Why is there still this bigotry in 2018?
Players Banned After Shocking Homophobic Attack
Kevin Cox
Zachary Jones
archive your link next time
Kevin Foster
Why did bethesda ban people for attacking homophobia? Are they bigoted?
Gabriel Lee
what the fuck do they expect in an online multiplayer game?
Nolan Murphy
Stay in the vault fags.
Dominic Hall
>do whatever you want in our open world
>can't be evil for shit
yup sounds like fallout
Samuel Wilson
Hahahaha the game is already down to $30. Dead game, shit devs and they made another big mistake for banning these guys.
Sebastian King
Jace Nelson
video in question:
Anthony Ross
>Makes a PvP game
>practically forbids PvP
>game is broken
>only menial tasks and purposeless goals are achievable
>still surprised when people turn to each other in ways other than the usual ones
This teaches something about the age w live in.