Kidnappings in western Europe

What the actual fuck is going on in western Europe?

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Vampires hunting for blood.

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We don't take too kindly to no kidnappings around here

WTF Belgium. Why?

>el salvador
l o l

import 3rd world people; import 3rd world problems

>Mexico: 0.9
>Germany: 5.9

That is the worst list I've ever seen. Germany has 6 times more kidnappings than the country run by Drug cartels that disappear people every single day?

Check the link,a most of eastern europe is below 1.0
What's even funnier Madagascar and Senegal are below 1.0 as well

A lot of Muslims

Same data here, dated on 2015, seems like UN's statistics

Belgium still has a paedo problem involving their royal family that puts even ours to shame. Check out the Dutroux debacle when you get the chance. A metric shit tonne of kids get abducted and raped every year, and the authorities cover it up and aren't even subtle about it.

No idea what the fuck is going on in France though? Angry rival grape growers?

yeah this is fucking nonsense

Kidnappings are done by people skirting divorce laws.

We have lots in Canada because chicks who lose custody of their kids can just kidnap them and hide in europe and they will never get extradited.

look at
Thanks,will read into it

>Austria: 0.04
>Czech Republic: 0.04
>Germany: 5.94

>Spain: 0.2
>Portugal: 3.57

Yeah, seems legit.


Oh wow, I stand corrected.
I didn't realize kidnapping was so high in Canada, why is that?

My guess it's literally *kid*napping: Muslim fathers making off with their kids to their home country because the naive Western woman they married is now wanting a divorce. Never to be seen again, and nothing the women can do. Because courts in Algeria have different ideas of their rights than Western courts.

Here's data for Germany throughout the years

What happened in 2009 Hans?

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It's probably only counted as a kidnapping when there's a legal outcome to that effect, people disappearing is just that

belgiumbro here, any leads other than dutroux?

Spain is a ridiculously country

maybe we changed the legal definition of kidnapping (Entführung)? No Idea.

I thought so but countries with relatively high muslim density (Albania, Austria,Switzerland) don't have those numbers so high.

Belgium, you changed definition of kidnapping or something ,why is it so high at your place ?

Maybe because of the EU east europe enlargement in 2007? Or because Switzerland entered the Schengen Zone in 2009?

Yea all those swiss kidnappers storing german kids in their jewish vaults.
Shengen enlargement could make sense if not the fact that all countries that entered shengen that year have extremely low kidnapping rates compared to germany

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>UN's statistics
Enough said

According to this article we have around 80 kidnappings per year. That's less than 0.1 per 100.000 people.

the UN are a flaming pile of shit

What would they gain showing high kidnapping rates in muslim infested shitholes like western europe ?
Wouldn't it be contrary to their primary objectives ?

Isn't it marked as kindappings for ransom only ?

Isn't that the Afghanistan-Europe drug route? It comes up via Morrocco and other north african ports to the west there, and then enters Hamburg, Portugal and presumably French ports too? Certainly Ireland is the main gateway to the UK for smack and cociane.

And of course where there are drugs moved en masse you always find child prostitution and trafficking rings, so maybe it's not so surprising after all. They keep it all hush hush though, don't they?

>we changed the definition of X
Isn't that what Sweden said about rape to cover up for imigrants until they just made it illegal to record the nationality of rapists there?

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no, according to the article the 80-people-statistic doesn't take ransom or not into account.

In fact, 25% of kidnapped people are getting rescued before any demands were ever made/the intentions of the kidnappers were clear.

They are one step behind in the game. They want to West to appear as bad as central America/

it's white girls getting kidnapped and raped by shitskins and then afterwards turned into kebab meat


>Isn't that what Sweden said about rape to cover up for imigrants until they just made it illegal to record the nationality of rapists there?

That's correct but it could kinda explain massive jump in Germany from 2008 to 2009 almost doubling kidnapping rates.

Your theory is pretty good, selling white kids to wealthy arab shakes on the way back could be pretty good interest

Also found something like that explaining some of it.


Attached: walking on sunshine.gif (500x240, 945K)

We'd be so red it hurts to look at if that was the case.

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Jewish pedo covenants

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moslems have been moving in
what did you expect?
peace and coperation?

I would like that a lot,but there wasn't any major accidents with muslims kidnapping children, was there ?

even IF one counts EVERY case tried under §235 StGB as kidnapping as well (which would be bullshit):;jsessionid=4A7EE1CC8F358C317D646B432E5713F1.live2301

Free movement of drugs is one of the main reasons certain people got extremely agitated about Brexit going through, with the sudden inexplicable importance of the NI/Eire border blowing up beyond any other reasonable explaination. So the paddies are going to have to go through customs and visa versa for ten minutes, so what? Well, an estimated £80Bn of pure poweder profit being put in jeapordy is what's what. It's also why the likes of Lily Allen got so pissy about the vote. In fact, we can now identify the heavy cokeheads in our entertainment elite simply by how hysterical they became about fuck all post-Brexit. "oh no, my illegal drug habit will now cost me four times as much!" 'sup JK Rowling, never had you figured for a junkie, but that would explain the shitty writing in the new novels.

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someone want to explain to me why im not hearing anything about kidnappings on the news?

Same why you don't hear about trannies commiting suicide and muslims commiting rape.
It's none of your business goy
£80Bn ?! You must be joking ,it's impossible they make that much money on drugs

Western media doesn't talk about suicide except someone really really famous kills himself, and even then, they rarely even mention the exact method.

Kinda correct but 40% suicide rate amongst subculture is a thing worth talking about

if they would talk about it, it would look like
>"40% of Transpeople kill themselves, are alt-right trolls to blame?"