This stripper whore is now an idol. Nigger culture has fucked not only the entire music industry, my society In general
This stripper whore is now an idol. Nigger culture has fucked not only the entire music industry, my society In general
But* society in general
Nigger "culture"
Please see Kim Kardashian for a much worse example.
Why do you give any of this attention?
>9 bet awards
HA big whoop
Hollywood and the American music industry is probably (((their))) most effective propaganda.
Especially since it catches kids already at an early age and it's really hard for parents to control their kids exposure to it.
I don’t even know who that is. Happy days.
It wasn’t just 9 bet awards. But because the cancer investing our society should be addressed Atleast instead of ignored you cuck faggot
Cardi beans, pictures of her asshole are online
Am I degenerate for finding her voice a turn on for me?
I still don’t know who that is and I’m not googling some nigger mutts asshole.
>2 grammy nominations
they gave tenacious d a grammy for a fucking cover song and this literal who lost twice?
her music must be fucking trash, even by grammy standards
How do you know who she is? Is she on the radio or something? I’ve not watched tv or listened to music for 15 years.
Produced by Hiram Goldblatt and Murray Soapstein for Lampshade Records
Come on, chet.. put your fucking tea down and google her hole pics like a man
Yeah she's on the radio.
Those awards mean nothing, they never have.
Pop culture has always been part of society and there's always been some dork crying about it.
Whining, bitching and nothing else.
What are you going to do about it, big guy?
wh*toid btfo
gen z redpilled is a meme, it's just that they're being ironic degenerates.
gen z women are more promiscuous while gen z men are incel.
say goodbye to traditional values and your volk LARP with GenZ.
Your mom is listening to that garbage. It’s turning her into a complete whore who would rather satisfy her carnal needs than take care of you. The question is, what are you going to do about it, little man?
Fuck you nigger, I’m tired of seeing your uneducated monkey retardness in every thread. Take a hike
>nigger culture
It’s the Jewish producers user
How awful.
No. I only google good nudes. Pic related.
literally never heard of this 'cardi beans' until this post
Is this it?
A yo mamma joke.
You ARE the nigger you're crying about.
So another generation of whores will continue the cycle of being degenerates. "imma b da nex cadib,belee dat, wash me floss"