We're going to need young fit muslims to send off and fight in the coming war with Russia.
A minimum of four million in my estimation. Europe must be defended at all costs.
We're going to need young fit muslims to send off and fight in the coming war with Russia.
A minimum of four million in my estimation. Europe must be defended at all costs.
Anyone confirmed if this odd KIKE ILLNESS is spreading?!! Do we have a HAPPENING?!!! seems to be a blackout in media just like HAITI
What if Muslim immigration was Russia's plot to destroy the EU?
Rely on Muslims?
How would you know if they wouldn't defect to Russia to join some Chechen or Kazakh battalion?
>coming war with Russia
>naive Jow Forumstards think that the elite will fight each other
the reason that there have been no major wars is because it's unprofitable for the elite/jews/whatever. We have tons of small proxy wars because they are highly profitable and not dangerous to the elite's grip on power. The rulers of the world are in mutual agreement, Russia and the west are both run by the same (((people))), they will never fight amongst themselves unless there is money in it.
Why are all the shills from the UK this morning
been in the industrial complex all my life; i'm not scared of Russia. They only made three of those t50s btw using old gen3 mig 29 engines. Get it? Just like Russia has lost skills. Losing Ukraine for example removed russias ability to make bearings for t90s. They lost the supply chain also.
>Mfw this was the jews plan all along
>They need subserviant white ppl to run economy
>Need war to sustain economy
>Immigrate 3rd worlders to die in the war
Why not just join Russia?
At least they’re white.
They hate us.
This.. Russia hates the west’s success. They are a plague.
I could hear the inner monologues of everyone on that boat crying for america plz halp
>They hate us.
It didn't have to be this way. Why didn't Russia and the US fix relations after the cold war?
>At least they’re white.
Have you seen the militaries of muslim countries? They can't find their own asses half the time. You'd be better off with niggers.
Who told you Russia hates Canada?
bc jews thats why you faggot
They will be perfect for my army then. Better make it eight million in that case.
Whiter than mohammad
>he thinks the muzzies will fight for the UK
Lmao, any "war" with russia will just be an excuse for your elites to ship the remaining whites to die. Immigrants don't give a shit, its the same here they want the money and bennies but still fly beaner flags
>muzzie units fail everything and act retarded
>leadership correctly identify this
>sandniggers ger mad and sue govt
>"we need people like us to lead"
>govt cucks
You guys are so fucked.
> driving a warship up to the shores of your country wasn’t an act of agression
>you sending jets to meet our warship was an act of agression
Kill all Brits
Look at me. We are the muzzies now.
> t.amerimutt
> while in the Black Sea
Where exactly in the Black Sea? Isn't that like a Russian warship being in the North Sea?
Not even that is gonna save Europe from being conquered by them and the Chinese.
Whatever they do to me, I'm a man. I'm not sittin' up here like I'm the biggest badass around, but you punch me and I'ma punch back (subdued snarling). And I can sit back and tell you my family name is secured, and I've done the job I'm supposed to do. It's not some power trip, it's just who I am. I look at Stephanopoulos and all these sacks of shit , sittin' there telling us they're gonna leave the country. Listen you son of a bitch. You're scared this country's gon' throw your carpetbaggin' ass out. I see you, you little bloodthirsty maggot. Whatever happens to me I just pray to God you get brought real low. Real low. For what you've done you little son of a bitch. So you understand one thing. There's a real God and there's a real Devil. And for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. And I want all the little men to know somethin'. You were brought up as pieces of shit. And you thought you could dominate everybody 'cause you were so insecure. And you thought people that were better than you were bad because they were better than you, and they were building a stairway to heaven for you. And so now you've started fights with people, that are gonna break every bone in your body. So when you have metaphysically have had you sternum broken and your ribs broken, and your little neck... Strung up. You remember. You ran into real men. And we kicked your ass.
>Muslims fighting for the country they are invading and conquering through migration.
>Muslims being anything other than a fifth echelon in said host Nation.
I shiggy diggy.
what for?
what does Russia can take through a war? is pointless. They already have resources only need more tech that can obtain through espionage.
They don't. Most of russians only demand respect and be seen as what they are, or course they are not a power like US but they are a power.
Ebola, WW3, and the future of the white race just flew over my house
get blackpilled already you faggots, there is no point
They can be the suicide bombers
FUCK that we arent taking sides, just enjoy wh*Tes killing wh*Tes
I’ve been saying for years that they’ll draft the rapefugees and unemployed Muslim youth in the new European Military.
Footage from onboard navy ship.
Funny the camera crew was there ready to roll.
What have you lost in the Black sea, fags?
Americas's already lost. Russia taking over would be our salvation.
Oh yeah, like you know jack shit about Russia.
Yea those brave men who left their families and wives in Syria sure as hell will fight for their new homelands.
Fucking stupid cunt
ooh so scary they can fly past a ship whose only priority is to travel. In military scenarios we would have all of EU and the US behind us and our ships would not be travelling solo without jet support.
>A minimum of four million in my estimation. Europe must be defended at all costs.
Europe must be protected at all costs from YOU
Inviting others in to do your fighting is the worst strategy on Earth, when the fighting's over they turn on you. That's how the muslims got to take-over Spain.
It's the same answer. They did the opposite of the Japanese ie with the marshal plan. It's stupidity honestly; Iran showed more sanity. Russian pride killed Russia oddly enough.
Jewish doctrine is to be in the fight last.
The fact they make threats of nuclear destruction and call us American lap dogs. Ya, they're pissed about Alaska still.
that's mostly with muslims.
why cant russia make its own bearings?
t. mad bosnian
yeah, stop sending them to western countries, nosey.
Good thing England is a muslim nation. Europe will be safe.
You're just posting old ugly guys and 6/8 are Ukrainian
This is Yeltsin as a young man