I still like this president. There are things to be unhappy about, but this isn't one of them, and you can change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wanna be on moon base

I am continuously happy with him, from his blasting GM for unfair layoffs, his protecting American workers from Chinese oligarchs (which is indirectly good for the environment despite his climate change skepticism), his disregard for globalist organizations and his support of public works like NASA. To an old leftist he is a really good president.

That's only 5% of what Trump agreed to send Israel.

>we supposedly landed there 50 years ago
>it's going to take us 10 years to figure out how to do it again

It's more fodder for the proles. Illegal migration is up, legal shitskin migration is up, GM is still moving factories to China and Mexico unpunished, etc.


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lets direct more taxes to useless shit!

Has that shit passed yet? I hope he doesn't sign it, but we'll see. Everything he does besides support Israel is against kike interests, though.

Obama agreed to $38b over ten years but last year Trump upped it to $50b.


Didn't we deport all those fucking Haitians? I see a lot of bitching on Jow Forums about the fuckers trying to enter America, but I don't see any evidence that they're getting to stay.

And sometimes y

Really gets the bean churning.

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Well that fucking sucks, user.

For real. He's worried about the moon? My five year old needs a sex change and a dedicated bathroom!

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Probably because NASA is retarded. They're filled with bureaucrats and cocksuckers. The engineering dudes back in the 50s and 60s would be sickened at it's current state.

I remember when Gingrich wanted to do this. I was excited then too.

been hearing this shit since the 70s

That cracked me up.

Last year Trump didn't even deport 1/10th of your average yearly visa overstays.

Well, according to the article, it's set in stone now.

Aren't most of the visa overstays Europeans?


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Says the BritBong on welfare.

Moon Emperor Newt


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>Cuts space budgets
>Wants moon base

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Sexy, user.

Hey, we are only 40 years away from getting power off nuclear fusion to work!

2004 (CNN) -- Saying "the desire to explore and understand is part of our character," President Bush Wednesday unveiled an ambitious plan to return Americans to the moon by 2020 and use the mission as a steppingstone for future manned trips to Mars and beyond.

"We do not know where this journey will end, yet we know this -- human beings are headed into the cosmos," Bush said. "Mankind is drawn to the heavens for the same reason we were once drawn into unknown lands and across the open sea. We choose to explore space because doing so improves our lives and lifts our national spirit."

The president unveiled what he billed as a "new course" for the nation's space program in a speech at NASA headquarters, shifting the long-term focus from the space shuttle and the international space station to the creation of a new manned space vehicle that will be flying with a crew in 10 years and will return humans to the moon within 16 years.

Bush proposed spending $12 billion over the next five years on the effort. About $1 billion of that will come from an increase in NASA's budget, while the other $11 billion would come from shifting funds from existing programs within NASA's current $86 billion budget. The overall NASA budget would stay at about 1 percent of the federal budget, according to White House figures.

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I guess its all the diversity hires

>within a decade
So it'll happen during the next presidency, and they'll be remembered for it. Good for them. Trump isn't nearly as authoritarian as I wish he'd be and I wish he'd just start signing shit left and right, but his hands are tied down by corrupt bureaucrats and decades of skullduggery and political intrigue. I don't care who runs in the future, apart from memes I'm ultimately rooting for a complete change of system.

moon + rocket = sex act of sodomy.
same old tricks to curse us into
slavery of ham AGAIN.

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Who the fuck told you that NASA's budget was cut? Are you retarded?


Looks like the largest percentage are gooks.

The earths fucking FLAT your faggots. We NEVER went to the moon and NEVER will.

Are the other planets flat too? Are satellite images all falsified in some grand conspiracy?

330+ million people here, this is maybe 300k and half are white. I hope this isn't where they focus their efforts on.

Yeah, bitches.

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Man, I hope that ain't true. Really puts a damper on things.

I can sympathize with that, user.

NASA went there when it had an unlimited budget.
A single Saturn V launch cost more than $1 billion.

With that kind of funding, America could easily go back to the moon at any time.

The trick is doing it for cheap so it can be sustainable.

Not this shit...ugh...

And make the martians pay for it!

I doubt that it will be above ground, most likely they'll build it into a mountainside or a lavatube (which is obviously inactive now). Just for the fact that it's free radiation shielding and protection from constant meteors.


Stanley Kubrick is dead how are they going to fake it this time?

I know, but this one is cool to look at.

WTF we were supposed to have it ~20 years ago

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Yep. I think there's an article on that too.


This actually fucking happened.

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Bernie would have nationalized SpaceX and had us on Mars by now

It's a pointless waste of money and resources. We should focus on the planet we already have, space colonisation is a sci-fi fantasy that will never come true

We got involved in a bunch of gay wars and major culture rot. Hopefully things are changing to be a bit better.

Jerry Bruckheimer.

Problem he is going to explode everything and he science will be far from accurate.

Reminder that nights are a month long on the moon so the base will have to be nuclear powered.

You must be trolling, user. Bernie would have bankrupted the whole fucking country and been strung up by a barbed wire noose by niggers by now.

>mfw moonbase alpha becomes a reality
John madden

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We dont really know what the stars in the sky actually are, never been there and never will. Satellite images are all CGI and composited photos. Some photos were also shot from high altitude weather balloons.

