The History of Men - Directed and Written by Chloe Moretz

Her directorial debut....

>”A Tale of Men Obstructing Women. From the early days of Caveman to the 2016 Election.”

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I'm sure this won't flop

To her point, shouldn't it be Cavewoman as well?


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You are right!

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do feminists not understand that women obstruct men as well? Do they give their own sex so little credit or agency

Can't she just stop eating?

hollywood hamster face
racist against men
probably thinks its not ok
to be white


Is this like a Jow Forums haiku?

Dumb cunt sucks Jew dick
She makes movies to cuck us
Day of the rope cometh

That guy is edited, right? Right??

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pablo came her on a door but her ass is the worst
the thing he ever saw.

Why am I laughing so hard at this?

cometh is two syllables. not a haiku.

Fuck she hit the wall before she even got going

Why is she deformed ?
is this why she makes a probably cringeworthy film about ebil man ?

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lol what a dumb bitch


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This photo will be in history books.


this chick has been throatfucked, slapped, and dominated by a chad probably.

We especially obstruct fridge shaped women.

holy shit, i remember that loli slut from b. wtf did the jews do this time

Let me give a brief synopsis so you won't have to waste your time with this dreck:

>Cavemen were big brutes who beat women over the head with clubs and dragged them back to their rape-caves to sodomize them for hours on end with their caveman rape-buddies. Rape rape rape rape rape! Also all the women look petite and modern to make it extra disgusting.
>Egyptian women trick men into giving them some (?) rights, or, since Egyptians are black and thus woke, they gave women more rights.
>Early modern European tribes... women were equal at last. They ran cities and was queenz n shit, way better than any man because they were more "peaceful".
>Some East Asian shit here somewhere... more rape. Like violent, VIVID rape, where you question if the director and cinematographer are sadists.
>Greco-Roman. Men are allowed to rape women, kill them, buy them and sell them. All celebrated heroes are rapists who abuse women. Something about Medusa. Ritualistic abuse. At this point in the film you start wondering why all the abusive men are so handsome. What kind of creative decision is that?
>The Middle East. Men can purchase a woman by ravaging her, women are given barely any human rights and have to cover themselves for fear of being raped or killed.
>Medieval/Renaissance Europe (same thing). Scold's bridles for wives who don't cook well enough, routine beatings just for sharing a sex with Eve, witch burnings/drownings (all young and beautiful women), domestic abuse encouraged by the state. Chastity belts. More beatings. Women beaten to death amongst cheers from angry men... they're all handsome WTF?!
>Rococo period. Lots of excess. Women are manipulated into wearing corsets by selfish men who actually enjoy seeing women struggle to breathe. The oppression! Aristocratic men torture women by spoiling the shit out of them with fancy gifts and cake. Absolutely horrible.

Victorians/Edwardians... shit gets kinky. Now men beat women, but it's early sadomasochism. It was invented by an evil Christian man who wanted a novel way to discipline his wife (as all men did back then BTW). Handsome men whack women with canes for not working hard enough without equal pay. Women are still property.
>Edwardian period to 1960. Women are finally getting some rights, but manspreading and the wagegap still pervade today. Now it's slightly less acceptable to beat your wide to death for overcooking dinner, but people still blame the woman for provoking the man. We still have a long way to go. DAE TRUMP??

Expect lots of neuroticism and thinly veiled masochistic fantasy.

This bitch wouldn't even exist without caveman rape for God's sake

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nice monobrow and chest hair lol what a munter

this thread is filled with gays
espeically gays like OP
he probably alrady bought tickets
to see this shit film

The horror pablo seen that day

Wonder what happened to him

Its hard to tell what was edited by looking at it, lol. Let me see the original.

Fucking kek
Those Pablos are just grand...

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Well, you wouldn't tell that to me in real life, if I'm being honest.

Fake news? I cant find the synopsis anywhere.

laura loomer, is that you?

I don't see this movie mentioned anywhere. Explain yourself, OP. Why are you lying?

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No one actually thinks women are equal to men.

Probably right. Have a (You).

Kek. Original is ugly anyways

this is a meaningless meme word, but women have as much power as men, probably even more, most of it due to the fact that men will cuck for them

That bitch is the NPC's NPC

>caveman feminisim
i shit you not we still wouldn't have fire
leave alone made it out of the caves


LOL no one is going to give that disgusting thing anything.

American women are disgusting. Urragh, I’m totally convinced that every woman in America is Chloe Shitgirl now because I’m a hand slapping spastic little Jew.

If you think Harvey Weinstein is a Chad, sure.

This whore is property of Hollywood, dumbass.

She only gets to fuck Chads on camera.

Her eyes. Why didn’t she try to keep her cavebody in scale with her mong eyes?
Hit girl cute.
The thang that played her is a monstrosity

I haven't laughed aloud this hard in a long time. Thanks, user.