you and your shitty fucking mudhairstyles

It's kinda dumb to get in trouble for your hair but I'm sure it wasn't neat or distracting in some other way

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>He said he was aware the school required a uniform, but was never told the dress code prohibits dreadlocks. The handbook posted online states boys may not wear “dreads, Mohawks, designs, unnatural color, or unnatural designs.”
In other words niggers can't read

>dear white people

the strangest part is when they are obviously from a turkic descended group. brown people who could pass as middle eastern or latino talking about how much white guilt they feel.

Also let's talk about "gentrification". "White" people should feel guilty for moving into majority black neighborhoods and raising the rent.

BUT WHO ARE THE LANDLORDS? WHO'S RAISING THE RENT? I'll tell you! Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn! I DARE you to try to get a place to live in new york without crawling to the jews. Everyone knows it, especially black people. Brooklyn blacks are some of the most antisemitic people I've ever met.

Most black people are, actually, they just see jews as white and go "muh white people".

>BUT WHO ARE THE LANDLORDS? WHO'S RAISING THE RENT? I'll tell you! Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn! I DARE you to try to get a place to live in new york without crawling to the jews.
Couldn't help but read that in Commander Rockwell's voice

I'm honored lol

Thanks user

>6 yr old nig
>going to school
"I'll take things that never happened for $100."
Even if the nigglet were trying to go to school, it would be a nig school with a nig principal.

Does the talmud satanist even know that we know he is a satanist by saying "Dear fellow white people"?

Dear black people: If you can't wear your hair like a normal human being, then you need to jus........oh forget it.....

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