If I was a movie guy I'd write a script about a time traveller who comes from the future and meets a smart guy and tells him how to do things way ahead of their time, like online payments, electric cars and reusable rockets and once the smart guy feels he has "made it" he kills the time travellers, puts his body in a space suit, puts it in an electric car and blasts it off into space with the entire world watching.

The perfect crime.

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>letting Elon Musk build a moon base
This can only go well

Do we have nuclear-powered spacecraft yet? Why not just send something like that up, have it deploy on the moon, and build a colony around it?

I agree, user.

Bernie is the populist leader Trump wishes he was honestly. Progressive policies like free healthcare are more popular, even with republican voters, than whatever money laundering scheme Trump's doing this month

Who the fuck believes this shit? A small portion of the money is given to CGI Jew houses to convince the sheep space actually exists and the rest is funneled into govt black projects.

A wall sounds a lot easier and cheaper...just saying


If he builds the moonbase , I will donate an Eagle Transporter

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Wasn't the wall something like $20b?


Pick one, user.

We better be getting that too.

All these retards bitching about how trump is catering to Israel and not doing enough don't realize that kike infestation if it exists in the United States goverment is likely at every level and especially in the American bureaucracy. So even if he's the president he can't do anything on his own independently without approval from other parts of his government because America is a democracy and a not a one man government.

Yeah, I know. I'm just too exhausted to tell him that.

That looks fucking cool user. What's that from?

I am unhappy that Trump is not spending enough borrowed money. He better build that wall on he moon OR ELSE!

Space 1999, also the same Moonbase most of us have been posting

True. If he tried anything really hardcore he'd be impeached and imprisoned. He has to be very subtle. So far, I think he's doing his best.

This money could be spent on the High-Altitude Global Nigger Sterilization Project.

I'm an AnCap too. I wish all this stuff was privately funded. Hopefully someday.

There are three types of nuclear powered spacecraft.

One is like NASA's NERVA, which uses the immense heat of the nuclear reactor to heat up the fuel and then spray it out the back. No radioactive material is released.
This is a tested design that works, it doesn't produce enough thrust to get out of earth but once in space it's about twice as good as conventional rockets.

Second are electromagnetic types, which only need a nuclear reactor for its electricity generation. We already have Ion engines but they use solar power. More advanced and power-hungry designs would need a nuclear reactor, but they have not been made yet. This does not produce enough thrust to get out of earth either, but once in space is many times more efficient than conventional rockets.

Third are nuclear pulse rockets. This is a design of building a spacecraft with a large plate and massive suspensions on its back, then throwing nuclear explosions behind it consecutively. The suspensions absorb the shockwave and produce thrust. The design is theoretically possible and by far the best way to get anywhere, but practically madness. Radioactivity is obviously released.

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Now THAT sounds like a good idea, user. Me and a friend brainstormed about how a retrovirus could kill or sterilize all non-whites on the planet once. It could easily target kikes through their Tay-Sachs gene.

Damn, thanks for the enlightenment, user. Are chemical rockets still cheaper, then? What about a two-stage chemical/nuclear spacecraft?

All the smart Nazi scientist are dead now.

They aren't going to build it for 2.6b

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Chemical rockets are the only way we have to get out of earth.

Once in space there are other options. Dawn used Ion engines to great effect.
It'd be possible to have a NERVA-style nuclear thermal rocket as an upper stage, but who would authorize such a launch? What if it failed and a nuclear reactor fell from the sky, or sprayed its material over the atmosphere?

They'll never allow it to fly.

And it sucks. Elon Musk is the closest person we have to a Von Braun, now. All we have a faggot and nigger astrophysicists like Neil Degrasse Tyson who talk a lot of shit but don't produce a goddamn thing.

Space 1999 Here is another

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It doesn't matter if there's a wall when leftoids just prop the doors open anyway.

No, unless you count radioisotope thermoelectric generators. We use those to power deep space probes and the Curiosity probe. Pic related, the big white cylinder with radiator fins on the back.

Those just work by using decay heat and some thermocouples though. They don't generate enough power to supply an entire base though. For a base you would need at least a small fission reactor.

There have been a few dozen fission reactors sent into Earth orbit in the past (almost all by the Soviets), but none in the last few decades.
It's perfectly possible to send reactors to the moon, there's just a lot of stigma around launching nuclear reactors through the air on a big rocket that might explode.

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oh theyre building a base in cinder lake arizona?

Curiosity rover*

NASA from time to time reveals any number of plans for this or that mission, in the hopes that one of them will catch on and get funded.

Unless the President and Congress (where the funding comes from) very publicly and definitively get behind it, it is meaningless.

That's a shame. Are they still working on an orbital elevator, or was that scrapped? I hear conflicting rumors. I had an idea once about how to make that cost-effective.

Taxes that you pay. Oh wait you don't, you're paying taxes to a country that pisses it away on Trudeau's SJW programs.

I'm gonna have to check this out. Thanks, bro.

I honestly can't believe how people still buy into this bullshit.

Why don't we use like 8 rockets, and just lift it into the atmosphere with sheer rocket power? Like a helicopter carrying a water bucket to a fire lol Put a parachute on it incase it explodes. I bet elon could figure it out