Let me get this straight- is Trump bringing back slavery?
Let me get this straight- is Trump bringing back slavery?
After they repeal the 14th amendment they're going to repeal the 13th.
>On the left: low test, beta with weak jaw and ugly face; blends into group
>On the right: high test, wide jaw, strong features, muscular and rather handsome for a coon; creates own group and actually makes history
Sorry GayZ but being a white knight won’t get you pussy, enjoy eternal hell for your Satan worship
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>Trump is bringing back slavery
Hol' up
My president after all
Why does jay z look like an actual slave here?
Kayne is that nigga stay salty j
Holy fuck, Thats Jay-Z? He looks so old and needs a shower. Fucking disgraceful
>jay z
>confirmed spirit cooker
opinion discarded
jayz is overrated trash
Jay-Z didn't age well. Gay AIDS will do that to ya I hear.
He got really nappy headed
Why is JayZ talking shit about slavery when promoting doing what thou wilt?
>says one of elite's houseniggers
That's some peak self-awareness right there.
>the only attack they’ve had for 150 years is you’ll be enslaved again
I know he's rich, but got damn it's crazy that Jay-Z bangs Beyonce.
money and power obviously
Because slowing the gravy train of gibs is akin to slavery to the niggers. They see government as something that takes care of them because they have no fathers. They think government is there for gibs and gibs alone, that’s why niggers like Obama hated NASA so much.
Is Jay z the ugliest man alive? He’s like the real like SHEEEEIIT guy
Jay-Z has Eyes Wide Shut styled parties and I'm almost certain he fucks dudes too.
"enjoy your chains" he says while shackled in chains of a different color.
lmao look at jay z in this pic
fucking look at his greasy ass face
Wtf is wrong with my niggas jay face
Are the baby foreskins not working
Large majority of Hillary make
Slavery isn't legal anymore even without the Amendment. If anything, it legalizes on incarcerated people.
Urban cores are hubs for jews, nogs and tacos.
very rich coming from Jay "I love when the clintons cut black people at the knees and then fuck us in the ass" Z. he used to stand for something.
Jay-Z worships the beast, apparently. Who give a flying fuck what he thinks about ANYTHING?
Super predators
Yeah silly Guy
Vote left then everyone can be slaves, so no one needs chains
trump is bringing back zionism you dumbfuck
is that really jayz? holy fuck he looks like a jew nigger. Really. He's a half breed jew.
who cares they're all the same anyway
It never went anywhere. Obama agreed to the 38 billion as he was heading out the door.
Jay-Z hasn't looked this bad since Ether dropped.
Jay z is the top house nigger for the jews this affirms kanye pissed off the kikes
It's funny how blacks who vote Democrat don't believe they're slaves to the liberal agenda. Some of them do realize they're being used but would rather stay that way because gibs.
I don't think Kanye is a real supporter, rather he's using this as a way to stay relevant and controversial.
I won't be surprised if after Trump's term he reveals it was all play play.
Obama totally unprovoked called Kanye a jackass and they still expect him to blindly be a democrat. The fucking audacity.
Das rite boi u work dat plantation
Doesn’t jayz worship Satan and drink baby blood though?
Slaves? How?
Black criminals are actually criminals wow based clinton
Kanye is free-est nigger in all of burgerland, it's hard to miss.
>Based kanye isnt a tool for jews
>implying Trump is the only president who's ever been friendly with Israel
Kill yourself memeflaggot
You really believe in that weak ass candace owens retard talk? You think if the blacks voted for a republican chicago would be nice?
It is common knowledge that Jay z is a fag
>we need mo money for dem programs
Both of these niggers are pussy-whipped by their dumb cunt wives. Let them both burn.
>lobbying for pro black things means he's enslaved
jay z is such an ape LOL
>muh kanye
Trumpkikes are fucking cancer
Here is an opportunity to learn some unique redpills from Papa
>the nature of Chaotic-Good and Jow Forums
>100th monkey effect and shitposting
>NXIVM child cult in Columbia
>eternal Memetics and symbolism
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>prophecy of a cyber future IF we DONT act
>your leading a revolution and dont even know it
>planned parenthood expose , legal sacrifice
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>john titor time travel trump doc
>ingersoll lockwood and Baron trumps wonderful adventure
And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know
so smooth
>candace owens
She's a phony too.
Kanye West needs to call out Jay Z for his ties to Marina Abramovich and Spirit Cooking. The only way to truly wake people up on these vile Trump hating satanists.
> openly practices occult rituals
> places satanic imagery in his music videos
> brags about selling drugs most of his life
> rubs shoulders with literal brainwashed leftist propagandists
> doesn't have a single thought or expression outside of the current mainstream media and hollywood playbook
Yeah anyone who listens to him deserves their god damn fate, FUCK Gay-Z.
This is a quintessential example of liberal stupidity. Instead of trying to understand why Kanye supports Trump, he settles for "Kanye must like chains." No liberal thought process never gets to "He might disagree with me because he's aware of something I'm not." On their most rational day, it's "Well he must just be evil and stupid then," which would be defended by "But you ARE evil and stupid," because who needs to consider possibilities when you can just emphasize what you're saying.
I admire your dedication
>be Jay-Z
>get rich selling drugs to your own race
>shoot your own lkteral brother
>stab another black man over a woman
>cheat on your black wife mercilessly
>never apologize
>act like Kanye (and whites) are the real problem
Stay classy, reformed black criminal rappers.
What's with the paper plane flag?
Based bomb-rider.
Nothofagus moorei
Guess what will be stored for him for the Trump Curse
forgot to mention whites gave him more money than god
Damn Jay Z looks like a pile of shit